Zivojin Jevtic


College / University

University of Belgrade

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science

Major Subjects

Molecular Biology & Physiology




Lab Experience

Prof. Joe Howard lab, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden (Summer 2012)
Prof. Daniel St Johnston lab, Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge (Summer 2013)
Biology department, Petnica Science Center, Serbia (2008 – present)

Projects / Research

  • "The Effect of Kif18a microtubule associated kinesin on spindle length and width of ES cells". Project under supervision of Özlem Demir, PhD student at Howard lab.
  • "The role of myosin II, Discs large and E-Cadherin in regulation of follicle cell reintegration in Drosophila melanogaster egg chambers". Project under guidance of Dr. Dan Bergstralh, Postdoc in St Johnston lab.

Scholarships / Awards

2014 – 2015: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School
2010 – 2014: Scholarship by the Ministry of Education, Republic of Serbia


My focus is on the intersection of evolutionary biology, molecular genetics and synthetic biology. The molecular machinery of cellular processes, e.g. translation, contains highly coordinated moving parts which carry out the complex physico-chemical reactions on which life is based. A detailed understanding of assembly and dynamics of the translation system involves an evolutionary context, which consolidates all accumulated data from other fields of bioscience. I am currently interested in developing predictive and evolutionarily informed models of the translation system, which could be combined with engineering in order to establish novel methods in research and biomedical treatment.