
a) Monographien und Herausgeberschaft

1. H.J. Bunge, S. Siegesmund, W. Skrotzki and K.Weber (Editors), (1994). Textures of Geological Materials. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materuialwissenschaft  Oberursel, pp. 1- 400.

2. S. Siegesmund, H. Worm und J. Lauterjung (Editors), 1994. "Petrophysics and Rock Fabrics" Scientific Drilling Vol. 5; number 5/6.

3. S. Siegesmund und A. Vollbrecht (Guest Editors), 1996. Prof. Dr. K. Weber zum 60. Geburtstag. Z. geol. Wiss. 24 (5/6): 571-810.

4. S. Siegesmund, R. Snethlage, A. Vollbrecht und T. Weiss (Guest Editors), 1999. Marmor als Werk- und Denkmalsgestein. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 150 (2): 193- 406.

5. S. Siegesmund (Guest Editor), 2001. Festschrift Klaus Weber. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 152 (2-4): 145-716.

6. S. Siegesmund, A. Vollbrecht & T. Weiss, (Editors) 2002. Natural Stones, Weathering Phenomena, Conservation Strategies and Case Studies. Geol. Soc. Spec. Pub. 205 (London): pp. 1- 455.

7. S. Siegesmund, H. Viles & T. Weiss (Guest Editors), 2004. Stone decay hazards. Environmental Geology 46/3-4: 303-526.

8. S. Siegesmund, R. Snethlage & M. Auras (Hrsg.), 2005. Stein – Zerfall und Konservierung. Edition Verlag, Leipzig, 315pp.

9. S. Siegesmund, M. Auras, J. Rüdrich & R.Snethlage (Hrsg.), 2005. Geowissenschaften & Denkmalpflege. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 156, 1 (1-244).

10. S. Siegesmund & M. Steiger (Hrsg.), 2007. Special Issue on Salt Decay. Environmental Geology 52: 185-420.

11. S. Siegesmund & A. Ehling (Hrsg.), 2007. Rohstoff Naturstein: Teil 1. Z. Dt. Geol. Ges. 158, 3:349-665.

12. S. Siegesmund & A. Ehling (Hrsg.), 2008. Rohstoff Naturstein: Teil 2. Z. Dt. Geol. Ges. 158, 4: 667-1087.

13. S. Siegesmund, B. Fügenschuh & N. Froitzheim (Hrsg.), 2008. Tectonic aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian System. Spec. Pub. Geol. Soc. London. 298: 1- 440.

13. S. Siegesmund, R. Snethlage & J. Rüdrich (Ed.), 2008. Monument future: climate change, air pollution, weathering and conservation - The Grimm Volume. Enmvironmental Geology 56: 451-801.

14. S. Siegesmund & R. Snethlage (Ed.), 2008. Denkmal- und Werksteine: Festband für Herrn Prof. Wolf-Dieter Grimm zum 80. Geburtstag. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG), Heft 59: 1-326.

15. S. Siegesmund & R. Snethlage (Ed.) 2011. Stone in Architecture. Springer. 4th ed, DOI10.1007/978-3-642-14475-2, Sprinter-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1-552pp.

16. S. Siegesmund & M. Hoppert (Ed.) 2010. Die Drei Gleichen: Baudenkmäler und Naturraum. Editon Leipzig, 1-352pp.

17. S. Siegesmund, M. Basei & P. Oyhantcabal (Ed.) 2011. Multiaccretional Tectonics at the Rio de La Plata Margins. Int. J. Earth Sciences (Geologiche Rundschau) 100 Nr. 2/3 (655pp).

18. S. Siegesmund, J. Ruedrich (Ed.) 2011. Monuments under Threat: Environmental Impact and Preservation Strategies.Environmental Earth Sciences Vol. 63, 7-8., 511pp.

19. S. Siegesmund & P. Brimblecombe (Ed.) 2013. Urban use of rocks – The Bernard Smith Volume. Environmental Earth Sciences  69 (4): 1067 – 1489.  

20. S. Siegesmund & M. Hoppert (2014). Kulturlandschaftskorridor Saale-Unstrut. (in prep)

21. S. Siegesmund & R. Snethlage (Ed) 2013. Naturstein in der  Kulturlandschaft. Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Halle (Saale), 368 pp.  

22. S. Siegesmund & R. Snethlage (Ed.) 2014. Stone in Architecture. 5th ed, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-14475-2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 552 pp.

23. D. Drossel, R. Kögler & S. Siegesmund (Ed.) 2016. Der 7 Sterne Stone Guide. Ebner Verlag.

24. S. Siegesmund, P. Oyhantcabal & M. Basei (Eds.) 2017. Geology of SW Gondwana. Regional Geology Review - Springer, 688 pp.

25. S. Siegesmund (Ed.) 2018. Naturwerksteine: Entstehung, Abbau, Gesteinstechnik, Verlegung und Architektur. Beuth Verlag.

26. S. Siegesmund, L. Sousa and R. Alfonso López-Doncel (2018). Stone in the Architectural Heritage: from quarry to monuments – environment, exploitation, properties and durability. Environmantal Earth Science, Special Issue. ISSN: 1866-6280 (Print) 1866-6299 (Online)

27. S. Siegesmund & Middendorf, B. (Ed.) 2020. Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I. Mitteldeutscher Verlag Hale

28. S. Siegesmund & Middendorf, B. (Ed.) 2020. Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag Halle

29. S. Oriolo, M. Hueck, P. Oyhantçabal, S. Siegesmund (Eds) 2020, in prep. "The Precambrian to Paleozoic crustal growth of South America: From collisional to accretional tectonics". Journal of South American Earth Sciences - Special Issue

b) Publikationen

1. Siegesmund, S., 1981. Zur Palökologie und Biostratinomie der Randfazies der Wettiner Schichten (Stefan C) bei Dobis nördlich Halle (Saale). Dipl.-Arbeit, Bergakademie Freiberg, unveröffentl.

2. Schneider, J., Siegesmund, S. & U. Gebhardt, 1984. Paläontologie und Genese limnischer Schill- und Algenkalke in der Randfazies der kohleführenden Wettiner Schichten (Oberkarbon, Stefan C) des NE-Saaletroges). Hall. Jb. f. Geowiss.Bd.9, 35-51.

3. Siegesmund, S. 1989. Texturelle und Strukturelle Eigenschaften von Myloniten der Ivrea-Zone und ihr Einfluß auf die elastischen Gesteinseigenschaften.- Ein Beitrag zur Interpretation seismischer in-situ Messungen. PhD thesis, Universität Kiel, unveröffentl., p.172.

4. Siegesmund, S., Takeshita, T. & H.Kern, 1989. Anisotropy of Vp and Vs in an amphibolite of the deeper crust and its relationship to the mineralogical, microstructural and textural characteristics of the rock.Tectonophysics, 157, 25-38.

5. Kern, H. & Siegesmund, S., 1989. A test of the relationship between seismic velocity and heat production for crustal rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 92, 89-94.

6. Siegesmund, S. & H. Kern, 1990. Velocity anisotropy and shear-wave splitting in rocks from the mylonite belt along the Insubric Line (Ivrea Zone, Italy). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 99, 29-47.

7. Siegesmund, S., Vollbrecht, A. & K. Weber, 1990. Gefügekundliche Untersuchungen im KTB. Die Geowissenschaften, 9, 287-294.

8. Siegesmund, S., Kern, H. & A. Vollbrecht, 1990. The effect of oriented microcracks on seismic velocities in an ultramylonite. Tectonophysics, 186, 241-251.

9. Siegesmund, S. & J.H. Kruhl, 1991. The effect of plagioclase textures on velocity anisotropy and shear wave splitting at deeper crustal levels. Tectonophysics, 191, 147-154.

10. Siegesmund, S., Vollbrecht, A. & G. Nover, 1991. Anisotropy of compressional wave velocities, complex electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility of mylonites from the deeper crust and their relation to the rock fabric. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 105, 247-259.

11. Braun, G., Siegesmund, S. & M. Dahms, 1991. The influence of quartz textures on the seismic anisotropy in lower crustal granulites. J. Struct. Geol., 13, 955-966.

12. Siegesmund, S. & A. Vollbrecht, 1991. Complete seismic properties obtained from microcrack fabrics and textures in an amphibolite from the Ivrea zone, Western Alps, Italy. Tectonophysics, 199, 13-24.

13. Siegesmund, S., Fritsche, M. & G. Braun, 1991. Reflectivity caused by texture-inducend anisotropy in mylonites. In: Continental Lithosphere: Deep seismic reflections. (ed. by R. Meissner, L. Brown, H.-J. Dürbaum, W. Franke, K. Fuchs & F. Seifert). Am. Geophys. Un. Geodyn. Ser., 22, 121-133.

14. Lüschen, E., Nicolich, R., Cernobori, L., Fuchs, K., Kern, H., Kruhl, J.H., Persoglia, S., Romanelli, M., Schenk, V., Siegesmund, S. & L. Tortorici, 1992. A seismic reflection-refraction experiment across the exposed lower crust in Calabria (southern Italy): first results.Terra Nova, 4, 77-86.

15. Strotzki, W. & Siegesmund, S., 1993. Cordierite microstructure and texture in a Moldanubian gneiss. Phys. Chem. Minerals, 19, 401-408.

16. Siegesmund, S., Dürrast, H., A. Vollbrecht & T. Chlupac, 1993. Relation between complete Vp-anisotropy and microfabrics: A quantitative approach. KTB-Report 93-2, 259-263.

17. Siegesmund, S., Vollbrecht, A., Chlupac, T. & G. Nover, 1993. Fabric-controlled anisotropy of petrophysical properties observed in KTB-core samples. KTB-Report, 93-2, 265-268.

18. Siegesmund, S., Vollbrecht, A. & Z. Pros, 1993. Fabric changes and their influence on P-wave velocity pattern-examples from a polyphase deformed orthogneiss. Tectonophysics, 225, 477-492.

19. Siegesmund, S., Vollbrecht, A., Chlupac, T. & Nover, G., Dürrast, H., Müller, J. & K. Weber, 1993. Fabric-controlled anisotropy of petrophysical properties observed in KTB-core samples. Sci. Drilling 4, 31-54.

20. Siegesmund, S., Helmig, K. & R. Kruse, 1994. Complete texture analysis of a deformed amphibolite: comparison between neutron diffraction and U-stage data. J. Struct. Geol.,16, 131-142.

21. Leiss, B., Helming, K., Leggewie, B., Siegesmund, S. & K.Weber, 1994. Texturkomponenten zur Beschreibung von Einzelkornorientierungen und Orientierungsverteilungen am Beispiel eines Dolomitmylonits. Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläont. Sb1, 56-58.

22. Jahns, E. & Siegesmund, S., 1994. Eine Anwendung der AMS zur Orientierung seismischer Anisotropien am Beispiel der KTB-Vorbohrung (Teufenbereich: 2000-3200m). Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläont. Sb1, 106-108.

23. Weiß, T., Siegesmund, S. & T. Chlupac, 1994. Gefügekundliche und petrophysikalische Untersuchungen an Myloniten aus dem Bereich der mittelsächsischen Störung. Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläont. Sb1, 109-111.

24. Helming, K., Kruse, R., & Siegesmund, S., 1994. Texture analysis of an amphibolite using the component method.Mater. Sci. Forum, 157-162, 529-534.

25. Leiss, B., Helming, K., Siegesmund, S. & K. Weber, 1994. Quantitative texture analysis of naturally deformed polyphase dolomite marbles and its kinematic significance. Mater. Sci. Forum, 157-162, 789-794.

26. Ullemeyer, K., Helming, K. & Siegesmund, S., 1994. Quantitative texture analysis of plagioclase. In: Textures of Geological Materials (ed. by H.J.Bunge, Siegesmund, S., W.Skrotzki and K. Weber). DGM Informationsgesellschaft, Oberursel: 93-108.

27. Leiss, B., Siegesmund, S., Weber, K. and N. O.Olesen, 1994. Localized texture components of a naturally deformed dolomite - a contribution to the analysis of texture-forming processes. In: Textures of Geological Materials (ed. by H.J. Bunge, Siegesmund, S., W. Skrotzki and K.Weber). DGM Informationsgesellschaft, Oberursel: 261-275.

28. Siegesmund, S. & M. Dahms, 1994. Fabric-controlled anisotropy of elastic, magnetic and thermal properties. In: Textures of Geological Materials (ed. by H.J. Bunge, Siegesmund, S., W. Skrotzki and K.Weber). DGM Informationsgesellschaft, Oberursel: 353-379.

29. Siegesmund, S. 1994. Modelling of the thermal conductivity observed in paragneisses of the KTB pilot hole. Sci. Drilling,4, 207-213.

30. Jahns, E., Siegesmund, S. & T. Chlupac, 1994. In situ velocities versus laboratory measurements: An example from the KTB. Sci. Drilling. 4, 215-226.

31. Prasad, S., Manghnani, M.H. & Siegesmund, S., 1994. Compressional wave velocity and quality factor characteristics of selected KTB core samples. Sci. Drilling,4, 227-231.

32. Jahns, E., Siegesmund, S., Rabbel, W., & T. Chlupac (1994). Seismic anisotropy: Comparison of lab-, Logging and VSP-data. KTB-Report 94-2, 163-168.

33. Weber, K. Bauer, W., Jacobs, J., Patzelt, G., Siegesmund, S., Spaeth, G. & Thomas, R.J. 1995. Geologische Kartierungen der Heimefrontfjiella. Ber. Polarforsch. 170, 21-28.

34. Siegesmund, S. 1995. The significance of rock fabrics for the geological interpretation of geophysical anisotropies. Habilitationsschrift, Universität Göttingen, unveröffentlicht.

35. Siegesmund, S., Ullemeyer, K. & M. Dahms, 1995. Control of magnetic fabrics by mica preferred orientation: a quantitative approach. J. Struct. Geol. 17, 1601-1613.

36. Siegesmund, S., 1996. The significance of rock fabrics for the geological interpretation of geophysical anisotropies. Geotekt. Forschungen 85, 1-123.

