Gender & Diversity in Teaching and Studies

The services offered by the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit in the area of study and teaching included

  • Information, advice and qualification offers for teachers and process managers as well as - depending on currently available capacities - participation in workshop formats within the framework of LInK,
  • Participation in university processes and procedures with a focus on equal opportunities and diversity in teaching and studies.

Main topics are among others:

Suggestions for planning, implementing and following up on didactic methods with a view to ensuring that as many students as possible, regardless of background experience and life situation, can participate well and make learning progress.
Read more: : Teaching and learning methods in the Portal Gender and Diversity in Teaching and Studies
Suggestions for designing thematic foci that incorporate insights from disciplinary and inter/transdisciplinary gender studies and from the field of diversity studies.
Read more: Designing teaching/learning content to reflect diversity in the Portal Gender and Diversity in Teaching and Studies
Suggestions for designing communication in teaching that is conducive to learning, error-friendly, critical of power, and low in discrimination.
Read more: Communication in teaching in the Portal Gender and Diversity in Teaching and Studies, Handreichung "Writing inclusively at the University of Göttingen" (in German)
Suggestions for the implementation of discrimination protection and accessibility, for faculty networking and the scope of action of individual actors, for the diversity-reflective design of processes and procedures as well as for developing one's own stance and competencies regarding gender and diversity in teaching and studies.
Read more: Gender and diversity in the framework condition of teaching and studies in the Portal Gender and Diversity in Teaching and Studies

All training programmes were continuously reviewed and developed on the basis of evaluations.

Funded from 2011 to 2020 as part of the Göttingen Campus QPLUS project.