
Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Fehren-Schmitz L, Llamas B, Tomasto-Cagigao E, Haak W (in press.) ADN antiguo y la historia del poblamiento temprano de la parte Oeste de Sudamérica: lo que hemos aprendido y hacia donde vamos. Boletin de Arqueología PUCP 15 ***.***.

Seidenberg V, Schilz F, Pfister D, Georges L, Fehren-Schmitz L, and Hummel S (2012) A new miniSTR heptaplex system for genetic fingerprinting of ancient DNA from archaeological human bone. Journal of Archaeological Science. DOI 10.1016/j.jas.2012.05.019

Georges L, Seidenberg V, Hummel S, and Fehren-Schmitz L (2012) Molecular Characteriszation of AB0 Blood Group Frequencies in Pre-Columbian Perunian Highlanders. American Journal of Physical Anthropology DOI 10.1002/ajpa.22115

Lee EJ, Makarewicz C, Renneberg R, Krause-Kyora B, Ostritz S, Fehren-Schmitz L, Müller J, Wurmb-Schwark N, Nebel A (2012) Emerging genetic patterns of the European Neolithic: perspectives from a late Neolithic Bell Beaker burial site in Germany. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22074

Fehren-Schmitz L (2012) Population Dynamics, Cultural Evolution and Climate Change in pre-Columbian western South America. In: Burger J, Kaiser E & Schier W (Eds.) Population dynamics in Pre- and Early History. New Approaches by using Stable Isotopes and Genetics. De Gruyter, Berlin: 57-76.

O´Fallon B, Fehren-Schmitz L (2011) Native Americans Experienced a Strong Population Bottleneck Coincident with European Contact. PNAS 108(51):20444-8

Philipp v. Grumbkow, Anna Zipp, Verena Seidenberg, Lars Fehren-Schmitz, Volkhard A J Kempf, Uwe Groß, and Susanne Hummel (2011) Evidence of Bartonella quintana infections in skeletons of a historical mass grave in Kassel, Germany. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 146(1):134-7

Fehren-Schmitz L, Warnberg O, Reindel M, Seidenberg V, Isla J, Tomasto E, Hummel S, Herrmann B (2011) Diachronic investigations of mitochondrial and Y-chromsomal genetic markers in pre-Columbian Andean Highlanders from South Peru. Annals of Human Genetics, 75: 266–283

Fehren-Schmitz L, Reindel M, Tomasto Cagigao E, Hummel S, Herrmann B (2010) Pre-Columbian Population Dynamics in Coastal Southern Peru: A Diachronic Investigation of mtDNA Patterns in the Palpa Region by Ancient DNA Analysis. Am J Phys Anthrop 141: 208-221

Fehren-Schmitz L (2010) Dinamica poblacional y desarollo cultural en la costa sur peruana precolombina revelados por medio de analisis de ADN antiguo. Boletin de Arqueología PUCP 14: 329-349.

Kaulicke P, Fehren-Schmitz L, Kolp-Godoy M, Landa P, Loyola O, Palma M, Tomasto E, Vergel C, Vogt B (2009) Implicancias de un Area Funeraria Del Periodo Formativo Tardio en el Departmento de Ica. Boletin de Arqueología PUCP 13: 289-322

Fehren-Schmitz L, Hummel S, Herrmann B (2009) Who were the Nasca? Population dynamics in pre-Columbian Southern Peru revealed by ancient DNA analyses. In: Markus Reindel, Günther Wagner (Hrsg.) New Technologies for Archaeology: Multidisciplinary Investigations in Palpa and Nasca, Peru. Springer, Heidelberg – New York, pp 159-17

Herrmann B, Großkopf G, Fehren-Schmitz L, Schoon R (2007) Knochen als Spurenträger. In: B. Herrmann, K.-S. Saternus (Hrsg.) Biologische Spurenkunde Bd. 1: Kriminaltechnik. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 115-144

Herrmann B, Schilz F, Fehren-Schmitz L, Renneberg R, Pollmann J, Hummel S (2007) Der Knochen als molekulares Archiv. Acta Nova Leopoldina N.F. 94: 21-27

Renneberg R, Fehren-Schmitz L, Hummel S, Herrmann B (2006) Ancient DNA analysis of bones and textiles of pre-Columbian populations that settled in the Palpa Valley, Peru. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ancient DNA and Associated Biomolecules. Giannini Editore, Napoli, pp 87-90

Fehren-Schmitz L, Herrmann B, Hölzl S, Horn P, Rossmann A (2004) Molekulare und Isotopische Anthropologie zur Rekonstruktion vorspanischer Lebensumstände in Palpa / La antropología molecular e isotópica al servicio de la reconstrucción de las condiciones de vida prehispánicas en Palpa". Neue naturwissenschaftliche Methoden und Technologien für die archäologische Forschung in Palpa, Peru / Nuevos métodos y tecnologías para la investigación arqueológica en Palpa, Perú. Reindel M; Wagner GA (eds.). Publikation zur Feldkonferenz des Projektverbundes "Nasca: Entwicklung und Adaption archäometrischer Techniken zur Erforschung der Kulturgeschichte". BMBF, Lima, pp 31-34