37. Siegesmund, S., Kruhl, J. & E. Lüschen, 1996. Petrophysical and seismic features of the exposed lower continental crust in Calabria (Italy): Field observation versus modelling. Geotekt. Forschungen 85, 125-163.

38. Bauer, W., Jakobs, J., Patzelt, G., Siegesmund, S., Späth, G., Thomas, B., Weber, K. und K. Wohltmann, 1996. Geologische Expedition in die Heimefrontfjella. In: Die Expedition ANTARKTIS-XI/3 mit FS „Polarstern“ 1994 (Herausgegeben von H.Miller und H. Grobe). Berichte zur Polarforschung 188, 78-88..

39. Dürrast, H. & Siegesmund, S., 1996. Gesteinsphysikalische Untersuchungen an Kernsegmenten karbonatischer Reservoirgesteine. DGMK Forschungsbericht 397-2/2, 217-237.

40. Leiss, B., v. Edel, B. & Siegesmund, S., 1996. Progressive Entwicklung von Dolomitgefügen in einer Mylonitzone. Z. geol. Wiss. 24 (5/6): 631-640.

41. Jahns, E., Rabbel, W. & Siegesmund, S., 1996. Quantified seismic anisotropy at different scales: A case study from the KTB crustal segment. Z. geol. Wiss. 24 (5/6): 729-740.

42. Weiß, T. & Siegesmund, S., 1996. Gefügekundliche und gesteinsphysikalische Untersuchungen an Myloniten aus dem Bereich der Mittelsächsischen Störung (Elbe-Zone). Z. geol. Wiss. 24 (5/6): 741- 760.

43. Siegesmund, S. mit Beiträgen von Th. Most, P. Angelmeier und W. Himmelheber, 1996. Bericht 1995 über geologische Aufnahmen auf Blatt 178 im Gebiet von St.Veit im Defereggental.Jb. Geol. B.-A. 139/3: 362-363.

44. Vollbrecht, A., Siegesmund, S. & Ch. Flaig (1997). High temperature deformation of a granitoid from the ZEV. Geologische Rundschau 86: 141-154.

45. Siegesmund, S., Vollbrecht, A., Ulemeyer, K. Weiß, T. & R.Sobott (1997). Die Anwendung der geologischen Gefügekunde für die Charakterisierung natürlicher Werksteine - Fallbeispiel Kauffunger Marmor. Int. J. f. Restoration of Buildings and Monuments 3: 269-292.

46. Schild, M., Vollbrecht, A., Siegesmund, S. & Chr. Reutel (1998). Microcracks in granite cores from EPS-1 drillhole, Soultz-Sous-Forêts (Elasß, France). Paleostress directions, paleofluids and crack-related Vp-anisotropies. Geologische Rundschau 86: 775-785.

47. Siegesmund, S, Angelmeier, P., Most, T., Schuster, G., & A.Steenken (1997). Bericht 1996 über geologische Aufnahmen auf Blatt 178 von St. Veit im Defereggental. Jb. Geol. B.-A. 140/3: 338-342.

48. Chlupac, T., A.Kapicka, K. Klima, V. Propacek, M. Lastovickova, T. Lokajicek, Z. Pros, Siegesmund, S. & A. Vollbrecht 1997. The physical properties of rocks from the KTB boreholes; in Vrana, S. and V. Stedra: Geological model of Western Bohemia related to the KTB Borehole in Germany, J. of Geol. Sci. Geology 47: 170-185.

49. Siegesmund, S. & J. Becker (1998). The emplacement of the Ardara pluton (Ireland): New constraints from magnetic rocks fabrics. Freiberger Forschungshefte C471, 209-211.

50. Siegesmund, S., Becker, T., Becker, J. & H.A. Jelsma (1998). U/Pb isotope and rock fabric studies of the Chinamora Batholith (Zimbabwe). Freiberger Forschungshefte C471, 121-214.

51. Dürrast, H. & Siegesmund, S. (1998). How the rock fabrics can control the physical properties - a contribution to the understanding of carbonate reservoirs. DGMK Tagungsbericht 9801 (Fachbereich Aufsuchung und Gewinnung): 71-79.

52. Dürrast, H. & Siegesmund, S., 1998. Anisotropy of seismic wave propagation, permeability and electrical conductivity in carbonate reservoir rocks caused by a system of aligned cracks. SEG 68th Annual Internat. Mtg. Soc. Expl. Geophys., Vol. II 1064-1067.

53. Rabbel, Siegesmund, S., T. Weiß, M. Pohl & T. Bohlen, 1998. Shear wave anisotropy of the laminated lower crust beneath Urach (SW Germany) - a comparison with xenoliths and with exposed lower crustal sections. Tectonophysics 298: 337-356.

54. Weiss, T., Siegesmund, S., Leiss, B. and H.Oppermann, 1998. Microfabric of fresh and weathered marbles and its implication on the weathering phenomena observed at the Marmorpalais in Potsdam (Germany). Proceedings of the 9th Workshop EUROCARE-EUROMARBLE (EU 496), Forschungsbericht, Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege 17/1999: 15-30.

55. Toohill, K.R., Siegesmund, S. & J.D. Bass, 1999. Sound velocities and elasticity of cordierite and implication for deeper crustal seismic anisotropy.Phys. Chem. Minerals 26:333-343.

56. Leiss, B., Siegesmund, S. & K. Weber, 1999. Texture asymmetries as shear sense indicators in naturally deformed mono- and polyphase carbonates. Textures & Microstructures 33: 61-74.

57. Dürrast, H., Siegesmund, S. & M. Prasad, 1999. Schadensanalyse von Natursteinen mittels Ultraschalldiagnostik: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Z. d. Deut.Geol. Ges. 150 (2): 359-374.

58. Siegesmund, S., T.Weiß, A.Vollbrecht & K. Ullemeyer, 1999. Marble as a natural building stone: rock fabrics, physical and mechanical properties. Z. d. Deut. Geol. Ges. 150 (2): 237- 258.

59. Weiß, T., Oppermann, H., Leiss, B. & Siegesmund, S., 1999. Microfabric of fresh and weathered marbles: Implications and consequences for the reconstruction of the Marmorpalais Potsdam. Z.d. Deut. Geol. Ges. 150 (2): 313-332.

60. Gross, C.J., Weber, K., Vollbrecht, A. & Siegesmund, S., 1999. Hydrothermal alteration of dolomitic marble visible by cathodoluminescence zonation from the Damara Orogen/Namibia. Z. d. Deut. Geol. Ges. 150 (2): 333-358.

61. Weiss, T., Siegesmund, S. & T. Bohlen, 1999. Seismic, structural, and petrological models of the subcrustal lithosphere in southern Germany: a quantitative reevaluation. Pure and Appl. Geophysics 156: 53-81.

62. Weiß, T., Siegesmund, S., Rabbel, W., Bohlen, T. & M. Pohl, M., 1999. Physical properties of the Lower continental crust: an anisotropic perspective. Pure and Appl. Geophysics 156: 97-122.

63. Bohlen, T., Rabbel, W., Weiss, T., Siegesmund, S. & M. Pohl, 1999. Recovering shear wave anisotropy of the lower crust: The influence of systematic errors on traveltime inversion. Pure and Appl. Geophysics 156: 123-138.

64. Pohl, M., Wenzel, F., Weiss, T., Siegesmund, S., Bohlen, T. & W. Rabbel, 1999. Realistic models of anisotropic lower crust. Pure and Appl. Geophysics 156: 139-155.

65. Dürrast, H. & Siegesmund, S., 1999. Correlation between rock fabrics and physical properties of carbonate reservoir rocks. Int. Journ Earth Sciences 88:392-408.

66. Dey-Barsukov, S., Dürrast, H., Rabbel, W., Siegesmund, S. & S. Wende, 2000. Aligned fractures in Carbonate rocks: Laboratory and in situ measurements of seismic anisotropy. Int. Journ Earth Sciences 88: 829-839.

67. Siegesmund, S., Heinrichs, T., Schuster, G., Steenken, A., Kubersky, J., Hettwer, C., Gussone, N., Koch, A., Dahmen, O., Klose, A., & P. Northoff (1998). Bericht 1997 über geologische Aufnahmen auf Blatt 178 von St. Veit im Defereggental. Jb. Geol. B.-A.141/3: 308-320.

68. Rasolofosaon, P., Rabbel, W., Siegesmund, S. & A. Vollbrecht, 2000. Quantified crack distribution in a KTB core sample: Fabric analyses vs. ultrasonic inversion. Geophys. J. Int. 141: 413 – 424.

69. Siegesmund, S., Ullemeyer, Weiß, T., & E. Tschegg, 2000. Physical wheathering of marbles caused by anisotropic thermal expansion. Int. Journ Earth Sciences 89: 170-182.

70. Weiss, T., Siegesmund, S. & P. Rasolofosaon 2000. The deterioration-velocity-porosity-relation constraint. 9. Int. Congress Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Venice 19-24, Elsevier 215-223.

71. Siegesmund, S., Weiss, T. & E.K. Tschegg 2000. Control of marble weathering by thermal expansion and rock fabrics. 9. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Venice 19-24, Elsevier, 205-213.

72. Siegesmund, S., Pretschner, C., Rüdrich, J., Lindner, H., Weiss, T., Richter, I., Richter, D., & M. Woyde 2000. Deterioration characteristics of columns from the Marmorpalais Potsdam (Germany) by US-tomography. 9. Int. Congress Deterioration and Conservation of Stones, Venice 19-24, Elsevier 145 – 153.

73. Siegesmund, S. & J. Becker 2000. The emplacement of the Ardara pluton (Ireland): new constraints from rock fabrics, magnetic fabrics and age dating. Geologische Rundschau 89: 307-327.

74. Steenken, A. & Siegesmund, S. 2000. Evidence for an alcaline-basaltic volcanism at the Northern margin of Gondwana within the pre-Upperordovician basement complex of the Eastern Alps. Jb. Geol. B.-A. 142/2: 235-247.

75. Siegesmund, S., Weiss, T. & TEAM-Projekt 2000. Formbeständigkeit von Fassadenplatten. Naturstein 9: 80-84.

76. Heinrichs, T., Siegesmund, S., Kubersky, J., Hettwer, C., Gussone, N., Koch, A., Dahmen, O., Klose, A., Northoff, Tischer, A., & D. Strohmeyer 2000. Bericht 1998 über geologische Aufnahmen auf Blatt 178 von St. Veit im Defereggental. Jb. Geol. B.-A., 142/3, 312-328, Wien

77. Siegesmund, S., Heinrichs, T., Tischer, A., Strohmeyer, D., Oppermann, H., Doman, D., Zeisig, A., Hahn, A., Ohm, K., Feeser, N., Lürkens, M. und M. Knaak, 2000. Bericht 1999 über geologische Aufnahmen auf Blatt 178 von St. Veit im Defereggental. J. Geol. B.-A., 142/3, 368-378, Wien.

78. Ullemeyer, K., Braun, G., Dahms, M., Kruhl, J., N. Olesen & Siegesmund, S. 2000. Current methods of texture analysis: application to a muscovite-bearing quartzite. J. Struct. Geol. 22: 1541-1557.

79. Becker, J., Siegesmund, S. & H. Jelsma 2000. The Chinamora batholith, Zimbabwe: structure and emplacement-related magnetic rock fabrics. J. Struct. Geol. 22: 1837-1853.

80. Steenken, A., Siegesmund, S. & T.Heinrichs 2000. The emplacement of the Rieserferner Pluton (Eastern Alps, Tyrol): constraints from field observations, magmatic fabrics and microstructures. J. Struct. Geol. 22: 1855-1873.

81. Siegesmund, S., Weiss, T. & J. Rüdrich 2001. Schadensanalyse von Architekturteilen am Marmorpalais Potsdam. Naturstein 5/2001: 92- 100.

82. Schild, M., Siegesmund, S., Vollbrecht, A. & M. Mazurek 2001. Characterization of granitic matrix porosity and pore-space geometry by in situ and laboratory methods. Geophys. J. Int. 146: 111-125.

83. Jelsma, H., Becker, J. & Siegesmund, S. 2001. Geochemical characteristics and tectonometamorphic evolution of granitoids of the Chinamora Batholith, Zimbabwe. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 152: 199-226.

84. Schulz, B., Siegesmund, S., A. Steenken Schönhofer, R. & T. Heinrichs 2001. Geologie des ostalpinen Kristallins südlich des Tauernfensters zwischen Virgental und Pustertal. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 152: 261-308.

85. Hutton, D.H.W. & Siegesmund, S. 2001. The Ardara granite: reinflating the balloon hypothesis. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 152: 309-324.

86. Lopez de Luchi, M., Siegesmund, S., Hoffmann, A., Hübner, H., Hulka, C. & S.Mosch 2001. Geological setting and composition of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos Batholith, Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina: First results. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 152: 325-350.

87. Schild, M., Braun, R., Siegesmund, S. & A.Vollbrecht 2001. Modellierung lokaler hydraulischer Wegsamkeiten in Graniten zur Dichtheitseinschätzung von Endlagern. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 152: 577-592.

88. Dürrast, H., Jahns, E., Tischer, A., & Siegesmund, S. 2001. Vorzugsorientierungen der Mikrorissbildung im triaxialen Verformungsexperiment am Beispiel des Piesberger Sandsteins. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 152: 611-620.

89. Weiss, T., Rasolofosaon, P. & Siegesmund, S., 2001. Thermal cracking in Carrara marble. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 152: 621-636.

90. Rüdrich, J., Weiss, T. & Siegesmund, S. 2001. Deterioration characteristics of marbles from the Marmorpalais Potsdam. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 152: 637-664.

91. Rüdrich, J., Siegesmund, S. & D. Richter 2001. Marble columns and its state of wheathering: structural evidences and US-tomography. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges.152: 665-680.

92. Koch, A. & Siegesmund, S. 2001. Gesteinstechnische Eigenschaften ausgewählter Bausandsteine. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 152: 681-700.

93. Siegesmund, S., Jelsma, H.A., Becker, J., Davies, G., Layer, P.M., van Dijk, E., Kater, L. & M. Vinyu 2001. Constraints on the timing of granite emplacement, deformation and metamorphism in the Shamva area, Zimbabwe. Int. J. Earth Sciences 91: 20-34..

