Literaturliste Matthias Kuhle

Kuhle, M. (1974): Formen ästhetischer Idealität in Stifters "Studien I". Goltze-Verlag, Göttingen: 1-179 S. (1).

Kuhle, M. (1974a): Vorläufige Ausführungen morphologischer Feldarbeitsergebnisse aus den SE-Iranischen Hochgebirgen am Beispiel des Kuh-i-Jupar. In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F. 18 (4): 472-483.

Kuhle, M. (1976): Beiträge zur Quartärgeomorphologie SE-Iranischer Hochgebirge. Die quartäre Vergletscherung des Kuh-i-Jupar. In: Göttinger Geographische Abhandlungen 67: Bd. I: 1-209; Bd. II: 1-105.

Kuhle, M. (1977): Über Periglazialerscheinungen im Kuh-i-jupar (SE-Iran) und im Dhaulagiri-Himalaya (Nepal) sowie zum Befund einer Solifluktionsobergrenze. "Colloque sur le Periglaciaire d' Altitude du Domaine Mediterranèe et abords" in Strasbourg/Universität. Abtract.

Kuhle, M. (1977): Fotomappe zur Geographie des Dhaulagiri-Himalaya (von Fritz Hase); Goltze-Verlag Göttingen.

Kuhle, M. (1978): Obergrenze von Frostbodenerscheinungen. In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F. 22 (3): 350-356.

Kuhle, M. (1978a): Über Periglazialerscheinungen im Kuh-i-Jupar (SE-Iran) und im Dhaulagiri-Hi­malaya (Nepal) sowie zum Befund einer Solifluktionsobergrenze. In: Coll. sur le Périg­laciaire d'Altitude du Domaine Méditerranée et abords, IGU et CNFDG ; Straßburg: 289-310.

Kuhle, M. (1978b): Über Solifluktion und Strukturböden in SE-Iranischen Hochgebirgen. In: Builetyn Periglacjalny 27: 117-131.

Hövermann, J., Kuhle, M. (1978): Verbreitung und Bildung von Frostmusterböden in den Gebirgen des Vorderen Orients und der Sahara. In: Coll. sur le Périglaciaire d'Altitude du Domaine Méditerranée et abords, IGU et CNFDG : 321-332.

Kuhle, M. (1979): Settlements on the Southern Slope of the Dhaulagiri-Himalaya. A Contribution to the Settlement Geography of the Nepal Himalaya. In: Journal of the Nepal Research Center (JNRC) 33: 1-36.

Kuhle, M. (1979a): Geomorphologische Aufnahmen aus dem Himalaya. In: Zeiss-Informationen 24/89: 44-49.

Kuhle, M. (1980): Andenexpedition in die Aconcagua-Gruppe im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojek­tes zur vergleichenden Geomorphologie extremer Hochgebirge. In: Universität Göttin­gen - Informationen III (5): 1-4.

Kuhle, M. (1980a): Klimageomorphologische Untersuchungen in der Dhaulagiri und Annapurna-Gruppe (Zentraler Himalaya). In: Tagungsbericht und wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen des 43. Deutschen Geographentag Göttingen. Steiner, Wiesbaden: 244-247.

Freitag, H., Kuhle, M. (1980): A Plant List from the Kuh-i-Jupar (SE-Iran) with some Ecological Remarks. In: Willdenowia 10: 161-169.

Kuhle, M. (1981): Titelbild zur Geomorphologie West-Spitzbergens (mit Kommentar). In: Naturwis­senschaftliche Rundschau 34 (7): 272.

Kuhle, M. (1982): Der Dhaulagiri- und Annapurna-Himalaya. Ein Beitrag zur Geomorphologie ex­tremer Hochgebirge. In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplement Bd. 41; Gebrüder Bornträger, Berlin-Stuttgart: Bd. I (Text): 1-229; Bd. II (Abb.): 1-183 und Geomorph. Karte 1:85 000.

Kuhle, M. (1982a): Die Hochgipfel des Himalaya überragen die Gletscherregion. In: Universität Göttingen - Informationen Dez. 1982: 16-18.

Kuhle, M. (1982b): Eine neue Expedition in Tibet - Zur Klima- und Hochgebirgsforschung. In: Uni­versitas 37 (10); Stuttgart: 1069-1073 (also in English and Spanish language).

