Maria Ravlik, M.A.

Curriculum Vitae

since 2013 Research Assistant at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Prof. Dr. Amy Alexander

2009 - 2011 National Research University Higher School of Economics
Faculty of Sociology, Master's degree (with honours)

2004 – 2009 Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
Faculty of Economics, Marketing specialist (with honours)

Full Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


“Determinants of International Migration: A Global Analysis” - to be submitted to an international peer-reviewed journal, June 2013
“Factors of international migration” (in Russian language), with R. Inglehart and E. Ponarin; Sociology 4M, forthcoming 2013
“Factors of international migration: comparative trends” (in Ukrainian language), Economics and Forecasting, 2013/1