94. Dürrast, H., Rasolofosaon, P. & Siegesmund, S. 2001. Seismic signature and transport properties within a fractured tight reservoir. Geophysics 67: 241-253

95. Gross, Ch., Weber, K., Siegesmund, S. & A.Vollbrecht 2001. Fabric development and spatthization processes in metacarbonates: Two case studies from the Damara Orogen, Namibia. Communs. Geol. Surv. Namibia( The Henno Martin Volume) 12 (2000), 103-114.

96. Steenken, A., Siegesmund, S. & T. Heinrichs 2002. Cooling and exhumation of the Rieserferner Pluton (Eastern Alps, Italy/Austria) Int. J. Earth Sciences: 799-817.

97. Siegesmund, S., A. Vollbrecht und T.Weiss 2002. Gefügeanisotropien und ihre Bedeutung für Naturwerksteine. Naturstein 7: 76-81.

98. Siegesmund, S. & A.Koch, 2002. Ursachen für Schäden an Natursteinfassaden. Naturstein 8, 52-57.

99. Steenken, A., Lopez de Luchi, Siegesmund, S. & K. Wemmer, 2002. Structural evolution of the Sierra de San Luis (Southeastern Sierra Pampeanas, Argentina) a progress report. En: Cabaleri, N., Linares, E., López de Luchi, M. G., Ostera, H y Panarello, H.(Eds). Actas 15 Congreso Geológico Argentino, I: 321-325

100. López de Luchi, M.G., Hoffmann, A., Siegesmund, S., Wemmer, K. & Steenken, A., 2002. Temporal constraints on the polyphase evolution of the Sierra de San Luis. Preliminary report based on biotite and muscovite cooling ages. En: Cabaleri, N., Linares, E., López de Luchi, M. G., Ostera, H y Panarello, H. (Eds). Actas 15 Congreso Geológico Argentino, I: 309-315

101. Siegesmund, S., Weiss, T. & A. Vollbrecht 2002. Natural stone, weathering phenomena, conservation strategies and case studies: introduction. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 205: 1-7.

102. Ondrasina, J., Kirchner, D. & Siegesmund, S., 2002. Frost-/Thaw cycles and their influence on marble deterioration: a long-term experiment. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 205: 8-17.

103. Zeisig, A., Siegesmund, S. & T. Weiss, 2002. Thermal expansion and its control on the durability of marbles. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 205: 64-79.

104. Weiss, T., Siegesmund, S. & E. Fuller jr. 2002 Micostructure-based finite element modelling of microcrack formation in marbles. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 205: 88-101.

105. Strohmeyer, D. & Siegesmund, S., 2002. Influence of anisotropic fabric properties on the mechanical strength of selected building stones. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 205: 114-135.

106. Siegesmund, S., A.Vollbrecht & C.Hulka, 2002. The abnormal mechanical behaviour of itacolumites: fabric evidences. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 205: 136-147.

107. Weiss, T. Rasolofosaon, P. & Siegesmund, S., 2002. Ultrasonic velocities as a diagnostic tool for the quality assessment of marble. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 205: 148-164.

108. Rüdrich, J., T. Weiss & Siegesmund, S., 2002. Weathering of treated marbles. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 205: 254-272.

109. Koch, A. & Siegesmund, S. On site damage analysis of buildings showing bowing of marble slabs: Fabric vs. type and degree of damage. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 205: 298-314.

110. Siegesmund, S. & D. Kirchner, 2003. Frost-Tau-Verhalten ausgewähler Naturwerksteine. Naturstein 2, 52-56.

111. Möri, A., Mazurek, M., Adler, M., Schild, M., Siegesmund, S., Vollbrecht, A., Ota, K., Ando, T., Alexander, W.R., Smith, P.A., Haag, P. & Ch. Bühler, 2003. The Nagra-JNC in situ study of safety relevant radionuclide tetardation in fractured crystalline rock. IV: The in situ study of matrix porosity in the vicinity of a water conducting fracture. Technical Report, 00-08, Nagra, 91pp.

112. Ullemeyer, K., Siegesmund, S. & P.N.J. Rasolofosaon, 2002. Experimental and texture derived P-wave velocities from the TRANSALP seismic traverse: preliminary results. Mem. Sci. Geol., 54: 63-66.

113. Dürrast, H., Siegesmund, S. & K.-J. Sein, 2003. Natursteine in Thailand. Naturstein, 9, 68-74.

114. Weiss, T., Siegesmund, S. & E. Fuller, 2003. Thermal degradation of marbles: Indications from finite element modelling. Building and Environments 38: 1251-1260.

115. Romer, R. & Siegesmund, S., 2003. Why allanite may swindle about its true age. Contr. Min. Petr. 146: 297-307.

116. Heinrichs, T., Siegesmund, S., Zeisig, A., Hahn, A., Ohm, K., Doman., Wötzel, M. & Ballnausen, D., 2003. Bericht 2000 über geologische Aufnahmen zwischen Winkeltal und Villgratener Tal auf Blatt 178 Hopfgarten im Defereggen.. Jb. Geol. B.-A. 143: 372-378.

117. Siegesmund, S., Heinrichs, T., Wötzel, M., Ballhausen, D. & H. Oppermann, 2003. Bericht 2001 über die geologischen Aufnahmen im Ostalpinen Altkristallin auf Blatt 178 Hopfgarten im Winkeltal. Jb. Geol. B.-A.143: 438-442.

118. López de Luchi, M. G., Cerredo, M. E., Siegesmund, S., Steenken, A. & Wemmer, K. 2003. Provenance and tectonic setting of the protoliths of the metamorphic complexes of Sierra de San Luis. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 58(4): 525-540.

119. Siegesmund, S., Steenken, A., M.Lopez de Luchi, K. Wemmer, Hoffmann, A., & St. Mosch, 2004..The Las Chacras-Potrerillos Batholith: structural evidences and timing of intrusion. Int. J. Earth. Sciences 93: 23-43.

120. Siegesmund, S., Weiss, T. & J. Rüdrich. Schadensmonitoring mittels Ultraschalldiagnostik. Restauro: 98–105.

121. Siegesmund, S., & S. Speiser, 2004. Hilfe für das Markttor von Milet. Naturstein 3: 56-59.

122. Siegesmund, S., T.Weiss & J. Rüdrich, 2004.. Ultrasonic wave velocities as a diagnostic tool for the quality assesment of marbles. Proc. 6 Int. Conf. on deterioration at the Mediterranean Sea Lisboa: 342-346.

123. Siegesmund, S., J. Rüdrich & T.Weiss, 2004. Jewish cemetery in Hamburg.Altona (Germany): State of marble deterioration and provenance. Proc. 6 Int. Conf. on Deterioration at the Mediterranean Sea Lisboa: 207-210.

124. Middendorf, B., V. Maak & Siegesmund, S., 2004. Development of compatible mortars for the restoration of the Market Gate of Milet, Pergamon Museum Berlin, Germany. Proc. 6 Int. Conf. on Deterioration at the Mediterranean Sea Lisboa: 463-466.

125. Lana, C., W.U. Reimold, Gibson, R.L. C. Koeberl & Siegesmund, S., 2004. Nature of the Archean mid-crust in the core of the Vredefort Dome, Central Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. Geochimica & Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 68: 623-642.

126. Siegesmund, S., Viles, H. & Weiss, T., 2004. Stone decay hazards: Preface. Environmental Geology 46/3-4: 303.

127. Koch, A. & Siegesmund, S., 2004. The combined effect of moisture and temperature on the anomalous behaviour of marbles. Environmental Geology 46/3-4: 350-363.

128. Weiss, T., Siegesmund, S., Kirchner, D. & J. Sippel, 2004. Insolation weathering and hygric dilatation as a control on building stone degradation. Environmental Geology 46/3-4: 402-413.

129. Scheffzük, Chr., Siegesmund, S., & A. Koch, 2004. Strain investigations using neutron time-of-flight diffraction on marble building stones. Environmental Geology 46/3-4: 468-476..

130. Siegesmund, S., Rüdrich, J. & T.Weiss. Marble deterioration, 2004. Dimension Stone 2004, Prikryl (ed.). Taylor & Francis Group, London 2004: 211-217..

131. Weiss, T., Strohmeyer, D., Krchner, D., Sippel, J. & Siegesmund, S., 2004. Weathering of stones caused by thermal expansion, hygric properties and freeze-thaw cycles. 10. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Stockholm: 83- 90.

132.Weiss, T., Saylor, D., Fuller, E. & Siegesmund, S., 2004. Prediction of the degradation behaviour of calcareous rocks via finite-element modelling. 10. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Stockhol: 163-170.

133. Koch, A. & Siegesmund, S., 2004. Bowing of marble panels: On-site damage analysis from the Library building at Göttingen (Germany). 10. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Stockholm: 171-178.

134. Rüdrich, J., Weiss, T. & Siegesmund, S., 2004. Thermal behaviour of weathered and consolidated marbles. 10. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Stockholm: 495- 502.

135. Rüdrich, J., Hettrich, M., Just, A, Siegesmund, S., U. Yaramanci, J. Jacobs, 2004. Construction physics of the Market Gate of Miletus discovered by non-destructive tools. 10. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Stockholm: 745-752.

136. Siegesmund, S., Schwarzburg, R., Rüdrich, J. & .T.Weiss, 2004. Jewish Cementery in Hamburg: State of marble deterioration and provenience. 10. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Stockholm: 833- 840.

137. Török, A., Weiss, T., Hüpers, A., Müller, Chr. & Siegesmund, S., 2004. The decay of oolithic limestones controlled by atmospheric pollutuion: a case study from the Parliament House in Budapest (Hungary). 10. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Stockholm: 947- 954.

138. Middendorf, B, Siegesmund, S., Maack, V, Müller, K., & J. Rüdrich, 2004. The Marget gate of Miletus of the Pergamon Museum Berlin: Mortar development for restoration pruposes. 10. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Stockhoml: 1073-1080.

139. Hoffmann, A., Siegesmund, S., Dürrast, H. & K.-J. Stein, 2004. Dimension stones in Thailand. Dimension Stone 2004, Prikryl (ed.). Taylor & Francis Group, London 2004: 43-49..

140. Scheffzük, Chr., Siegesmund, S. & A.Koch, 2004. Residual strain investigationsusing neutron-TOF-diffraction on marble building stone. Dimension Stone 2004, Prikryl (ed.). Taylor & Francis Group, London 2004: 103-106.

141. Koch, A. & Siegesmund, S.. Gesteinstechnische Eigenschaften von Sandsteinen, 2005. Naturstein, 5: 84-91..

142. Steenken, A., K. Wemmer, Lpoez de Luchi, M., Siegesmund, S. & S. Pawlig, 2004. Crustal provenance and cooling of the basement of the Sierra de San Luis: An insight into the tectonic history of the proto-Andean margin of Gondwana. Gondwana Research Vol. 7 No. 4: 1171 – 1195.

143. Steenken, A., Wemmer, K., López de Luchi, M.G. and Siegesmund, S., 2003. The cooling history of the basement complex of the Sierra de San Luis (Eastern Sierras Pampeanas/Argentina) and its implication for Famatinian vs. Achalian events based on K/Ar-Geochronology. IVth Symposium on Isotope Geology 1: 117-120, Salvador, Brazil.

144. Siegesmund, S., Rüdrich, J. & S.Speiser, 2005. Das Markttor von Milte. Restauro 112-123.

145. Lopez de Luchi, M., Rapalini, A.E., Siegesmund, S. & A.Steenken, 2005.. Application of magnetic fabrics to the emplacement and tectonic history of Devonian granitoids in Central Argentina, in: Magnetic Fabric: Methods and Application (edited by F.Martin-Hernandez, C.M. Lüneburg, C.Aubourg and M.Jackson).. Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc. London. 238: 447- 474.

146. Siegesmund, S., Snethlage, R. & M. Auras, 2005. Vorwort. In. Siegesmund, S., R.Snethlage & M. Auras (Hrsg.). Stein-Zerfall und Konservierung. Edition Leipzig: 2-3.

147. Siegesmund, S., Middendorf, B., Maack, V. & J. Rüdrich, 2005. Das Markttor von Milet: Schadensbilder, Materialcharakteristika und Entwicklung von Restauriermörtel. In. Siegesmund, S., R.Snethlage & M. Auras (Hrsg.) Stein- Zerfall und Konservierung.. Edition Leipzig: 166-174.

148. Siegesmund, S., Weiss, T., Rüdrich, J. & Schwarzburg, R., 2005. Marmorthumbrn auf dem Jüdischen Friedhof in Hamburg-Altona – Verwitterungsstatus und Provenienzanalyse. Siegesmund, S., R.Snethlage & M. Auras (Hrsg.). Stein- Zerfall und Konservierung. Edition Leipzig: 188-193.

149. Rüdrich, J., Weiss, T. & Siegesmund, S. 2005. Die Marmore des Marmorpalais im Neuen Garten Potsdam: Erhaltungszustand und Möglichkeiten der Konservierung. In. Siegesmund, S., M. Auras, J. Rüdrich & R.Snethlage (Hrsg.): Geowissenschaften und Denkmlapflege ZDGG, 156, 1: 129-140.

150. Hüpers, A., Müller, Chr., Siegesmund, S., Hoppert, M., Weiss, T. & A. Török 2005. Kalksteinverwitterung: Die Zitadelle und das Parlament von Budapest. In. Siegesmund, S., R.Snethlage & M. Auras (Hrsg.). Stein- Zerfall und Konservierung.. Edition Leipzig: 201-209.

151. Rüdrich, J., Seidel, M., Kirchner & Siegesmund, S., 2005. Salzverwitterung, hygrische und thermische Dehnung als auslösende Schadensquantitäten. In. Siegesmund, S., M. Auras, J. Rüdrich & R.Snethlage (Hrsg.): Geowissenschaften und Denkmlapflege ZDGG, 156, 1: 59 –74.

152. Rüdrich, J., Rothert, E., Fitzner, B., Cassar, J. & Siegesmund, S., 2005. Schadensanalyse an Gebäuden aus Kalksteinen auf Malta. In. Siegesmund, S., R.Snethlage & M. Auras (Hrsg.). Stein- Zerfall und Konservierung.. Edition Leipzig: 194-200.