Kuhle, M. (1982c): Was spricht für eine pleistozäne Inlandvereisung Hochtibets? In: Sitzungsbe­richte und Mitteilungen der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft 6, Sonderband: Die Chinesisch/Deutsche Tibet-Expedition 1981, Braunschweig-Sympo­sium vom 14.-16.04.1982: 68-77.

Kuhle, M. (1982d): Erste Chinesisch-Deutsche Gemeinschaftsexpedition nach NE-Tibet und in die Massive des Kuen-Lun-Gebirges 1981. Ein Expeditions- und vorläufiger Forschungsbe­richt. In: Hagedorn, H., Giessner, K. (eds.): Tagungsber. und wiss. Abhandlungen des 43. Deutschen Geographentages Mannheim 1981. Steiner, Wiesbaden: 63-82.

Kuhle, M. (1982e): An expediton to an unexplored region of Tibet. German and Chinese research in the mountains. In: Reports of the DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Re­search 3: 9-12.

Kuhle, M. (1982f): Periglazial- und Glazialformen und -prozesse in NE-Tibet. In: Sitzungsberichte und Mitteilungen der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Sonderheft 6, Die Chinesisch/Deutsche Tibet-Expedition 1981, Braunschweig-Symposium vom 14.-16.04.1982: 19-24.

Kuhle, M. (1983): Zur Geomorphologie von S-Dicksonland (W-Spitzbergen) mit Schwerpunkt auf der quartären Vergletscherungsgeschichte. In: Polarforschung 53 (1); Münster: 31-57.

Kuhle, M. (1983a): Der Dhaulagiri- und Annapurna-Himalaya. Ein Beitrag zur Geomorphologie ex­tremer Hochgebirge. Empirische Grundlage; Ergänzungsbd. III. In: Zeitschrift für Geo­morphologie Supplement Bd. 41; Gebrüder Bornträger; Berlin, Stuttgart: 1-383.

Kuhle, M. (1983b): Postglacial Glacier Stades of Nugssuaq Peninsula, Westgreenland (70° 03'- 70° 10'N). In: Schroeder-Lanz, H. (ed.): Colloquium Trier 15.-17.5.1980: Late- and Postgla­cial Oscillations of Glaciers: Glacial and Periglacial Forms, Rotterdam: 325-355 (Im memoriam Hans Kinzl).

Kuhle, M. (1983f): Permafrost and Periglacial Indicators on the Tibetan Plateau from the Himalayan Mountains on the South to the Quilian Shans on the North. In: : Permafrost, Fourth International Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska, U.S.A. July 18-22, 1983 Abstracts and Program. University of Alaska, Fairbanks: 159-160.

Kuhle, M. (1984): Hanglabilität durch Rutschungen und Solifluktion im Verhältnis zum Pflanzen­kleid in den Alpen, den Abruzzen und im Himalaya. In: Entwicklung ländlicher Raum Beiträge zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit 3/84; Frankfurt: 3-12.

Kuhle, M. (1984a): Auswertung von Spacelabaufnahmen aus Hochasien: Die Kuen-Lun-N-Abdachung zur Tsaidam-Depression (ca. 35°45'-37°40'N/ 91°30'-92°52'E) - Ausdeutung einer Satellitenphotographie über Feldarbeitsbe­funde benachbarter Areale mit analoger geomorphologischer Sequenz. In: Geogra­phische Rundschau 36: 299 & 301.

Kuhle, M. (1984b): Das Mt. Chomolungma-Massiv (Sagarmatha- oder Mt. Everest-Massiv (27°59'N/86°56'E) - Zur Morphologie des Himalaya zwischen tibetischem Hochland und S-lichen Vorketten. In: Geographische Rundschau 36: 298 & 300.

Kuhle, M. (1984c): Spuren hocheiszeitlicher Gletscherbedeckung in der Aconcagua-Gruppe (32-33° S). In: Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie Teil 1 11/12, Verhandlungsblatt des Südamerika-Symposiums 1984 in Bamberg: 1635-1646.

Kuhle, M. (1984d): Zur Geomorphologie Tibets, Bortensander als Kennformen semiarider Vorland­vergletscherungen. In: Berliner Geographische Abhandlungen 36, Ferd. v. Richthofen-Symposium 1983; Berlin: 127-138.

Kuhle, M. (1984e): Schnee- und frostgeformte Landschaften - Übereinstimmungen und Unter­schiede. In: Lenz, K., Scholz, F. (eds.): Tagungsber. und wiss. Abh. 44. Deutscher Geo­graphentag Münster 1983. Steiner, Stuttgart: 461.

