

As a student of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen you can write your Bachelor and Master thesis at the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
The prerequisite for this is a strong interest in relevant topics of research at the chair.
In addition, previous knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation is advantageous. This can be acquired through successful attendance of our courses, participation in start-up promotion events, as well as taking entrepreneurship courses in the previous course of studies or through extra-university activities.

Application Process

We usually link theses to ongoing research at the department. 
Therefore, please choose one or more of the topics below before applying for a Bachelor/Master thesis supervision.
  1. Download this form (Link) and fill it out.
  2. Then attach your current CV and Transcript of Records to the completed form and save everything in one (!) PDF file.
  3. Send this file to Simon Schmidt (simon.schmidt{at}uni-goettingen.de)
Please note submitting your applications by the following deadlines:
  • February 15
  • June 15
  • October 15

Helpful documents for writing the thesis (in German)

Für das Verfassen einer Abschlussarbeit an unserem Lehrstuhl haben wir hier unsere Vorlage für Abschlussarbeiten (Link).
Außerdem stellen wir Ihnen eine Checkliste für Abschlussarbeiten (Link) bereit. Bitte lesen Sie sich die Informationen in diesem Dokument gut durch und beachten Sie die angegebenen Vorgaben und Tipps.

Topics for Theses

ID4: The role of digital technologies in entrepreneurship research and entrepreneurial processes

Under this topic, numerous theses are possible (a) networks, (b) entrepreneurial teams, (c) entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Focus on one scientific discourse:
(1a) The role of digital technologies in entrepreneurial network research.
(1b) The role of digital technologies in entrepreneurial team research.
(1c) The role of digital technologies in entrepreneurial ecosystems research.

Empirical focus on research gaps in the field:
(2a) The role of digital technologies in entrepreneurial networks and networking.
(2b) The role of digital technologies in entrepreneurial teams.
(2c) The role of digital technologies in entrepreneurial ecosystems.

ID8: Sustainability-liability effects in Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (SEE) and Regional Innovation Systems (RIS)

Sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems (SEE), nested in Regional Innovation Systems (RIS) have an impact on the innovative power of regions, and hence sustainable development on a broader scale. Regional innovation systems (RIS) depicted by the triple helix model state that the industry is closely linked to academia and the government as interacting and dynamic components fostering economic and social development by means of knowledge transfer.

Possible Topics:

(1) Analysis of Co-opetitive Spatial and Sectoral Fractal Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (CS2FIE2) - the concept combines SEE with RIS.
(2) Analysis of Sustainability-Liability-Effects in Entrepreneurship
(3) Identification of European Best Practice SE(E) Regions
(4) Identification of European Best Practice Knowledge Transfer Regions

ID9: Corporate Venturing

More and more firms are using corporate ventures to drive innovation. For this, however, the corporate ventures and their parent firm need a good relationship in order to be able to exchange resources and to build an innovation-friendly environment. The relationship between the corporate ventures and their parent firms is based to a large extent on social structures at the meso level, including the “culture”, behavioral norms, and common rules within the corporate ventures and their parent firm.
Existing research around corporate venturing has deepened our understanding about this relationship, e.g., dominant coalition configurations and degrees of structural separation, but it has not considered the “cultural” element. However, considering this is critical because the relationship and resource exchange between corporate ventures and their parent firms are shaped by this.

Methods: Qualitative or Design Science

Possible Topics:
Challenges for the relationship between corporate ventures and their parent firms
(1a) Investigating differences between firms from different industries
(1b) Investigating differences within one firm, e.g., between different types of emplyoees
(1c) Investigating differences between firms from different countries
(1d) Investigating differences between firms with different sizes, e.g., big corporation vs. small family firm

Development of organizationtools to improve the relationship between corporate ventures and their parent firms
(2a) Organisationstools around bridging/ bringing together the different cultures of the corporate ventures and their parent firm
(2b) Organisationtools around sharing resources despite cultural differences of the corporate ventures and their parent firm

Evaluation and further development of existing organizationtools to improve the relationship between corporate ventures and their parent firms
(3a) Organisationstools around bridging/ bringing together the different cultures of the corporate ventures and their parent firm
(3b) Organisationtools around sharing resources despite cultural differences of the corporate ventures and their parent firm