153.Török, A., Vogt, T., Löbens, St., Forgo, L., Siegesmund, S. & & T. Weiss, 2005. Weathering forms of rhyolitic tuff and changes in physical properties. In. Siegesmund, S., M. Auras, J. Rüdrich & R.Snethlage (Hrsg.): Geowissenschaften und Denkmlapflege ZDGG, 156, 1: 177 – 188.

154. Siegesmund, S., Auras, M., Rüdrich, J. & R. Snethlage, 2005. Geowissenschaften und Denkmalpflege – Vorwort. In. Siegesmund, S., M. Auras, J. Rüdrich & R.Snethlage (Hrsg.): Geowissenschaften und Denkmlapflege ZDGG, 156, 1: 5-6.

155. Török, A., Forgo L.Z. & Siegesmund, S., 2006. Assesment of the susceptibility of various tuff types to weathering:field and laboratory tests. In: ARKUS-Tagung “Denkmalgestein Tuff” IFS-Bericht Nr. 22: 25-34.

156. Forgo, L.Z., H.Stück, E. Marothy, Siegesmund, S., A.Török & J. Rüdrich, 2006. Materialverhalten von natürlichen und modellhaft konsolidierten Tuffen. In: ARKUS-Tagung “Denkmalgestein Tuff” IFS-Bericht Nr. 22: 65-75.

157. Ullemeyer, K., Siegesmund, S., Rasolofosaon, P.N.J. & J.H. Behrmann. Experimental and texture-derived P-Wave velocities of principal rocks from the TRANSALP seismic traverse, Eastern Alps. Tectonophysics 41, 1-4: 97-116.

158. Oyhantçabal, P., Siegesmund, S. & K.-J. Stein, 2006. Perspektiven für schwarze Steine. Naturstein 3: 63-66.

159. Martino, R., Guereschi, A., Wemmer, K., Lopez de Luchi, M., Steenken, A., & Siegesmund, S., 2006. Cooling ages constraints on the tectonic activity of the Los Tuneles shear belt, Eastern Pampeanas ranges of Cordoba, Argentina. Proc. of the V South Ameriacn Symposium on Isotope Geology: 119 – 122.

160. Siegesmund, S. & K.J. Stein, 2005. Geologen enpfehlen deutsche Natuswerksteine (Teil 1): Löbejüner Prophyr. Naturstein 7: 47-49.

161. Steenken, A., Lopez de Luchi M.G., Siegesmund, S., Frei, R. & Wemmer, K. 2006. Long lasting high temperature metamorphism in the Sierra de San Luis and its correlation to the amalgamation of the Cuyania Terrane (Argentina). Proc. of the V South Ameriacn Symposium on Isotope Geology: 191- 195.

162. Lopez de Luchi, M., Siegesmund, S., K. Wemmer, Steenken, A., & R. Naumann.. Geochemical signatures and tectonomagmatic evolution of the granitoids from the Sierra de San Luis. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 24: 138-166.

163. Pawlig, S., Gueye, M., Klischies, R., Schwarz, St., Wemmer, K. & Siegesmund, S., 2006. New geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic darta on Birimian ( 2,1 Ga) Formations: Constraints on the evolution of the Kedougou-Kenieba Inlier (Eatsern Senegal) with implications on the nature of crust forming processes at the West African Craton. South African Journal Geology 109: 407-423.

164. Sippel, J., Siegesmund, S., Weiss, T., Nitsch, K.H. & M. Korzen, 2007. Decay of natural stones caused by fire damge. In: Prikryl, R. & Smith, B.J. (eds.) Building Stone Decay: From Diagnosis to Conservation. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. 271: 139-151.

165. Hoffmann, A., & Siegesmund, S., 2007. The dimension stone potential of Thailand –overview and granite site investigation. In: Prikryl, R. & Smith, B.J. (eds.) Building Stone Decay: From Diagnosis to Conservation. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. 271: 43-54.

166. Török, A., Müller, Chr., Hüpers, A., Hoppert, M., Siegesmund, S. & T. Weiss. Differences in texture, physical properties and microbiology of weathering crust and host rock: a case study of the porous limestone of Budapest (Hungary). In: Prikryl, R. & Smith, B.J. (eds.) Building Stone Decay: From Diagnosis to Conservation. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. 271: 261-276.

167. Rüdrich, J., Seidel, M., Rothert, E. & Siegesmund, S., 2007. Length chnage behaviour of sandstones induced by salt crystallisation. In: Prikryl, R. & Smith, B.J. (eds.) Building Stone Decay: From Diagnosis to Conservation. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. 271: 199-209.

168. Rothert, E., Eggers, T., Cassar, J., Ruedrich, J., Fitzner, B., & Siegesmund, S., 2007. Stone properties and weathering by salt crystallisation of Maltese Globigerina Limestone. In: Prikryl, R. & Smith, B.J. (eds.) Building Stone Decay: From Diagnosis to Conservation. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. 271: 189-198.

169. Scheffzük, C., Siegesmund, S., Nikolayev, D. & A.Hoffmann. Spatial and Orientation Dependence of Internal Strain in Marbles. In: Prikryl, R. & Smith, B.J. (eds.) Building Stone Decay: From Diagnosis to Conservation. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. 271: 237-249.

170. Steenken, A., Siegesmund, S., López de Luchi, M.G., Frei, R. & Wemmer, K. 2005. New Constraints on the Famatinian Geodynamic Evolution of the proto-Andean Margin of Gondwana (Sierra de San Luis/Argentina). Journal of the Geological Society of London 163: 965-982.

171. Török, A. Vogt, T., Löbens, St. L. Forgo & Siegesmund, S.. The influence of lithology and pore size distribution on the durability of acid volcanic tuffs, Hungary. . In: Prikryl, R. & Smith, B.J. (eds.) Building Stone Decay: From Diagnosis to Conservation. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. 271: 251-260.

172. Rüdrich, J. & Siegesmund, S., 2006. Fabric dependence of length change behaviour induced by ice crystallization in the pore space of natural building stones. In. Heritage, Weathering and Conservation (edited by Fort, Alvarez de Buergo, Gomez-Heras & Vasquez-Calvo), Taylor & Francis Group, London: 497-505

173.Scheffzük, Ch., Siegesmund, S., A. Hoffmann & D. Nikolayev, 2006. Textural and residual strain in Carrara marble measured by TOF neutron diffraction. . In. Heritage, Weathering and Conservation (edited by Fort, Alvarez de Buergo, Gomez-Heras & Vasquez-Calvo), Taylor & Francis Group, London: 547-553.

174. Siegesmund, S. & A. Koch, 2007. Mangelnde Formbeständigkeit von Marmorfassadenplatten. Neue Natursteinrestaurierungsergebnisse und messtechnische Erfassungen, in : G.Grassegger, G. Patitz (Hrsg.) Natursteinsanierung Stuttgart 2007. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 2007. S. 7-18.

175. Steiger, M. & Siegesmund, S., 2007. Special issue on salt decay: Editorial. Environmental Geology 52: 185-186.

176. Rüdrich, J., & Siegesmund, S., 2007. Salt-induiced weathering: an experimental approach. Environmental Geology 52: 225-249.

177. Siegesmund, S., Török, A., Hüpers, A. & Chr. Müller, 2007. Mineralogical, geochemical and microfabric evidences of gypsum crusts: a case study from Budapest. Environmental Geology 52: 385-397.

178. Siegesmund, S., T. Heinrichs, D. Doman & E. Romer, 2007. The palaeozoic evolution of the Austroalpine basement to the south of the Tauern window: geochronological evidences. Int. J. Earth Sciences 96: 415-432.

179. Steenken, A., López de Luchi, M.G., Martino, R.D., Siegesmund, S. & Wemmer, K. 2005. SHRIMP dating of the El Peñón granite: a time marker at the turning point between the Pampean and Famatinian cycles within the Conlara Metamorphic Complex (Sierra de San Luis; Argentina) Actas del XVI Congreso Geológico Argentino, La Plata Actas 1: 265-273.

180. Steenken, A., López de Luchi, M.G., Siegesmund, S. & Wemmer, K. 2005. The thermal impact by the accommodation of mafic melts within the central basement complex of the Sierra de San Luis: constraints from numeric modelling. Actas del XVI Congreso Geológico Argentino, La Plata Actas 1. 889-896.

181. A. Hoffmann, A. & Siegesmund, S., 2006. Quarrying, processing and geotechnical characterisation of sandstones in Thailand. In: M. Cardu (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Vol.I, S. 689-694.

182. Siegesmund, S. & Ehling, A., 2007. Rohstoff Naturwerkstein: Teil 1- Vorwort. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/3: 349-350.

183. Hoffmann, A., & Siegesmund, S., 2007. Investigation of dimension stones in Thailand: an approach to a methodology fort he assessment of stone deposits. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/3: 375-416.

184.Oyhantcabal, P., Siegesmund, S. & K.-J. Stein, 2007. Dimension stones in Uruguay: situation and perspectives. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/3: 417-428.

185. Mosch, S., Lopez de Luchi, M., & Siegesmund, S., 2007. Dimensional stones in Argentina. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/3: 447-469.

186. Nikolayev, D., Siegesmund, S., Mosch, S. & Hoffmann, A., 2007. Modell-based prediction of unfractured rock masses. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/3: 483-490.

187. Graue, B., Kordilla, J. & Siegesmund, S., 2007. Natursteinverwitterung und-konservierung der altägyptischen Grabanlage des Neferhotep (TT49) in Theben (Ägypten). Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/3: 593-615.

188. Siegesmund, S., Koch, A. & J. Ruedrich, 2007. Ursachen mangelnder Formbeständigkeit von Fassadenplatten: Fallstudie Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Göttingen. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/3: 630-648.

189. Siegesmund, S., D. Nikolayev, A.Hoffmann & St. Mosch, 2007. 3D-Block-Expert. Naturstein 5: 102-107

190. Siegesmund, S., D. Nikolayev, S.Mosch & A. Hoffmann, 2007. Cuantificacion de masa de piedra sin fracturas. Litos 92 Sept/Oct.: 94-111.

191. Steenken, A., Siegesmund, S., Wemmer, K. & López de Luchi, M.G. 2007. Time constraints on the Famatinian and Achalian structural evolution of the basement of the Sierra de San Luis (Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina)an Luis: Constraints from Geochronological Data and Structural Observations (Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina). Journal of South American Earth Sciences (Doi: 10.1016/jJames.2007.05.002)

192. Oyhantcabal, P., Siegesmund, S., Wemmer, K., Frei, R. & Layer, P. 2007 .Post-collisional plutons of the southern extreme of the Dom Feliciano Belt (Uruguay). Lithos 98: 141-159.

193. Gueye, M., Siegesmund, S., Wemmer, K., Pawlig, S., Drobe, M. & N. Nolte, 2007. New evidences für an Early Birimian evolution in the West African Craton: An example from the Kedougou-Kenieba Inlier, SE-Senegal. South African Journal of Geology 110: 179-190.

194. Siegesmund, S. & A. Ehling, 2007. Rohstoff Naturstein: Vorwort Teil 2: Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/4: 677-678.

195. Morales, M., Jahns, E., Ruedrich, J., Oyhantcabal, P. & Siegesmund, S., 2007. The impact of partial water saturation in rock strength: An experimental study on sandstones. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/4: 869-882.

196. Zinsser, N., Nover, G., Dürrast, H., Siegesmund, S., 2007. Relationship between electrical and hydraulic properties of sedimentary rocks. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/4: 883-894.

197. Török, A., Stück, H., Quetscher, A., Glätzner, P., & Siegesmund, S., 2007. Weathering forms and its characterisation. Case studies from the castels of Somlo, Sümek and Visegrad. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/4: 931-955.

198. Kracke, T., Müller, Chr., Rüdrich, J., W. Wedekind & Siegesmund, S., 2007. Bausandsteine Göttingens und Möglichkeiten ihrer Konsolidierung. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/4: 957-984.

199. Mosch, St., & Siegesmund, S., 2007. Statistische Bewertung gesteintechnischer Kenndaten von Natursteinen. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/4: 821-868.

200. Siegesmund, S., R. Snethlage & J. Rüdrich, 2008. Monument futures: climate change, air pollution, decay and conservation—the Wolf-Dieter Grimm-volume. In: Siegesmund, S., R.Snethlage & J. Ruedrich: Monumental future:climate change, air pollution, stone decay and conservation. Environmental Geology 56:451-453.

201. Siegesmund, S., Nikolayev, D., Mosch, St. & C. Scheffzük, 2008. Bowing potential of granites. Environmental Geology 55: 1437-1448.

202. Gueye, M., P. M. Ngom, M. Diène, Y. Thiam, Siegesmund, S., K. Wemmer & S. Pawlig. Magmatism and tectonic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic rocks of the Mako Belt: the Birimian Eastern of Senegal. Int. J. African Earth Sciences (DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2007.09.013).

203. D. Harries, O. Ewiak, M. Kienast, S. Löbens, F. Prechtel, G. Ertl, F. Bense, P. Oyhantçabal, Siegesmund, S. & K. Wemmer. A geological map of the Sierra Ballena shear zone and its western basement, northeast of Villa Serrana, Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguay.

204. Oyhantçabal, P., Siegesmund, S., Sánchez Bettucci, L..Petrografia y quimica mineral de dos occurencias de formaciones de hierro bandeado (BIF) del sureste del Uruguay (Terreno Nico Perez). CD Edition.

205. Oyhantcabal, P., Siegesmund, S. & K. Wemmer. Kinematics and timing of the Sierra Ballena transcurrent shear zone (Uruguay). Int J Earth Sciences Volume 99, Number 6, 1227-1246, (DOI: 10.1007/s00531-009-0453).

206. Siegesmund, S. & K.-J. Stein, 2007. 150 Jahre Schiefer aus Lotharheil. Naturstein 12: 60-62.

207. Siegesmund, S., Fügenschuh, B. & N. Froitzheim, 2008. Foreword: Stefan Schmid. In: Siegesmund, S., B. Fügenschuh & N. Froitzheim (eds.) Tectonic Aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathians-System. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. 298: vii.