Kuhle, M. (1984f): Former Glacier Stades in Mountain Area Surrounding Tibet. In: 25. Congres International de Geographie Paris 1984 (27.-31.08.84), Abstracts, Caen, France: 51-52.

Kuhle, M. (1985): Bilaterality of the Periglacial Zone in the Aconcagua Massif (32°-33°S/70°W). In: Acta Periglaciales (Geocriogenica) 1 RA (1). Union Geographica International, Argen­tinien (ed.): 18.

Kuhle, M. (1985a): Experimental Synthesis of Patterned Ground and Consequences for a Supra-regio­nal Comparison of the Lower Boundaries of Patterned Ground. In: Acta Periglaciales (Geocriogenica) 1 RA, 3 (85). Union Geographica International, Argentinien (ed.): 19.

Kuhle, M. (1985b): Permafrost and Periglacial Indicators on the Tibetan Plateau from the Himalaya Mountains in the South to the Quilian Shan in the North (28-40°N). In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F. 29 (Bd. 2): 183-192.

Kuhle, M. (1985c): Ein subtropisches Inlandeis als Eiszeitauslöser. Südtibet- und Mt. Everest-Expe­dition 1984. In: Georgia Augusta, Nachrichten aus der Universität Göttingen 42: 35-51.

Kuhle, M. (1985d ): Gebirgslandschaften. Formationen in Fels, Schutt und Eis. Verlag Erich Goltze, Göttingen: 334 S. (ISBN 3-88452-814-9 Pick It! ).

Kuhle, M. (1985e): Glaciation Research in the Himalayas: A New Ice Age Theory. In: Universitas 27 (4): 281-294.

Hövermann, J., Kuhle, M. (1985): Typen von Vorlandvergletscherungen in Nordost-Tibet. In: Regensburger Geo­graphische Schriften 19/20, Ingo Schäfer Festschrift: 29-53.

Kuhle, M. (1986): Die bilaterale Gletscherregion und der Befund einer darüberliegenden Felshöhen­stufe im Himalaya. In: Göttinger Geographische Abhandlungen 81, Internationales Symposium über Tibet und Hochasien vom 8.-11. Okt. 1985 in Göttingen. Kuhle, M. (ed.): 185-206.

Kuhle, M. (1986a): Former glacial stades in the mountain areas surrounding Tibet - In the Himalayas (27-29°N: Dhaulagiri-, Annapurna-, Cho Qyu-, Gyachung Kang-areas) in the south and in the Kuen Lun and Quilian Shan (34-38°N: Animachin, Kakitu) in the north. In: Joshi, S.C., Haigh, M.J., Pangtey, Y.P.S., Joshi, D.R., Dani, D.D. (eds.): Nepal-Himalaya - Geo-Ecological Perspektives. Himalayan Research Group: 437-473.

Kuhle, M. (1986b): "Das internationale Symposium über Tibet und Hochasien" vom 8.-11. Oktober 1985 in Göttingen. In: Die Erde 117: 141-143.

Kuhle, M. (1986c): Neue Forschungen über Hochasien. In: Geographische Zeitschrift 74 (2): 120-127.

Kuhle, M.(1986d): New Research in High Asia, Tibet and the Himalayas (The International Sympo­sium on Tibet and High Asia, October 8.-11. 1985 in Göttingen). In: GeoJournal 12 (3); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 341-343.

Kuhle, M. (1986e): Schneegrenzberechnung und typologische Klassifikation von Gletschern anhand spezifischer Reliefparameter. In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 130; Justus Perthes Verlag, Gotha: 41-51.

Kuhle, M. (1986g): Südtibet- und Mt. Everest-Expedition 1984- oder: Ein subtropisches Inlandeis als Eiszeitauslöser? In: Universitas 41, 1 (476); Stuttgart: 64-78.

Kuhle, M. (1986h): Die Südtibet- und Mt. Everest-Expediton 1984 - Geographische Untersuchungen in Hochasien. In: Publikationen zu wissenschaftlichen Filmen des Institutes für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF) Sektion Geographie D 1607; Göttingen: 1-25.

Kuhle, M. (1986): The South Tibet and Mt. Everest-Expedition 1984 - Geographical investigations in High Asia. In: Publikationen zu wissenschaftlichen Filmen des Institutes für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF) Sektion Geographie D 1607: 26-37.

