Complaints office according to the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)

Four European equal treatment guidelines were laid down in German law by the General Equal Treatment Act.

The aim of this Act is to prevent or stop discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity (§ 1 AGG).

The AGG governs charges and legal consequences in cases of discrimination, both in working situations and under civil law.

A society should never accept discrimination on the grounds of particular characteristics. Instances of discrimination disrupt peace at the workplace in significant manner; they seriously endanger solidarity and trust. Every individual must be able to depend on being taken seriously by colleagues and superiors in the working context.

Should you have questions on the issues described above or be affected personally, please call, send an e-mail or write to us. We are at your disposal for (confidential) discussions or to provide you with information.

Personnel department re the AGG