208. Siegesmund, S., B. Fügenschuh & N. Froitzheim, 2008. Introduction: Analysing orogen-the Alpine approach. In: Siegesmund, S., B. Fügenschuh & N. Froitzheim (eds.) Tectonic Aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathians-System. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. 298: 1-4.

209. Schulz, B., Steenken, A. & S. Siegesmund, 2008. Geodynamic evolution of an Alpine terrane - the Austroalpine basement to the south of the Tauern Window as a part of the Adriatic Plate (Eastern Alps). In: S. Siegesmund, B. Fügenschuh & N. Froitzheim (eds.) Tectonic Aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathians-System. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. 298: 5 – 44.

210. Siegesmund, S., Layer, P., Dunkl, I., Vollbrecht, A., Steenken, A., Wemmer, K. & Ahrendt, H., 2008. Exhumation and deformation history of the lower crustal section of the Val Strona di Omegna in the Ivrea Zone, Southern Alps. . In: Siegesmund, S., B. Fügenschuh & N. Froitzheim (eds.) Tectonic Aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathians-System. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub. 298: 45 -68.

211. Wemmer, K., Steenken, A., Müller, S., Lopez de Luchi, M. & Siegesmund, S.. The tectonic significance of K/Ar Illite fine fraction from the San Luis Formation (Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina). Int. J. Earth Sciences DOI 10.1007/s00531-010-0629-8 .

212. Gueye, M., Siegesmund, S. & van de Kerkhof, 2007. Structural and fluid inclusion studies of gold mineralization in the Paleoproterozoic rocks of southeastern Senegal. Int Journal Earth Science (submitted).

213. Siegesmund, S., J. Rüdrich & A. Koch, 2008. Marble Bowing: Comparative studies of different public building facades. In: Siegesmund, S., R.Snethlage & J. Ruedrich: Monumental future:climate change, air pollution, stone decay and conservation. Environmental Geology 56: 473-494. (DOI10.1007/s00254-008-1307-z).

214. Stück, H., Z. Forgó, H. J. Rüdrich, S. Siegesmund & Á. Török, 2008. The behaviour of consolidated volcanic tuffs: weathering mechanisms under simulated laboratory conditions. In: Siegesmund, S., R.Snethlage & J. Ruedrich: Monumental future: climate change, air pollution, stone decay and conservation. Environmental Geology 56: 699-713. (DOI10.1007/s00254-008-1337-6).

215. Siegesmund, S. & B. Middendorf, 2008. The Market Gate of Miletus: damages, material characteristiscs and the development of a compatible mortar for restoration. . In: Siegesmund, S., R.Snethlage & J. Ruedrich: Monumental future:climate change, air pollution, stone decay and conservation. Environmental Geology 56:753-766. (DOI10.1007/s00254-008-1475-x).

216. Siegesmund, S. & R. Snethlage, 2008. Vorwort – Denkmalgesteine: Festschrift Wolf-Dieter Grimm. In: Siegesmund, S. & R.Snethlage (ed.). Denkmalgesteine-W.-D. Grimm-Festband. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG), Heft 59: 3.

217. Chr. Schneider, J. Ziesch, J. Bauer, A. Török & Siegesmund, S., 2008. Bauwerkskartierung zur Analyse des Verwitterungsstatus an den Außenmauern des Schlosses von Buda (Budapest, Ungarn). In: Siegesmund, S. & R.Snethlage (ed.). Denkmalgesteine-W.-D. Grimm-Festband. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG), Heft 59: 219 – 235.

218. S. Mosch & Siegesmund, S., 2008. Lagerstättenerfassung und –bewertung von Naturwerksteinen am Beispiel des Dolomitmarmors von Mtesa, Tansania. In: Siegesmund, S. & R.Snethlage (ed.). Denkmalgesteine-W.-D. Grimm-Festband. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG), Heft 59: 291 - 318.

219. Siegesmund, S. & J. Rüdrich, 2008. Verbiegungen von Marmorplatten: Gebäudekartierungen, gesteintechnische Charakteristika und Problemlösungen. In. H.Venzmer (Hrsg.) „EU-Sanierungskalender 2009“, S.309-330. Beuth-Verlag, Berlin.

220. Siegesmund, S. & J. Rüdrich, 2008. Marble bowing. In: J.W. Lukaszewicz & P. Niemcewicz (ed.) Proceedings of the 11. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Torun:757-764.

221. B. Graue, J. Kordilla & Siegesmund, S., 2008.Stone deterioration and conservation of the ancient Egyptian Tomb of Neferhotep (TT49) in Thebes (Egypt). In: J.W. Lukaszewicz & P. Niemcewicz (ed.) Proceedings of the 11. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Torun: 1231-1238.

222. T. Kracke, J. Rüdrich, W.Wedekind, C. Müller & Siegesmund, S., 2008. Characteristics, weathering behaviour and the effects of consolidation approaches on the Buntsandstein: A case study from the Bartolomew Cemetery in Goettingen. In: J.W. Lukaszewicz & P. Niemcewicz (ed.) Proceedings of the 11. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Torun: 677-684.

223. Török, A., Stück, H., Quetscher, A., Glätzner, P., & Siegesmund, S., 2007. Weathering forms and its characterisation. Case studies from the castels of Somlo, Sümek and Visegrad. Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 158/4: 931-955.

224. Stück, H., Z. Forgó, J. Rüdrich, Siegesmund, S. & Á. Török, 2008. Stone consolidation of volcanic tuffs. In: J.W. Lukaszewicz & P. Niemcewicz (ed.) Proceedings of the 11. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Torun: 1063-1070.

225. W. Wedekind, J. Rüdrich & Siegesmund, S., 2008. Entsalzungstests an kontaminierten Sandsteinen. Restauro 7: 444-454.

226. W. Wedekind, J. Rüdrich, T. Kracke, T. Licha & Siegesmund, S., 2008. Object-specific dasalination of prominent tomb monuments. In: J.W. Lukaszewicz & P. Niemcewicz (ed.) Proceedings of the 11. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Torun: 1339-1347.

227. Siegesmund, S., 2008. Steinhart gebogen. Deutsches Architektenblatt 9: 57-59.

228. Siegesmund, S. & B. Grelk, 2008. Das Marmor-Problem. Naturstein 9: 96 – 101.

229. Siegesmund, S. & J. Rüdrich. Marmorfassaden: Verbogen und vermessen. Stoneplus:5: 17-21.

230. Siegesmund, S., 2008. Neue Steine und alte Sorgen – Fassadenplatten aus Naturstein: Sicherheitsrisiken und Sanierungsstrategien. In. H. Venzmer (Hrsg.) 19.Hanseatische Sanierungstage Bauphysik und Bausanierung Heringsdorf 2008, S. 17-27, Beuth Verlag, Berlin.

231. Siegesmund, S., W.- D. Grimm, H. Dürrast & J. Rüdrich. Limestones in architecture: the German view. In: B.Smith, M. Gomez-Heras, H.Viles & J. Cassar: "Limestone in the Built Environment: Present day Challenges to Preserve the Past". Geol. Soc. Spec. Pub.London 331:37-59.

232. A. Steenken, K. Wemmer, R.D.Martino, M. Lopez, A.B. Guereschi & Siegesmund, S.. Post-Pampean cooling and the exhumation of the Sierras Pampeanas near Cordoba (Central Argentina). N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 256/2, 235– 255.

233. Oyhantcabal, P., Siegesmund, S., K. Wemmer, S.Presniakov & P. Layer. SHRIMP zircon geochronological constraints on the evolution of the southern Dom Feliciano Belt (Uruguay). J. Geol. Soc. London Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 166, 2009, pp. 1–11. doi: 10.1144/0016-76492008-122.

234. Siegesmund, S., A. Steenken, R.Martino, K. Wemmer, M. Lopz de Luchi, R.Frei & S. Presniakov (2010). Time constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas (Central Argentina). Int J. Earth Science. 99:1199-1226. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-009-0471-z .

235. Mosch, S., Nikolayev, D., O. Ewiak & Siegesmund, S., 2009. Optimierte Gewinnung. Naturstein 05/09:102-103.

236. Mosch, S., Nikolayev, D., O. Ewiak & Siegesmund, S., 2009. Optimierung der Werksteingewinnung. Steinbruch und Sandgrube. 5: 8-11.

237. A.Steenken & Siegesmund, S.. Granite in Südtirol. In: `Südtirol 360° - Eine Landschaft im Wandel (Hrsg. W.Kreisel, H. Frasnelli & T. Reeh). Tappeiner – Verlag, Bozen, S. 50-63.

238. M. Drobe, Siegesmund, S., K. Wemmer, A. Steenken, M. Lopez, R. Frei & R. Naumann. Crustal provenance of the basement of the Sierra de San Luis: U/Pb-SHRIMP, Sm/Nd, Pb/Pb-whole rock and geochemical evidences ). Journal of South American Earth Sciences (doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2009.06.005).

239. M. Klinkenberg, N. Rickertsen, S. Kaufhold, R. Dohrmann & Siegesmund, S. (2009). Abrasivity of bentonite suspensions. Applied Clay Science 46: 37–42.

240. M.Gueye, P. M. Ngom, M. Diène, Y. Thiam, S. Siegesmund, K. Wemmer & S.Pawlig. Reply to comments on “Intrusive rocks and tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Mako Paleoproterozoic belt (Eastern Senegal, West Africa)” Journal of African Earth Sciences 55: 269-270.

241. A. Luque, G. Cultrone, S Mosch, Siegesmund, S., E. Sebastian, B. Leiss. Anisotropic behaviour of White Macael marble used in the Alhambra of Granada (Spain). The role of thermohydric expansion in stone durability. Eng.Geol. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2009.06.015.

242. M.Klinkenberg, S. Kaufhold, R. Dohrmann & Siegesmund, S.. Influence of carbonate microfabrics on the failure strength of claystones. Eng. Geol. 107:42-54. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2009.04.001

243. Siegesmund, S., Kracke, T., Ruedrich, J. & R. Schwarzburg. Jewish cemetery in Hamburg Altona (Germany). Stata of marble deterioration and provenance. Eng. Geology. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2009.07.008

244. Siegesmund, S., Vogel, J., Friedel, C.H. Mosch, S., Peter, A.,Namann, J. & H.Giesen (2011). Stability assesment of sandstones from the St. Servatius church at the castle hill in Quedlinburg (Unesco’s World Heritage Site, Germany). Environmental Earth Sciences, Volume 63, Number 3, Seiten 641-659, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-010-0736-7

245. S.Mosch, S., D. Nikolayev, O. Ewiak & Siegesmund, S.. Optimized extraction of diemension stone blocks. Environmental earth Sciences 63, 7-8:1911-1924, DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0825-7.

246. St. Kaufhold, R. Dohrmann, M. Klinkernberg, Siegesmund, S. & K. Ufer. The N2-BET specific surface area of bentonites. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 349: 275-282. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2010.05.018.

247. Chr. Müller, Siegesmund, S. & P. Blum (2010). Evaluation of the representative elementary volume (REV) of a fractured geothermal sandstone reservoir. Environmental Erath Science. Environ Earth Sci (2010) 61:1713–1724. DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0485-7

248. Louque, A., E.Ruiz-Agudo, G. Cultzrone, E. Sebastian & Siegesmund, S. (2011). Direct observation of microcrack development in marble caused by thermal weathering. Environmantal Earth Science. 62:1375–1386. DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0624-1

249. J.Ruedrich, Y.Rieffel, St.Pirskawetz, H.Alpermann, U.Joksch, C. Gengnagel, F.Weise, R. Plagge, J. Zhao & Siegesmund, S.. Development and assessment of protective winter covers for marble statuaries of the Schlossbrücke, Berlin (Germany). Environ Earth Sci. 63, 7-8: 1823-1848, DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0765-2..

250. J.Ruedrich, T.Bartelsen, R.Dohrmann & Siegesmund, S. (2010). Building sandstone integrity affected by the process of hygric expansion. Environ Earth Sci. 63, 7-8, 1545-1564, DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0767-0

251. Siegesmund, S. & M. Hoppert (2010). Die Drei Gleichen: Baudenkmäler und Naturraum: Einführung. In: Siegesmund, S. & M.Hoppert (Ed.). Die Drei Gleichen: Baudenkmäler und Naturraum. Edition Leipzig: 8-9.

252. G. Beutler, J. Schubert & Siegesmund, S. (2010). In: Siegesmund, S. & M.Hoppert (Ed.)2010. Die Drei Gleichen: Baudenkmäler und Naturraum. Edition Leipzig:46-62.

253. H.Stück, C. Fischer & Siegesmund, S. (2010). Bausteine der Region Drei Gleichen: Entstehung, Charakterisierung und Verwitterung In: Siegesmund, S. & M.Hoppert (Ed.): Die Drei Gleichen: Baudenkmäler und Naturraum. Edition Leipzig:131-159.

254. W.Wedekind, B.Middendorf & Siegesmund, S. (2010). Denkmalgerechte Ruinensicherung In: Siegesmund, S. & M.Hoppert (Ed.): Die Drei Gleichen: Baudenkmäler und Naturraum. Edition Leipzig:160-199.

255. J.Schubert, W.Klug, U. Hopf & Siegesmund, S. (2010). Geologische, botanische und burgengeschichtliche Exkursionen im Gebiet der Drei Gleichen In: Siegesmund, S. & M.Hoppert (Ed.): Die Drei Gleichen: Baudenkmäler und Naturraum. Edition Leipzig:302-349.

256. J. Ruedrich, D.Kirchner & Siegesmund, S.. Physical weathering of building stones induced by freeze thaw action: a laboratory long term study. Environmental Earth Sciences 63, 7-8:1573-1586, DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0826-6.

257. M.Morales Demarco, K.-J. Stein, P. Oyhantcabal & Siegesmund, S.. Black Dimensional Stones: Geology, Technical Properties and Deposit Characterization of the Dolerites of Uruguay. Environmental Earth Sciences, 63,7-8:1879-1909, DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0827-5.