Kuhle, M. (1986i): The Upper Limit of Glaciation in the Himalayas. In: GeoJournal 13 (4); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 331-346.

Kuhle, M. (1986j, ed.): "Internationales Symposium über Tibet und Hochasien" vom 8.-11. Oktober 1985 im Geographischen Institut der Universität Göttingen. Vorträge und Diskussion, Göttinger Geographische Abhandlungen 81. Verlag Erich Goltze, Göttingen: 248 S.

Kuhle, M. (1986k): The South Tibet and Mt. Everest-Expedition 1984 - Geographical investigations in High Asia. Wissenschaftlicher Tonfilm, 45 min. Farbtonfilm Film D 1607, Produk­tion des Instituts für den wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF), Göttingen (German and English version).

Kuhle, M. (1986l): Die Vergletscherung Tibets und die Entstehung von Eiszeiten. In: Spektrum der Wissenschaften; Scientific American 9/86: 42-54.

Kuhle, M. (1986): Die Obergrenze der Gletscherhöhenstufe - Oberflächentemperaturen und Ver­gletscherung der Himalayaflanken von 5000-8800m. In: Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 22 (2): 149-162.

Kuhle, M. (1987): A numerical classification of glaciers by means of specific relief parameter. In: Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology 9 (3, Sept. 1987), Chinese Society of Glacio­logy and Cryopedology, Academia Sinica: 207-214.

Kuhle, M. (1987a): Absolute Datierungen zur jüngeren Gletschergeschichte im Mt Everest-Gebiet und die mathematische Korrektur von Schneegrenzberechnungen. In: Hütteroth, W.-D. (ed.): Tagunsbericht und wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen des 45. Deutschen Geo­graphentages Berlin 1985. Steiner, Stuttgart: 200-208.

Kuhle, M. (1987b): Glacial, Nival and Periglacial Environments in Northeastern Quinghai-Xizang-Plateau. In: Hövermann, J., Wenjing, W. (eds.): Reports on the Northeastern part of the Quinhai-Xizang (Tibet)-Plateau by the Sino-West-German Scientific Expedition 1981. Science Press, Beijing, China: 176-244.

Kuhle, M. (1987c): The Problem of a Pleistocene Inland Glaciation of the Northeastern Qinghai-Xi­zang-Plateau. In: Hövermann, J., Wenjing, W. (eds.): Reports on the Northeastern Part of Quinghai-Xizang (Tibet)-Plateau by the Sino-German Scientific Expedition 1981. Science Press, Beijing, China: 250-315.

Kuhle, M. (1987d): Die Rekonstruktion des kaltzeitlichen Tibet-Eises und Energiebilanzmessungen bis 6650m ü.M. als Basis einer reliefspezifischen Eiszeittheorie. In: Becker, H. (ed.): Tagungsbericht und wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen des 46. Deutschen Geographen­tages München 1987. Steiner, Stuttgart: 600-601.

Kuhle, M. (1987e): Auf den Spuren der Eiszeit. - Filmische Aufzeichnung der Karakorum-Expedi­tion 1986 und ihrer wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse mit Vorstellung der reliefspezi­fischen Eiszeithypothese. Film, 8 min (Fernsehsendung; ARD am 03.08.1987).

Kuhle, M.(1987g): Subtropical Mountain- and Highland-Glaciation as Ice Age Triggers and the Waning of the Glacial Periods in the Pleistocene. In: GeoJournal 14 (4); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 393-421. Part 1.

Part 2

Kuhle, M. (1987h): Physisch-Geographische Merkmale des Hochgebirges: Zur Ökologie von Höhen­stufen und Höhengrenzen. In: Frankfurter Beiträge zur Didaktik der Geographie 10 (Hochgebirge). Werle, O. (ed.): 15-40.

Kuhle, M. (1987k): The Pleistocene Glaciation of Tibet and its Impact on the Global Climate. In: XII International Congress INQUA 1987 Ottawa, July 31 - August 9, 1987, Canada. Programme with Abstracts. INQUA, Ottawa: 204.

Kuhle, M. (1987l): The pleistocene Glaciation of Tibet and the Onset of Ice Ages - an Autocycle Hypothesis. Meeting of the IGU-Working Group on Geomorphological Survey and Mapping in Poland; Thorun 25-30 May, 1987. Polish Academy of Science; Abstract.

