Henrike Jungeblut


College / University

Heidelberg University
Trinity College Dublin

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science

Major Subjects





Lab Experience

EEG and fMRI; basic coding in MATLAB (psychtoolbox), fMRI data analysis via SPM, statistics in IBM SPSS and R

Projects / Research

  • 2020: Bachelor Thesis: “An Investigation of the Slope Parameters of Reaction Times and P3 Latencies in the Sternberg Memory Scanning Task – A Fixed Links Model Approach”
  • 2019 – 2020: “Long- and short-term interactions between personality, genetic and epigenetic factors, environmental conditions and mental health and well-being in children, adolescents and adults.“ Student assistant position at Central Institute for Mental Health Mannheim
  • 2019: “Neuroendocrine mechanisms of grief.” Research internship at the institute for Medical Psychology at University Hospital Heidelberg

Scholarships / Awards

2020 – 2021: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School
2019 – 2020: Deutschlandstipendium
2020 – 2021: Baden-Württemberg-Stipendium


Due to my background in psychology, I am very interested in the behavioral neurosciences. I am intrigued by the question how disturbances in brain structure and function cause psychological disorders. Not only am I interested in the disordered brain and pathological conditions but also in the underlying basis of interindividual differences in intelligence, creativity, and personality. Another major field of interest of mine is synaptic plasticity and how we can exploit it for neurological rehabilitation after stroke or other brain injuries. During my studies in Göttingen I want to expand my knowledge in other fields of the neurosciences and gain deeper insights in the molecular and cellular processes of the brain.