258. Siegesmund, S. & R.Snethlage. Stone in Architecture, 2011.Preface, v-vii. In: Siegesmund, S. & R.Snethlage. Stone in Architecture. 97-225. DOI 10.1007/ß78-3-642-14475-2 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

259. Siegesmund, S. & A.Török (2011). Building Stones. In: Siegesmund, S. & R.Snethlage. Stone in Architecture. 11-96. DOI 10.1007/ß78-3-642-14475-2_2 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

260. Siegesmund, S. & H. Dürrast. Mechanical and physical properties of rocks, 2011. In: Siegesmund, S. & R.Snethlage. Stone in Architecture. 97-225. DOI 10.1007/ß78-3-642-14475-2_3 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

261. H.Siedel & Siegesmund, S.. Characterisation of stone deterioration on buildings, 2011. In: Siegesmund, S. & R.Snethlage. Stone in Architecture. 347-410. DOI 10.1007/ß78-3-642-14475-2_6 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

262. Siegesmund, S., M. Basei & P. Oyhantcabal. Multiaccretional tectonics at the Rio de la Plata craton margin:Preface. In: Siegesmund, S., M. Basei & P. Oyhantcabal (Ed.). Multiaccretional Tectonics at the Rio de La Plata Margins. Int J. Earth Sci. DOI 10.1007/s00531-010-0616-0

263. P. Oyhantcabal, Siegesmund, S. & K. Wemmer. The Río de la Plata Craton: a review of units, boundaries, ages and isotopic signature. In: Siegesmund, S., M. Basei & P. Oyhantcabal (Ed.). Multiaccretional Tectonics at the Rio de La Plata Margins. Int.J. Earth Sci. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-010-0580-8

264. P. Oyhantcabal, Siegesmund, S., K. Wemmer & C. Passchier. The transpressional connection between Dom Feliciano and Kaoko belts at 580 - 550 Ma. In: Siegesmund, S., M. Basei & P. Oyhantcabal (Ed.). Multiaccretional Tectonics at the Rio de La Plata Margins. Int. J. Earth Sci. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-010-0577-3

265. A. Steenken, M. Lopez de Luchi, M. Drobe, C. Martínez Dopico, K. Wemmer & Siegesmund, S.. The Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic Metamorphic And Magmatic Evolution Of The Eastern Sierras Pampeanas: An Overview. In Siegesmund, S., M. Basei & P. Oyhantcabal (Ed.). Multiaccretional Tectonics at the Rio de La Plata Margins. Int J Earth Sci. DOI 10.1007/s00531-010-0624-0.

266. St. Löbens, F.Bense, I.Dunkl. C. Costa, K.Wemmer & Siegesmund, S.. Is The Exhumation Of The Sierras Pampeanas Just Related To The Andean Flat-Slab Subduction? Preliminary Implications of K-Ar Fault Gouge Dating and Low Thermal Geochronology In The Sierra De Comechingones (Argentina). In: Siegesmund, S., M. Basei & P. Oyhantcabal (Ed.). Multiaccretional Tectonics at the Rio de La Plata Margins. Int J. Earth Sciences DOI 10.1007/s00531-010-0608-0.

267. M. Drobe, M.López de Luchi, A.Steenken, K. Wemmer, R.Naumann, R. Frei & Siegesmund, S.. Geodynamic Evolution of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas based on geochemical, Sm-Nd, Pb-Pb and SHRIMP data.In: Siegesmund, S., M. Basei & P. Oyhantcabal (Ed.). Multiaccretional Tectonics at the Rio de La Plata Margins. Int J. Earth Sci DOI: 10.1007/s00531-010-0593-3

268. V.Shushakova, E. R. Fuller, Jr. & Siegesmund, S. (2010). Influence of shape fabric and crystal texture on marble degradation phenomena: simulations. Environ Earth Sci. 63, 7-8: 1587-1601, DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0744-7.

269. Á.Török, T.Licha, K. Simon & Siegesmund, S. (2010). Urban and rural limestone weathering; the contribution of dust to black crust formation. Volume 63, Number 4, Seiten 675-693. DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0737-6.

270. Siegesmund, S., M. Pfeifer, und R. Wittenbecher, 2010. Zur Beurteilung der Standsicherheit vorgehängter Fassadenplatten am Beispiel der Marmorfassade des Staatstheaters Darmstadt. In. Fassadensanierung: Praxisbeispiele, Produkteigenschaften, Schutzfunktionen von H.Venzmer (Hrsg.). Beuth Verlag Berlin, S. 183-199.

271: St. Mosch & Siegesmund, S. (2010). Der Dolomitmarmor von Mtesa (Tansania): Lagerstättenerkundung und –bewertung. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie. 2/2005:70-75..

272. P. Vázquez, Siegesmund, S. & F.J. Alonso (2010). Bowing of dimensional granitic stones. Environ Earth Sci. 63, 7-8: 1603-1612, DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0882-y

273. Siegesmund, S. & J. Ruedrich. (2011). Monuments under threat: environmental impact, preservation strategies and natural stone recourses. Environ Earth Sci (2011) 63:1413–1414, DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1040-x

274. H.Stueck, Siegesmund, S. & J. Ruedrich. Weathering behaviour and construction suitability of dimension stones from the Drei Gleichen area (Thuringia, Germany). Environ Earth Sci.63, 7-8: 1763-1786, DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1043-7

275. B.Graue, Siegesmund, S. & B. Middendorf. Quality assessment for replacement stones for the Cologne Cathedral: mineralogical and petrophysical constraints. Environ Earth Sci. 63, 7-8: 1799-1822, DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1077-x

276. C. Fischer, S.Kaufhold, W.Wedekind, R. Dohrmann, V. Karius, and Siegesmund, S.. Weathering of Fruchtschiefer building stones: Mineral dissolution or rock disaggregation? Env. Earth Sci. 63, 7-8: 1665-1676, Environ Earth Sci (2011) 63:1665–1676, DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-0986-z

277. W.Wedekind, J. Ruedrich and Siegesmund, S.. Natural building stones of Mexico-Tenochtitlán: their use, weathering and rock properties at the Templo Mayor, Palace Heras Soto and the Metropolitan Cathedral. Environ Earth Sci. 63, 7-8:1787-1798, DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1075-z

278. A. Luque, B.Leiss, P. Alvarez-Lloret, G. Cultrone, Siegesmund, S., E. Sebastian & C. Cardell (2011). Potential thermal expansion of calcitic and dolomitic marbles from Andalusia (Spain). J. Appl. Cryst. 44, 1227-1237 (doi:10.1107/S0021889811036910]

279. S. Pirskawetz, Y. Rieffel, J. Ruedrich, R. Plagge, F. Weise, Siegesmund, S. & U. Ruisinger, 2011. An interdisciplinary model project to develop an innovative winter covering system for marble statuaries of the Schlossbrücke (Berlin). In: Jardins de Pierres:Conservation de la Pierre dans les parcs, jardins et cimentieres edited by SFIIC and V.Verges-Belmin. 122-131.

280. W.Wedekind, J.Ruedrich & Siegesmund, S., 2011. Conservation inventory systems for monitoring and protection of cementaries and tomb facades. In: Jardins de Pierres:Conservation de la Pierre dans les parcs, jardins et cimentieres edited by SFIIC and V.Verges-Belmin. 181-189.

281. Kaufhold, A., Gräsle, W. , Plischke, I., Dohrmann, R. & S. Siegesmund (2013). Influence of carbonate content and micro fabrics on the failure strength of the sandy facies of the Opalinus Clay from Mont Terri (Underground Rock Laboratory). Eng. Geology: 156: 111-118. Doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2013.01.014

282. P. Oyhantcabal, M. Eimer, K. Wemmer, R.Frei. B. Schulz & Siegesmund, S.. Paleo- and Neoproterozoic magmatic and tectonometamorphic evolution of the Isla Cristalina de Rivera (Nico Pérez Terrane, Uruguay). Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2012) 101:1745–1762 DOI 10.1007/s00531-012-0757-4

283. F. Bense, S. Löbens, K.Wemmer, I. DSunkle. C. Costa & S. Siegesmund. Exhumation & uplift of a Pampean range: The Sierra de San Luis, Argentina. JAMES (submitted).

284. R.Wolf, I. Dunkl, G. Kisselbach, K.Wemmer & Siegesmund, S.. Refined exhumation history of the IvreaVerbano Zone of the Southern Alps. Tectonophysics

285. B. Szemerey-Kiss, A. Török & Siegesmund, S., 2013. The influence of binder/aggregate ratio on the pore properties and strength repair mortars. Environ Earth Sci, 69:1439-1450. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-013-2405-0

286. M.Morales Demarco, K.-J. Stein, P. Oyhantcabal & Siegesmund, S., 2013. Granitic dimensional stones in Uruguay: evaluation and assessments of potential resources. Env. Earth Sciences 69: 1397-1438. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-012-2027-y

287. M.Morales Demarco, K.-J. Stein, P. Oyhantcabal & Siegesmund, S., 2013. Dolomitic slates from Uruguay: Petrophysical and petromechanical characterization and deposit evaluation. Environmental Earth Sciences 69: 1361-1396. DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1921-7

288. H.Stück, R.Koch, & Siegesmund, S., 2013. Petrographical and petrophysical properties of sandstones: Statistical analysis as an approach to predict material behaviour and construction suitability. Environ Earth Sci., 69:1299-1232. DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-2008-1

289. J.Ruedrich, Chr. Knell, J. Enseleit, Y.Rieffel, & Siegesmund, S., 2013. Stability assessment of marble statuaries of the Schlossbrücke (Berlin, Germany) based on rock strength measurements and ultrasonic wave velocities. Env. Earth Sciences 69:1451-1470. (DOI) 10.1007/s12665-013-2246-x

290. Siegesmund, S., S.Pirskawetz, F.Weise, R. Plagge &Y.Rieffel. Winter shelters for marble sculptures of the Schlossbrücke Berlin: climatic constraints. In: G. Wheeler (ed.) Proceedings of the 12. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Columbia University New York (in press).

291. R.López–Doncel, W.Wedekind, R. Dohrmann & Siegesmund, S.. Moisture expansion associated to secondary porosity. An example of the Loseros Tuff of Guanajuato, Mexico. Environ Earth Sci 69: 1189-1202. DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1781-1

292. B. Graue, Siegesmund, S., K. Simon, T. Licha, P. Oyhantcabal, B. Middendorf. Environmental impact on stone Decay: crust formation at the cologne Cathedral. In: G. Wheeler (ed.) Proceedings of the 12. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Columbia University New York (in press).

293. B.Graue, Siegesmund, S., B.Middendorf and P.Oyhantcabal. Requirements for replacement stones at the Cologne Cathedral – a systematic approach to general criteria of compatibility. In: G. Wheeler (ed.) Proceedings of the 12. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Columbia University New York (in press).

294. Victoria Shushakova, Edwin R. Fuller, Jr., Florian Heidelbach and Siegfried Siegesmund, 2013. Fabric influences on microcrack degradation of marbles. In: G. Wheeler (ed.) Proceedings of the 12. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Columbia University New York (in press).

295. Victoria Shushakova, Edwin R. Fuller, Jr., and Siegfried Siegesmund, 2013. Microcracking in calcite and dolomite marble: microstructural influences and effects on properties. Environ Earth Sci 69: 1263-1280.DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1995-2.

296. Wanja Wedekind, Rubén López-Doncel, Reiner Dohrmann, Mathias Kocher and Siegfried Siegesmund, 2013. Weathering of volcanic tuffrocks used as natural building stone caused by moisture expansion. Env. Earth Sci. 69:1203-1224. DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-2158-1.

297. F.Bense, K.Wemmer, S.Löbens & Siegesmund, S.. Fault gouge analyses: K/Ar illite dating, clay mineralogy and tectonic significance – A case study from the Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina. Int. J. Earth Sci. (in revision)

298. Stefan Löbens, Edward R. Sobel, Frithjof A. Bense, Klaus Wemmer, István Dunkl, Siegfried Siegesmund. Refined thermochronological aspects of the Northern Sierras Pampeanas TECTONICS, VOL. 32, 1-21, doi:10.1002/tect.20038, 2013

299. S.Löbens, F.Bense, I.Dunkl. K. Wemmer & Siegesmund, S.. Cenozoic exhumation and uplift oft he Sierra de Pie de Palo constrained by Thermochronological methods. Journal of South American Earth Sciences (in revision)

300. Siegesmund, S., T.Popp, A.Kaufhold, R.Dohrmann, W.Gräsle, R.Hinkes, D. Schulte-Kortnack.. Seismic and mechanical properties of Opalinusclay: Comparison between sandy and shaly facies from Mont Terri (Switzerland). Env Earth Sci. (in revision)

301. K.-J. Stein & Siegesmund, S.. (2013).Naturwerksteine in der Innenstadt von Göttingen (Exkursion B am 2. April 2013). Jber. Mitt. Oberrhein. Geol. Ver., N.F. 95, 2013: 27-47.

302. Siegesmund, S. (2012) Überraschend biegsam: Marmorplatten an Fassaden. Bautensanierung Bauinstandsetzung. 2: 18-22.

303. R.Lopez-Doncel, W. Wedekind, R. Dohrmann, Siegesmund, S.. Historical building stones on Guanajuato, Mexico: weathering, properties and restoration, In: G. Wheeler (ed.) Proceedings of the 12. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Columbia University New York (in press).

304. R.Lopez-Doncel, W. Wedekind, R. Dohrmann, Siegesmund, S.. Hygric and Hydric expansion of tuffs exclusively caused by clay minerals? In: G. Wheeler (ed.) Proceedings of the 12. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Columbia University New York (in press).

305. H.Stück, Siegesmund, S.. Statistical analyses of petrographical and petrophysical properties of sandstones: an approach for predicting weathering behavior, In: G. Wheeler (ed.) Proceedings of the 12. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Columbia University New York (in press).

306. A.Török, Siegesmund, S., T. Licha, K. Simon. Dust from limestone buildings, the composition and origin in rural and urban settings, In: G. Wheeler (ed.) Proceedings of the 12. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Columbia University New York (in press).

307. D. Klein, B. Graue, Siegesmund, S., B. Middendorf. The role of historic and contemporary mortars in the deterioration process of natural stone on the Cologne Cathedral, In: G. Wheeler (ed.) Proceedings of the 12. Int. Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Columbia University New York (in press).

