New Course: "Finanzmarktglobalisierung, Finanzstabilität und die Realwirtschaft" in summer term 2023
In the first part of the course, the consequences of financial market globalization for the financial system and financial stability will be presented and the challenges for supervision and regulation will be explained. In a second part of the lecture, the interconnections between financial markets and the real economy will be discussed on the basis of empirical case studies.
For example, the following questions will be addressed in the course:
- What is meant by financial market globalization?
- What are the economic advantages and disadvantages of financial market globalization?
- What is financial stability and how can it be promoted?
- Under what conditions do financial market crises occur?
- How and why do financial market crises and financial stability affect the real economy?
- Do financial markets enable more economic growth?
- How does financial market globalization affect macroeconomic uncertainty?
Dates: Block course on April 13-15 + 27-29 and May 4-6, 2023 - EXA dates in June are alternate dates.
Module: B.WIWI-VWL.0038 - Selected Topics in Economics.
Written exam (90 min): June 12, 2023
Lecturer: Dr. Christian Ochsner (
The course will be taught in German.