Nikhil Sasidharan


College / University

International University Bremen

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science

Major Subjects

Biochemistry and Cell Biology




Lab Experience

Mammalian cell culture, immunocytochemistry, epifluorescence and laser scanning microscopy, SDS-PAGE, Western Blotting, realtime PCR, gene cloning.

Projects / Research

  • Feb - July 2006: Lab rotation project focused on the molecular enzymology of the DNA methyltransferase, DNMT 1. Dept. of Biochemistry, International University Bremen
  • Sep 2005 - Jan 2006: Lab rotation project focused on studying the effects of LPS and IGF-1 on oligodendrocyte survival. Dept. of Cell Biology, International University Bremen
  • June - Aug 2005: Internship project to determine the effects of the extracellular glycoprotein, Reelin, on neuronal differentiation. Dept. of Neuroscience, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg/li>

Scholarships / Awards

2006 – 2007: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School
2003 – 2006: Merit Scholarship for studies at International University Bremen, Germany


What prevents the brain from working as it should? My curiosity lies in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, morbus Parkinson and morbus Alzheimer. Through a stronger understanding of these disease processes, I hope to be able to work towards potential therapies and treatments.