308. B. Graue, Siegesmund, S., P. Oyhantcabal, R. Naumann, T. Licha, K. Simon, 2013. The effect of air pollution on stone decay - The decay of the Drachenfels trachyte under industrial, urban and rural environment: a case study at the Cologne, Altenberg and Xanten cathedrals. Env. Earth Sci. 69: 1095-1124. DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-2161-6

309. B.Graue, Siegesmund, S. & T. Schumacher. Steinverwitterung und Natursteinaustausch am Kölner Dom. In: Siegesmund, S. & R. Snethlage „Naturstein und Kulturlandschaften“. Mitteldeutscher Verlag: 128-139.

310. Siegesmund, S., A. Müller, H. Stück, E. Bergmeier, M. Hoppert, R. Schmitt, K. Epperlein, M. Deutsch, T. Reeh, G. Beutler, B. Bahn. Der Kulturlandschaftskorridor Saale-Unstrut. In: Siegesmund, S. & R. Snethlage „Naturstein und Kulturlandschaften“. Mitteldeutscher Verlag:232-259.

311. Siegesmund, S., St. Pirskawetz, Y. Rieffel, E. Gossart, U. Joksch, F. Weise, R. Plagge, J. Ruedrich. Die Schlossbrücke in Berlin – Via triumphalis. In: Siegesmund, S. & R. Snethlage „Naturstein und Kulturlandschaften“. Mitteldeutscher Verlag:310-321.

312. Siegesmund, S., U. Hopf, H. Stück, G. Beutler, H. Culmsee, M. Hoppert, T. Reeh, I.Schmiedel, J., J.Schwienheer, T. Wieland. Die Kulturlandschaft der Drei Gleichen-Region, Thüringen. In: Siegesmund, S. & R. Snethlage „Naturstein und Kulturlandschaften“. Mitteldeutscher Verlag:334-347.

313. W. Wedekind, T. Kracke, J. Rüdrich, A. Bruch, S. Siegesmund, 2013. Der Bartholomäus-Friedhof in Göttingen als Beispiel für die nachhaltige Revitalisierung und Erhaltung eines Gesamtensembles. In: Siegesmund, S. & R. Snethlage „Naturstein und Kulturlandschaften“. Mitteldeutscher Verlag:322-333.

314. H.Stück, R. Plagge & Siegesmund, S., 2013. Numerical Modeling of Moisture and Water Transport in Sandstone: The Influence of Crucial Fabric Parameters and Heterogeneities in the Context of Lithology and Pore-space Parameters. Env. Earth Sci., 69: 1161-1188. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-013-2405-0.

315. T.Heinrichs, Siegesmund, S., D.Frei, M.Drobe & B. Schulz (2013).Provenance signatures from whole-rock geochemistry and detrital zircon ages of metasediments from the Austroalpine basement to the south of the Tauern Window (Eastern Tyrol, Austria). Geol. Alp. 9, 2012: 156-185.

316. M.G. López de Luchi, N. F. Iannizzotto, S. Geuna, A. E. Rapalini, K.Wemmer, N.Nolte & Siegesmund, S.. Middle Devonian monzonitic to granitic magmatism of the Sierra de San Luis: initial stages of extension post-dating the Achalian orogeny. Gondwana Research (submitted).

317. V. Shushakova, E. Fuller, F. Heidelbach, D. Mainprice and Siegesmund, S.. Marble decay induced by thermal strains: simulations and experiments. Environ Earth Sci, 69: 1281-1298. Doi:10.1007/s12665-013-2406-z

318. Siegesmund, S. & P. Brimblecomne (2013). Editorial to the Special Issue „Urban use of Rocks“ in Environmental Earth Science. Environ Earth Sci, 69: 1067-1070. doi: 10.1007/s12665-013-2412-1

319. Siegesmund, S. & R. Snethlage (2013). Naturstein als Element der Kulturlandschaft. In: Siegesmund, S. & R. Snethlage „Naturstein und Kulturlandschaft“. Mitteldeutscher Verlag:10-11.

320. N.Friese, F. A. Bense, D.C. Tanner, L E. Gústafsson & S. Siegesmund (2013). From feeder dykes to scoria cones: the tectonically controlled plumbing system of the Rauðhólar volcanic chain, Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland. Bull Volcanol 75:717 DOI 10.1007/s00445-013-0717-2

321. Siegesmund, S. & R. Snethlage (2013). Naturstein als Element der Kulturlandschaft. In: S.Siegesmund & R. Snethlage ?Naturstein und Kulturlandschaft?. Mitteldeutscher Verlag:10-11.

322. N. Friese, F. A. Bense, D. C. Tanner, L. E. Gústafsson & S. Siegesmund (2013). From feeder dykes to scoria cones: the tectonically controlled plumbing system of the Rauðhólar volcanic chain, Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland. Bull. Volcanol. DOI: 10.1007/s00445-013-0717-2.

323. Bense, F. A., Löbens, S., Dunkl, I., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S. (2013). Is the exhumation of the Sierras Pampeanas only related to Neogene flat-slab subduction? Implications from a multi-thermochronological approach. J. S. Am. Earth Sci. 48:123-144.

324. M. Gueye, A.M. Van Den Kerkhof, U.F. Hein, M. Diene, A. Mücke & S.Siegesmund (2013). Structural control, fluid inclusion and cathodluminescence studies of Birimian gold-baring quartz veinsin the Paleoproterozoic Mako Belt (Southeastern Senegal). S. Afr. J. Geol. 116:199-281. DOI: 10.2113/gssajg.116.2.199

325. Siegesmund, S., M.-Hoppert & K. Epperlein (2014). Kulturlandschaftskorridor Saale und Unstrut: In: S.Siegesmund, M.Hoppert & K. Epperlein (Hrsg.): Natur Stein Kultur Wein, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, S.13-17.

326. Müller, A., G. Beutler & S. Siegesmund (2014). Geologie des Triaslandes und Landschaftsentwick-lung. In: S. Siegesmund, M. Hoppert & K. Epperlein (Hrsg.): Natur Stein Kultur Wein, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, S. 45-92.

327. Stück, H., S. Siegesmund, T. Platz & A. Sohnrey (2014). Bausteine der Region Saale-Unstrut ? Entstehung, Verwendung und Verwitterung. In: S.Siegesmund, M.Hoppert & K. Epperlein (Hrsg.): Natur Stein Kultur Wein, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, S. 267-292.

328. Müller, A., B. Bahn, E. Bergmeier, M. Deutsch, K. Epperlein, T. Reeh, R. Schmitt & S. Siegesmund (2014). Unterwegs im Saale-Unstrut ? Triasland - Naturkundlich-geschichtliche Exkursionen. In: S. Siegesmund, M. Hoppert & K. Epperlein (Hrsg.): Natur Stein Kultur Wein, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, S. 357-412.

329. Siegesmund, S. & A. Török (2014). Building Stones. In: S. Siegesmund & R. Snethlage. Stone in Architecture, 5th Edition. 11-96. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

330. Siegesmund, S. & H. Dürrast (2014). Physical and Mechanical Properties of Rocks. In: S. Siegesmund & R.Snethlage. Stone in Architecture, 5th Edition. 97-224. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

331. Siedel, H. & Siegesmund, S. (2014). Characterization of Stone detzerioration on Buildings. In: S. Siegesmund & R.Snethlage. Stone in Architecture, 5th edition, 349- 414 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

332. Shushakova, V., Fuller, E. R., Heidelbach, F. and Siegesmund, S. (2014) Residual Strains in Structural Stone: A Degradation Mechanism, in Design, Development, and Applications of Structural Ceramics, Composites, and Nanomaterials: Ceramic Transactions, Volume 244 (eds D. Singh, D. Zhu, W. M. Kriven, S. Mathur and H.-T. Lin), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA. DOI: 10.1002/9781118889770.ch3

333. Luzin, V. D. Nikolayev, S. Siegesmund (2014). Temperature Induced Internal Stress in Carrara. Marble Materials Science Forum, 777, 148

334. Oriolo, S., Oyhantçabal, P. Heidelbach, F., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S. (2015): Structural evolution of the Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone, Uruguay: kinematics, deformation conditions and tectonic significance. Int. J. Earth Sci. 104:1754-1777. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-015-1166-2

335. López-Doncel, R., Wedekind, W., Leiser, T., Velasco-Sánchez, A., Molina-Maldonado, S., Dohrmann, R., Kral, A., Wittenborn, A. & Siegesmund, S. Salt bursting tests on volcanic tuff rocks from Mexico. Environ. Earth Sci. DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-4770-3

336. Oriolo, S., Oyhantçabal, P., Wemmer, K., Basei, M. A. S. Benowitz, J., Pfänder, J., Hannich, F., Siegesmund, S. (2016). Timing of deformation in the Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone, Uruguay: Implications for the amalgamation of western Gondwana during the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano-Pan-African Orogeny. Tectonics, 35:754-771. DOI: 10.1002/2015TC004052

337. Oriolo, S., Oyhantçabal, P., Basei, M. A. S., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S. (2016). The Nico Pérez Terrane (Uruguay): from Archean crustal growth and connections with the Congo Craton to late Neoproterozoic accretion to the Río de la Plata Craton. Precambrian Res. 280:147-160. DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2016.04.014

338. Oyhantçabal, P., Oriolo, S., Basei, M.A.S. Frei, D., Klaus, J., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S. (2016). Provenance and tectonic affinity of metasedimentary rocks of the western Dom Feliciano Belt in Uruguay: Insights from U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology, Hf isotopes, Sm-Nd whole-rock model ages and geochemical data. Precambrian Research (in Review)

339. Löbens, S., Oriolo, S., Benowitz, J., Wemmer, K., Layer, P., Siegesmund, S. (2016). Late Paleozoic deformation and exhumation in the Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina): first 40Ar/39Ar-feldspar dating constraints. Int. J. Earth Sci. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-016-1403-3

340. T. Meier, M. Auras, M. Fehr, D. Köhn, T. Steinkraus, F. Eckel, R. Sobott, S. Siegesmund, D. Schulte-Kortnack, E. Erkul (2016). Untersuchung der Verwitterung von Naturstein mit Ultraschall-Oberflächen-Messungen. In: Gabriele Patitz, Gabriele Grassegger, Otto Wölbert (Hrsg.) ?Natursteinsanierung Stuttgart 2016 - Neue Natursteinrestaurierungsergebnisse und messtechnische Erfassungen sowie Sanierungsbeispiele; Tagung am 11. März 2016 in Stuttgart?. S. 57-72.

341. Oriolo, S., Oyhantçabal, P., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S. (2016). The diachronous assembly of Western Gondwana: implications for the supercontinent cycle. Geosci. Front.

342. K. Grote, A. Pastoors, J. Blumenröther, T. Lenssen-Erz, D. Hoffmeister, A. Maier, T. Terberger, J. Lehmann, T. Uthmeier, S. Binnie, M. Hoppert & S. Siegesmund (2016). Searching for Palaeolithic rock art in the south of Göttingen (Germany). In: Palaeolithic rock and cave art in Central Europe ed. von J. Floss & A. Pastoors. Verlag Marie Leidorf

343. M. Hueck, S. Oriolo, I. Dunkl., K. Wemmer, P. Oyhantcabal, M. Schanofski, M. Basei & S. Siegesmund. Phanerozoic low-temperature evolution oft he Uruguayan Shield along the South American passive margin. J. Geol. Soc. London (submitted)

344. L. Sousa, J. Barabasch, K. -J. Stein & S. Siegesmund. Characterization and quality assessment of granitic building stone deposits: a case study on two different Portuguese granites. Construction and Building Materials (submitted)

345. R.Lopez-Doncel, W. Wedekind, N. Cardonna-Velazquez, P.S. Gonzales-Samano, R. Dohrmann, S. Siegesmund and C. Pötzl. (2016). Geological studies on volcanic tuffs used as natural building stones in the historic center of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Glasgow 2016. 107-115.

346. W. Wedekind, C. Gross, A. van den Kerkhof & S. Siegesmund (2016). Contour scaling at the Angkor Temples: causes, consequences and conservation. (ed. By John Hughes & Torsten Howind) Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Glasgow 2016: 205-213.

347. W. Wedekind, C. Pötzl, R. Lopez-Doncel, T.V. Platz & S. Siegesmund (2016). Surface hardness testing for the evaluation of consolidation of porous stones. (ed. By John Hughes & Torsten Howind) Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Glasgow 2016: 491- 499.

348. Oriolo, S., Oyhantçabal, P., Wemmer, K., Heidelbach, F., Pfänder, J., Basei, M.A.S., Hueck, M., Hannich, F., Sperner, B., Siegesmund, S. (2016) Shear zone evolution and timing of deformation in the Neoproterozoic transpressional Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguay. J. Struct. Geol. 92:59-78. DOI: 101016/j.jsg.2016.09.010

349. C. Pötzl, S. Siegesmund, R. López-Doncel, W. Wedekind (2016). Las Casas Tapadas de Plazuelas ? Structural damage, weathering characteristics and technical properties of volcanic rocks in Guanajuato, Mexico. (ed. By John Hughes & Torsten Howind) Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Glasgow 2016: 1245-1253.

350. L. Germinario, Siegesmund, S., L. Maritan, C. Mazzoli (2017). Trachyte weathering in the urban built environment related to air quality. Heeritage Science 5(1) 44.

351. L. Germinario, Siegesmund, S., L. Maritan, C. Mazzoli (2017). Petrophysical and mechanical properties of Euganean trachyte and implications for dimension stone decay and durability performance. Environmental Earth Sciences 76(21):739, DOI10.1007/s12665-017-7034-6

352. L Germinario, A. Zara, L. Maritan, J. Bonetto, J. M. Hanchar, R. Sassi, Siegesmund, S., C. Mazzoli (2017). Tracking trachyte on the Roman routes: provenance study of Roman infrastruc-ture and insights into ancient trades in northern Italy. Geoarchaeology DOI10.1002/gea.21667

353. Siegesmund, S., R. López-Doncel, P. Sieck, H. Wilke, K.Wemmer, D. Frei, S. Oriolo (2017). Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the genesis of Cu-Au 1 skarn deposits of the Santa María de la Paz district (Sierra del 2 Fraile, Mexico). Ore Geology Reviews 94; DOI10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.02.010

354. de Luchi, M. G. L., Siegesmund, S., Wemmer, K., & Nolte, N. (2017). Petrogenesis of the postcollisional Middle Devonian monzonitic to granitic magmatism of the Sierra de San Luis, Argentina. Lithos.

