"Ihre Perspektive zählt - Your voice matters!"

General survey on diversity and discrimination

The survey is expected to take place from December 2023 to January 2024. Please keep an eye on your inbox from the beginning of December: you will receive the participation link by e-mail!

The aim of this comprehensive survey is to collect information on diversity and discrimination among all employees, doctoral candidates and students at the University of Göttingen.The opportunity to share experiences of discrimination anonymously means that reliable data on experiences and risks of discrimination can be identified and related to different study and working conditions at the University.
Based on this current data, specific needs for action can be identified and equal opportunities for all members and affiliates of the university can be increased.

This full survey is the implementation of a measure of the anti-discrimination concept approved by the Senate in July 2023. In this way, the gaps in protection identified in the concept with regard to the university learning and professional environment can be closed.

Precise survey instruments are required to ensure that the diverse study and employment situations are recorded accurately. These are taken from the project "Conception of survey modules on student diversity" (2018 - 2020) and expanded. There, a modular instrument was developed with which data on student diversity can be collected appropriately.


Until November 2023, we will focus on the conceptual preparatory work and the further development of the questionnaire on diversity and discrimination. We are currently drawing on expertise from within and outside the university (e.g. from student representatives and graduate schools as well as interest groups such as the Staff Council and the Representative Body for Disabled Persons) to finalise the questionnaire. Together with the GWDG's Survey Support team, the data protection officer and the University's IT department, we are also clarifying the final technical questions for a data protection-compliant implementation of the survey with Lime-Survey.
In December 2023, the questionnaire will be sent by e-mail to all students, doctoral candidates and employees of the University of Göttingen. From this point on, it will be possible to answer the questionnaire.
In February 2024, the evaluation and analysis of the survey results begins..
The final report on diversity and experiences of discrimination at the University of Göttingen will be available at the end of April 2024.