Research interests

Plant diversity and distribution patterns
Historical cultural landscapes
Applied conservation research


Vegetation Ecology: Forests (Block course, B.Biodiv.339, every summer term)
Vegetation Ecology: Urban and Aquatic vegetation (block course, B.Biodiv.390, every summer term)
Applied Vegetation Ecology & Multivariate Statistics (block course, M.Biodiv.431, every summer term)
Botanical excursions for advanced students (excursions, B.Biodiv.331/ M.Biodiv.401, every summer term)
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Biodiversity Research (block course, B.Biodiv.375, every winter term)
Project study "Vegetation analysis and phytodiversity" (M.Biodiv.436, by arrangement)


Goedecke, F. & Schmiedel, I. (2021): Die Bedeutung der Neuen Hute und des Hutewaldprojekts im Solling für Lehre und Forschung in der Vegetations- und Pflanzenökologie. - In: Zweckverband Naturpark Solling-Vogler (Hrsg.), Weidetiere gestalten Landschaften. 20 Jahre Beweidungsprojekte im Naturpark Solling-Vogler - Impulse, Wirkung und Erfolge. Naturpark Solling-Vogler im Weserbergland: 79-84. Holzminden.

Schmiedel, I. , Goedecke, F., Bergmeier, E. (2019): Plant communities of the Eifel National Park (Germany) – An assessment based on the first Permanent Plot Inventory. Tuexenia 39: 41-74. doi: 10.14471/2019.39.015.

Schmiedel, I., Goedecke, F. & Bergmeier, E. (2017): Ergebnisse der Vegetationsaufnahmen im Wald und Offenland. In: Nationalparkverwaltung Eifel (Hrsg.), Permanente Stichprobeninventur im Nationalpark Eifel. Schriftenreihe zum Nationalpark Eifel 7: 30-66. Schleiden-Gemünd.

Schmiedel, I. & Culmsee, H. (2016): The influence of landscape fragmentation, expressed by the ‘Effective Mesh Size Index’, on regional patterns of vascular plant species richness in Lower Saxony, Germany. Landscape and Urban Planning 153: 209-220.

Mölder, A., Schmidt, M., Schönfelder, E., Engel, F., Schmiedel, I. , Culmsee, H. (2016): Gefäßpflanzen als Indikatoren historisch alter Waldstandorte. AFZ-DerWald 71, 39–42.

Schmiedel, I.; Bergmeier, E. & Culmsee, H. (2015): Plant species richness patterns along a gradient of landscape modification intensity in Lower Saxony, Germany. Landscape and Urban Planning 141: 41-51.

Schmidt, M; Mölder, A.; Schönfelder, E.; Engel, F.; Schmiedel, I.; & Culmsee, H. (2014): Determining ancient woodland indicator plants for practical use: A new approach developed in northwest Germany. Forest Ecology and Management 330: 228-239.

Culmsee, H.; Schmidt, M; Schmiedel, I.; Schacherer, A.; Meyer, P. & Leuschner, C. (2014): Predicting the distribution of forest habitat types using indicator species to facilitate systematic conservation planning. Ecological Indicators 37: 131-144.

Siegesmund, S.; Hopf, U.; Stück, H.; Beutler, G.; Culmsee, H.; Hoppert, M.; Reeh, T.; Schmiedel, I.; Schubert, J.; Schwienheer, J. & Wieland, T. (2013): Die Kulturlandschaft der Drei-Gleichen-Region in Thüringen. In: Siegesmund, S. & Snethlage, R. (Hrsg.) (2013): Naturstein in der Kulturlandschaft. S. 334-347. Mitteldeutscher Verlag.

Schmiedel, I.; Schmidt, M.; Schacherer, A. & Culmsee, H. (2013): Die Effektivität von Schutzgebieten für die Erhaltung seltener und gefährdeter Gefäßpflanzenarten. Eine Untersuchung im niedersächsischen Tiefland. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 45: 45-52.

Schmidt, M.; Culmsee, H.; Boch, S.; Heinken, T.; Müller, J. & Schmiedel, I. (2011): Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Waldartenlisten für Gefäßpflanzen, Moose und Flechten. BfN-Skripten 299: 25-45.

Schmiedel, I.; Schacherer, A.; Hauck, M.; Schmidt, M. & Culmsee, H. (2011): Verbreitungsmuster der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen in Niedersachsen und Bremen unter Berücksichtigung ihres Einbürgerungsstatus und ihrer Gefährdungssituation. Tuexenia 31: 211-226.

Culmsee, H.; Herrling, J.; Schmiedel, I.; Schwienheer, J. & Wolf, D. (2010): Die Vegetation der Drei Gleichen im Spiegel der historischen Nutzung und ihre Bedeutung für den Naturschutz. In: Siegesmund, S. & Hoppert, M. (Hrsg.) (2010): Die Drei Gleichen - Baudenkmäler und Naturraum. S. 202 - 222. Edition Leipzig.


Since 2023

Multiplier in the life sciences, LInK project University of Göttingen

Freelance work: Recording and assessment of biotope and habitat types at the Aachen-Brand/Münsterbusch training ground (GISCON/ Braunschweig).

Since 2018
Freelance work on the monitoring of lichens and mosses in the Kellerwald-Edersee, Hainich and Eifel National Parks (consulting and implementation of multivariate statistics).

Since 2017
Various freelance activities for the synthesis of vascular plant checklists

Since 2015
Scientific assistant in the Dept. of Vegetation Analysis & Phytodiversity, University of Göttingen, involvement in teaching & research.

Collaboration on the mapping and assessment of FFH habitat types on Crete, Greece.

2009 - 2014
PhD with the topic Vascular plant species richness at the landscape scale: Patterns and processes, Dept. of Vegetation Analysis & Phytodiversity, University of Göttingen.

2012 - 2013
Participation in the certificate programme of the University Didactics Göttingen/ TU Clausthal.

2010 - 2012
Freelance work on biotope mapping of the TÜP Altmark (GISCON/ Braunschweig)

2010 - 2014
Scientific assistant in the Department of Vegetation Analysis & Phytodiversity, University of Göttingen, participation in teaching & research

2009 - 2010
Scientific assistant in the DBU project Phytodiversity Monitoring: Identification of indicator species groups for biodiversity monitoring to assess cultivated grassland and forest habitats on a geostatistical basis, Dept. of Vegetation Analysis & Phytodiversity, University of Göttingen.

Freelance work in the DBU project The anthropogenically environmentally damaged castles "Drei Gleichen" as objects of a restoration in cooperation between nature conservation and monument preservation, biotope type mapping & preparation of a management plan.

2008, 2009
Research assistant in university teaching (GIS course)

2003 - 2008
Academic studies of Biology at the Universities of Göttingen and Umeå, Sweden; main subjects: Vegetation science, ecology, nature conservation, geography, diploma thesis with the topic Analysis of landscape encroachment of calcareous grasslands at the Mühlenberg near Barterode (district of Göttingen) based on a biotope type mapping.

Qualification for university entrance (Abitur)