355. Siegesmund, S., L. Sousa, Chr. Knell (2017). Thermal expansion of granitoids. Environmental Earth Sciences. Environmental Earth Sciences 77(2), DOI10.1007/s12665-017-7119-2

356. F. Bense, C. Costa, S. Oriolo, S. Löbens, I. Dunkl, K. Wemmer, and Siegesmund, S.., 2017, Exhumation history and landscape evolution of the Sierra de San Luis (Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina) – new insights from low-temperature thermochronological data: Andean Geology, v. 44, no. 3, , doi:

357. M. Hoppert, B. Bahn, E. Bergmeier, M. Deutsch, K. Epperlein, A. Müller, A., T.Platz, T. Reeh, H. Stück, W.Wedekind, Siegesmund, S., (2018). The Saale-Unstrut cultural landscape corridor. Environmental Earth Sciences 77(3), DOI10.1007/s12665-017-7222-4

358. Siegesmund, S., S. Oriolo, T. Heinrich, M. Basei, F. Hüttenrauch, N. Nolte, B. Schulz (2018). Provenance of Austroalpine basement metasediments: Tightening up Early Palaeozoic connections between peri-Gondwanan domains of central Europe with northern Africa. International Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI10.1007/s00531-018-1599-5

359. Siegesmund, S., P. Oyhantçabal, M. A.S. Basei, S. Oriolo (2018). Geology of Southwest Gondwana: Preface: In: Regional Geology Reviews: Geology of Southwest Gondwans by S.Siegesmund, P. Oyhnatcabal, M. Basei & S. Oriolo (Ed.). Sprinter-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Springer, DOI10.1007/978-3-319-68920-3, p. v-xxviii

360. Oyhantçabal, P., Cingolani, C.A., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S.. (2018). The Río de la Plata Craton of Argentina and Uruguay. In: Regional Geology Reviews: Geology of Southwest Gondwans by S.Siegesmund, P. Oyhnatcabal, M. Basei & S. Oriolo (Ed.). Sprinter-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Springer, p.85-106.

361. Oyhantçabal, P., Oriolo, S., Philipp, R.P., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S..(2018). The Nico Pérez Terrane of Uruguay and southeastern Brazil. In: Regional Geology Reviews: Geology of Southwest Gondwans by S.Siegesmund, P. Oyhnatcabal, M. Basei & S. Oriolo (Ed.). Sprinter-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Springer , p. 161-188.

362. Hueck, M., Oyhantçabal, P., Philipp, R.P., Basei, M.A.S., Siegesmund, S. (2018). The Dom Feliciano Belt in Southern Brazil and Uruguay. In: Regional Geology Reviews: Geology of Southwest Gondwans by S.Siegesmund, P. Oyhnatcabal, M. Basei & S. Oriolo (Ed.). Sprinter-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Springer , p. 267-302.

363. López de Luchi, M.G., Martínez Dopico, C.I., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S.. (2018). Untangling the Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas hidden in the isotopical record: In: Regional Geology Reviews: Geology of Southwest Gondwans by S.Siegesmund, P. Oyhnatcabal, M. Basei & S. Oriolo (Ed.). Sprinter-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Springer, p. 433-468.

364. Oriolo, S., Hueck, M., Oyhantçabal, P., Goscombe, B., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S.. (2018) Shear zones in Brasiliano–Pan-African Belts and their role in the amalgamation and break-up of southwestern Gondwana. In: Regional Geology Reviews: Geology of Southwest Gondwans by S.Siegesmund, P. Oyhnatcabal, M. Basei & S. Oriolo (Ed.). Sprinter-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Springer, p. 593-614.

365. J. Menningen, Siegesmund, S. , L.Sousa, J.Sousa & R. Martins (2018). The Estremoz marbles: an updated summary on the geological, mineralogical and rock physical characteristics Environ Earth Sci (2018) 77: 191.

366. L. Sousa, Siegesmund, S., W.Wedekind (2018). Salt weathering in granitoids - an overview on the controlling factors. Environmental Earth Sciences (in revision)

367. H.Stück, T.Platz, A. Müller, Siegesmund, S. (2018). Natural Stones of Saale-Unstrut region– Petrography and Weathering phenomena. Environmental Earth Sciences 77(8), DOI10.1007/s12665-018-7476-5

368. Chr. Pötzl, R.Dohrmann. Siegesmund, S. (2018). Clay swelling mechanism in tuff stones: an example of the Hilbersdorf Tuff from Chemnitz, Germany. Environmental Earth Sciences 77(5), DOI10.1007/s12665-018-7345-2

369. O. Farkas, Siegesmund, S., T. Licha, Á. Török (2018). Geochemical and mineralogical composition of black weathering crusts on limestones from seven different European countriesEnvironmental Earth Sciences 77(5):211 DOI10.1007/s12665-018-7384-8

370. R. López-Doncel, W. Wedekind, A. Aguillón-Robles, R. Dohrmann, S. Molina-Maldonado, T. Leiser, A. Wittenborn, Siegesmund, S. (2018). ThThermal expansion on volcanic tuff rocks used as building stones – Examples from Mexico. Environ Earth Sci (2018) 77: 338.

371. E. Sassoni, S. Andreotti, G. W. Scherer, E. Franzoni, Siegesmund, S. (2018) Bowing of the marble slabs: can the phenomenon be arrested and prevented by inorganic treatments? Environmental Earth Science (2018) 77: 387.

373. Siegesmund, S., Sousa, L. & López-Doncel, R.A. (2018). Editorial to the topical collection in Environmental Earth Sciences “Stone in the architectural heritage: from quarry to monuments—environment, exploitation, properties and durability” Environ Earth Sci (2018) 77: 730.

374. Pötzl, C., Siegesmund, S., Dohrmann, R., Konig, J. & W.Wedekind (2018). Deterioration of volcanic tuff rocks from Armenia: constraints on salt crystallization and hydric expansion. Environ Earth Sci (2018) 77: 660.

375. Wedekind, W., Gross, C.J., Hoffmann, A. & Siegesmund, S. (2018). Damage phenomenon and petrophysical properties of sandstones at the Phnom Bakheng Temple (Angkor, Cambodia): first investigations and possible conservation measures
et al. Environ Earth Sci (2018) 77: 735.

376. Menningen, J., Siegesmund, S.., Tweeton, D. & M. Träupmamm (2018). Ultrasonic tomography: non-destructive evaluation of the weathering state on a marble obelisk, considering the effects of structural properties. Environ Earth Sci (2018) 77: 601.

377. Siegesmund, S., Sousa, L. & Knell, C. (2018). Thermal expansion of granitoids Environ Earth Sci (2018) 77: 41.

378. S.Oriolo, K. Wemmer, P. Oyhantçabal, H. Fossen, B. Schulz & Siegesmund, S. (2018) Geochronology of shear zones – A review. Earth-Science Reviews 185; 665–683,

379. M.Hueck, I. Dunkl, B. Heller, M. A. S. Basei, and Siegesmund, S. (2018). (U-Th)/He Thermochronology and Zircon Radiation Damage in the South American Passive Margin: Thermal Overprint of the Paraná LIP? Tectonics, 37. 2018TC005041

380. Hueck, M., Basei, M. A. S., Wemmer, K., Oriolo, S., Heidelbach, F., Siegesmund, S. (2018) Evolution of the Major Gercino Shear Zone in the Dom Feliciano Belt, South Brazil, and implications for the assembly of southwestern Gondwana. International Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s00531-018-1660-4

381. S. Oriolo, P.Oyhantcabal, J. Kanopasek, M.A.S. Basei, R.Frei, J. Slama, K.Wemmer & Siegesmund, S. (2019). Late Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic magmatism of the Nico Pérez Terrane (Uruguay): Tightening up correlations in southwestern Gondwana. Precambrian Research 327; p.296 – 313. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2019.04.012

382. M. Hueck, I. Dunkl, S. Oriolo, K. Wemmer, M. A.S. Basei & Siegesmund, S. (2019). Comparing contiguous high- and low-elevation continental margins: New (U-Th)/He constraints from South Brazil and an integration of the thermochronological record of the southeastern passive margin of South America. Tectonophysics 770 (2019) 228222

383. Siegesmund, S., S. Pirskawetz, F. Weise, R. Plagge and Y. Rieffel (2020). Winter Shelters for marble sculptures of the Schlossbrücke Berlin: Climatic Constraints. In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

384. A.Kück, C. Pötzl, Rubén López-Doncel, Reiner Dohrmann, Siegesmund, S. (2020). Weathering behaviour and petrophysical properties of the natural building stones used for the 1800-year-old Zapothec temples in Mitla and colonial churches in Oaxaca, Mexico. In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

385. A.Kück, C. Pötzl, R. López-Doncel, Reiner Dohrmann, Siegesmund, S. (2020). Effects of zeolithes and swellable clay minerals on water-related properties and thermal dilatation in volcanic tuff rocks. In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

386. J. Menningen, Siegesmund, S., R. Krompholz, Y. Rieffel (2020). The marble sculptures of General Bülow and Scharnhorst in Berlin - Comparative, non-destructive analysis of the weathering state after 12 years of exposure- In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

387. J. Menningen, T. Fetzer, A. Schäfer, G. Reis, Siegesmund, S. (2020). Marble columns and sculptures from the Marmorpalais and Park Sanssouci in Potsdam: Ultrasound tomography and 3D scanning technologies as a tool to constrain the state of weathering In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

388. E. Huby, C. Thomachot-Schneider, P. Vàzquez, G. Fronteau, J. Menningen, Siegesmund, S. (2020). Dilatation behavior of building stones repaired with a restoration mortar In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

389. A. D. Öcal, C. Pötzl, T. Cramer, Siegesmund, S. (2020). The Pre-Columbian Site El Infiernito: Studies On Weathering Damage Of Stone Monoliths. In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone. - In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

390. Siegesmund, S., M. Morales Demarco, R.Wittenbecher, M. Pfeifer & K.J.Stein (2020). Koelga Marble as building veneer at the Town Hall of Wermelskirchen (Germany): Weathering dynamics, bowing potential and risk assessment- Part I (2020). In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

391. Siegesmund, S., M. Morales Demarco, R.Wittenbecher, M. Pfeifer & K.J.Stein (2020). Koelga Marble as building veneer at the Town Hall of Wermelskirchen (Germany): Weathering dynamics, bowing potential and risk assessment- Part II (2020). In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

392. E. Sassoni, E. Franzoni, Siegesmund, S., G. W. Scherer (2020). 10 years of marble conservation by ammonium phosphate: laboratory and field data on protection, consolidation and mitigation of bowing. In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

393. S. Rucker, C. Pötzl, E. Wendler, R. Dohrmann, R. López-Doncel, Siegesmund, S. (2020). Improved consolidation of volcanic tuff rocks with Teos. In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

394. Á. Török, R. López-Doncel, C. Pötzl, W. Wedekind, L. Germinario, Siegesmund, S. (2020). Comparative analysis of volcanic tuffs from Europe, Asia and North America (2020). In: Siegesmund, S. & Middendorf, B. (ED.): Monument Future: Decay and Conservation of Stone.- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone – Volume I and Volume II. Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2020.

395. J. Menningen, Siegesmund, S., R. Krompholz & Y. Rieffel (in press) The marble sculptures of General Bülow and Scharnhorst in Berlin - Comparative, nondestructive analysis of the weathering state after 12 years of exposure. Environmental Earth Science.

396. Oyhantçabal, P., Oriolo, S., Basei, M.A.S. Frei, D., Klaus, J., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S.. (in Review). Provenance and tectonic affinity of metasedimentary rocks of the western Dom Feliciano Belt in Uruguay: Insights from U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology, Hf isotopes, Sm-Nd whole-rock model ages and geochemical data. Precambrian Research

397. O. Farkas, T. Licha, Siegesmund, S., Á. Török. (in prep.) Accumulation of carcinogenic PAH in settling dust and weathering crusts on building stone – an European survey in relation to lung cancer.

c) Geologische Karten

1. Bauer, W. Jakobs, J., Siegesmund, S., Spaeth, G., Thomas, R.J. & K. Weber (1998). Worsfoldfjellet, Heimefrontfjella, Ostantarktis (Blatt 12°42'W 75°12'S). Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polarforschung.

2. Bauer, W. Jakobs, J., M., Siegesmund, S., Spaeth, G., Thomas, R.J. & K. Weber (1998). Cottontoppen, Heimefrontfjella, Ostantarktis (Blatt 12°42'W 75°06'S). Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polarforschung.

3. Bauer, W. Jakobs, J., Kreutzer, S., Siegesmund, S., Spaeth, G., Thomas, R.J. & K. Weber & G. Zarske (1998). Juckeskammen, Heimefrontfjella, Ostantarktis (Blatt 12°30'W 74°01'S). Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polarforschung.

4. Bauer, W. Jakobs, J., Raab, M., Siegesmund, S., Spaeth, G., Thomas, R.J. & K. Weber (1998). Bjornnutane, Heimefrontfjella, Ostantarktis (Blatt 10°21'W 74°39'S. Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polarforschung.

5. Bauer, W. Jakobs, J., Raab, M., Siegesmund, S., Spaeth, G., Thomas, R.J. & K. Weber (1998). Hanssonhorna, Heimefrontfjella, Ostantarktis (Blatt 10°12'W 74°28'S). Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polarforschung.

6. Bauer, W. Jakobs, J., Raab, M., Siegesmund, S., Spaeth, G., Thomas, R.J. & K. Weber (1998). Vikenegga, Heimefrontfjella, Ostantarktis (Blatt 09°54'W 74°23'S). Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polarforschung.

7. Geologische Karte Blatt „Hopfgarten“ (ÖK 178, 1: 50.000). Geol. Bundesanstalt Wien, Österreich (in Vorb.)