Forensic Entomology

After the death of a human the corps is decomposed by a succession of destruents, among which the class insecta plays an important role in determining the post mortem time. Calliphora vicina and Calliphora vomitoria are among the most frequent observable species. To detect their oviposition medium they utilize their olfaction, which has been adapted over millions of years to volatiles typical for decaying vertebrates. The aim of this project is the calculation of the post mortem time by means of the dynamic pattern of these volatiles and the estimation of the practical relevance for police forces and legal medicine. Therefore, the detectability of the target volatiles is developed in a biomimetic approach in cooperation with the Institute of Applied Physics at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen.

Paczkowski S, Nicke S, Ziegenhagen H, Schütz S (2015) Volatile Emission of Decomposing Pig Carcasses (Sus scrofa domesticus L.) as an Indicator for the Postmortem Interval. J FORENSIC SCI 60 (S1): S130-137, doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.12638

Paczkowski S, Maibaum F, Paczkowska M, Schütz S (2012) Decaying Mouse Volatiles Perceived by Calliphora vicina Rob.-Desv. J FORENSIC SCI, 57 (6): 1497-1506.

Paczkowski S, Schütz S (2011) Post-mortem volatiles of vertebrate tissue. APPL MICROBIOL BIOT, 91: 917-935.