Aycan Sentürk


College / University

Sabanci University, Istanbul

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science

Major Subjects

Biological Sciences and Bioenginnering
(Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry)




Lab Experience

Basic molecular biology, microbiology and biochemical techniques, cell culture, protein expression and isolation methods, immunohistochemistry, confocal scanning microscopy, atomic force microscopy and bioinformatics.

Projects / Research

  • 2003 - 2004: Investigation of biological systems using atomic force microscopy (Graduation project)
  • 2003: Analysis of GFP and GFP tagged gene expression in Neurons and Astocytes and GFP expression differences in Pituitary Glands of two different mouse lines. European Neuroscience Institute and Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine, Göttingen, Germany
  • 2002: Cloning and expression of subunit beta of G protein from Arabidopsis Thaliana. Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • 2002: Isolation of V1-ATPase from Manduca Sexta, Cloning, over expression and isolation of subunits. Saarland University, Germany

Scholarships / Awards

2004 – 2005: DAAD / TEV stipend
since 1999: SU Merit Scholarship due to high ranking in Nationwide University Entrance Exam, Sabanci University, Turkey


I want to learn about the mechanisms going on in a neuron and combine neuroscience with molecular biology and immunology to understand and elucidate the basis of neurodegenerative diseases.