Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. jur. h.c. mult. Drs. med. h.c. Erwin Deutsch

Erwin Deutsch was educated at Heidelberg University and Columbia University in New York. He was awarded the doctor iuris utriusque in 1953 by the Law Faculty in Heidelberg and the Master of Comparative Law in 1957 by Columbia University in New York. He was admitted to teaching by the University of Munich in 1960 having completed a book called "Negligence and required care".

He has taught at the University of Hamburg and the Universities of Kiel and Göttingen. He is director of the Institute of Medical and Pharmaceutical Law at the University of Göttingen and member of the Ethics Committee of the Hanover and Göttingen Medical Schools.
He has been a Judge of the Court of Appeals and a member of the Parliamentary Committee concerning genetic technology and is co-chairman of the committee on economic, social and legal problems of human genome analysis, that was created by the Commission of the European Communities.

He has been made an honorary doctor of laws by the Pusan National University, the University of Halle and the University of Izmir. Also he holds honorary doctor degrees of medicine by the Cologne Medical School and the Medical School of Hannover.