Fehren-Schmitz L (1999) The last Meal: Investigations on Bog Body intestines to reconstruct the diet in the Pre-Roman Iron Age and the Roman Period. Nachrichten und Informationen zur Kultur 1: 22-43

Fehren-Schmitz L (2008) Paleogenetic Investigations to reconstruct the pre-Columbian Settlement History of South Peru. (Molekularanthropologische Untersuchungen zur präkolumbischen Besiedlungsgeschichte des südlichen Perus am Beispiel der Palpa-Region). PH. D. Thesis, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University Göttingen ( ) PDF

Conference Contributions (selected)


Fehren-Schmitz L (2012) Genetic Structure and Demographic Development of pre-Columbian Populations in southern Peru. Conference: New Views on Old Cultures: Mutual influences between Natural- and Social Sciences, Bonn 3rd-4th May, 2012.

Fehren-Schmitz L (2010) Population Dynamics, Cultural Evolution and Climate Change in pre-Columbian Western South America. International Conference: Migrations in Prehistory and Early History, Berlin, 23.-26. March 2010

Fehren-Schmitz L (2007) Revealing pre-Columbian colonisation history of southern Peru by molecular genetic analyses. 7. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie (GfA), Freiburg, 10.-14. September 2007

Fehren-Schmitz L (2007) Tote erzählen Geschichte: Molekularanthropologische Untersuchungen zur präkolumbischen Besiedlungsgeschichte des südlichen Perus am Beispiel der Palpa Region. Neue Technologien für die Archäologie. Abschlusskonferenz des BMBF-Projektverbundes "Nasca", Bonn 14.-15. Juni 2007

Fehren-Schmitz L (2005) "The pre-Columbian Colonization History of the Palpa Valley in Peru" 6. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie (GfA), München, 13.-16. September 2005 (in German)

Fehren-Schmitz L (2005) Migration and Cultural Evolution in pre-Columbian Peru. Colloquium: Modern Research in Biodiversity and Ecology: Biodiversity in Ecosystems - Assessment, Evolution, Functions. Goettingen, 8 July 2005

Fehren-Schmitz L (2004) "Molecular Anthropology" 1. Feldkonferenz "Entwicklung und Adaptation archäometrischer Techniken zur Erforschung der Kulturgeschichte" Palpa (Peru), 17. - 22. September 2004

as „Invited Speaker“

Fehren-Schmitz L (2011) New insights into the population history of pre-Columbian Peru and the demographic impact of the European contact by ancient DNA and heterochronous data analysis. 4th International Conference of the Palaeopathology Association in South America, Lima 2.-5. November 2011.

Fehren-Schmitz L. (2010) The use of ancient DNA to reveal reciprocal effects of Population Dynamics and Cultural Evolution. Yale Anthropology Colloquium. New Haven: 20th June 2010

Fehren-Schmitz L (2009) "Pre-Columbian population dynamics and cultural development in south coast Peru as revealed by analysis of ancient DNA". VII PUCP & Cambridge International Archaeology Symposium: Languages and Societies in Ancient Peru: Towards an Interdisciplinary Perspective. Lima: 28.-30. August 2009

Fehren-Schmitz L (2008) "Wer waren die Nasca: Paläogenetische Untersuchungen zum bevölkerungsbiologischen Anteil des präkolumbischen Kulturwandels im südlichen Peru" Colloquium Praehistoricum, Inst. für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Göttingen: 02. June 2008

Warnberg O and Fehren-Schmitz L. 2009. Palaeogenetic investigations on Individuals from the Cueva Yacotogia (Peru) dating to the Huari Period (Poster). München: 8. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie (GfA): 7.-11. September 2009

Kleindorp R, Westenthanner M, Adler M, Fehren-Schmitz L, and Hummel S. (2006). aDNA preservation patterns within different human skeletal elements and in dependance on different chromosomal locations (Poster). Lodz (Poland): 8th International Conference on Ancient DNA & Associated Biomolecules: 16 - 20 October 2006

Westenthanner M, Adler M, Fehren-Schmitz L, Herrmann B, Hummel S (2006) Quantification of ancient and low-copy DNA by Real Time PCR. 8th International Conference on Ancient DNA & Associated Biomolecules, Lodz (Poland), 16 – 20 October 2006

Fehren-Schmitz L, Liebert A, Hummel S (2006) Determination of Native American Haplogroups: Alternative approaches for the analysis of the mitochondrial coding region polymorphisms. 8th International Conference on Ancient DNA & Associated Biomolecules, Lodz (Poland), 16 – 20 October 2006