Kuhle, M. (1988): Die eiszeitliche Vergletscherung W-Tibets zwischen Karakorum und Tarim-Becken und ihr Einfluß auf die globale Energiebilanz. In: Geographische Zeitschrift 76 (3): 135-148.

Kuhle, M. (1988a): Zur Geomorphologie der nivalen und subnivalen Höhenstufe in der Karakorum-N-Abdachung zwischen Shaksgam-Tal und K2 Nordsporn: Die quartäre Vergletsche­rung und ihre geoökologische Konsequenz. In: Becker, H. (ed.): Tagungsbericht und wissenschaftliche Abhandlung des 46. Deutschen Geographentag 1987 München. Stei­ner, Stuttgart: 413-419.

Kuhle, M. (1988b): Snow-Line Plunge changed the Face of the Old World. In: Reports of the DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research 3: 15-18.

Kuhle, M. (1988c): Die glazialzeitliche Inlandvereisung Tibets, ihre glazialisostatische Konsequenz und global-energetische Bedeutung. Das Modell eines relief- und strahlungsspezifischen Eiszeitzyklusses. In: Studies i. Geogr. i. Hungary 22.

Kuhle, M.(1988d): The Pleistocene Glaciation of Tibet and the Onset of Ice Ages- An Autocycle Hypothesis. In: GeoJournal 17 (4), Tibet and High-Asia. Results of the Sino-German Joint Expeditions (I). Kuhle, M., Wang Wenjing (eds.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 581-596.

Kuhle, M. (1988e): Heutige und eiszeitliche Vergletscherung Hochtibets. Ergebnisse der Südtibet- und Mt. Everest Expedition 1984. In: Publikationen zu wissenschaftlichen Filmen des Institutes für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF) Sektion Naturwissenschaften, Serie 10, D 1649 ; Göttingen: 1-26.

Kuhle, M. (1988e): Recent and Ice-Age Glaciation of Upland Asia - Findings of the 1984 South Tibet and Mount Everest Expedition. In: Publikationen zu wissenschaftlichen Filmen des Institutes für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF) Sektion Naturwissenschaften, Serie 10, D 1649; Göttingen: 27-36.

Kuhle, M. (1988f): Eine reliefspezifische Eiszeittheorie. Nachweis einer tibetischen Inlandvereisung und ihrer energetischen Konsequenzen. In: Die Geowissenschaften 6 (5): 142-150.

Kuhle, M.(1988g): Geomorphological Findings on the Build-up of Pleistocene Glaciation in Southern Tibet, and on the Problem of Inland Ice. Results of the Shisha Pangma and Mt. Everest Expedition 1984. In: GeoJournal 17 (4), Tibet and High-Asia, Results of the Sino-German Joint Expeditions (I). Kuhle, M., Wang Wenjing (eds.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/Boston/London: 457-513.

Kuhle, M. (1988h): Subtropical Mountain- and Highland-Glaciation as Ice Age Triggers and the Waning of the Glacial Periods in the Pleistocene. In: Chinese Translation Bulletin of Glaciology and Geocryology 5 (4): 1-17 (in Chinese language).

Kuhle, M.(1988i): Topography as a Fundamental Element of Glacial Systems. A New Approach to ELA-Calculation and Typological Classification of Paleo- and Recent Glaciation. In: GeoJournal 17 (4), Tibet and High-Asia, Results of the Sino-German Joint Expeditions (I).Kuhle, M., Wang Wenjing (eds.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 545-568.

Kuhle, M. (1988j): Zur Auslöserrolle Tibets bei der Entstehung von Eiszeiten. In: Spektrum der Wis­senschaften 1/88: 16-20.

Kuhle, M. (1988k): Letzteiszeitliche Gletscherausdehnung vom NW-Karakorum bis zum Nanga Par­bat (Hunza-Gilgit- und Indusgletschersystem). In: Becker, H. (ed.): Tagungsbericht und wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen des 46. Deutschen Geographentages München 1987. AK- Sitzung "Neueste physisch-geographische Forschungsergebnisse aus Hochtibet und angrenzenden Gebieten". Steiner, Stuttgart: 606-607.

Kuhle, M. (1988l): Forschungen zur Eiszeittheorie in Hochasien (Karakorum- u. K2-Expedition 1986). 8 minütiger Fernsehfilm, ZDF (10.01.1988 Erstaufführung).

Kuhle, M. (1988m): Glaziale sowie glaziomarine Ablagerungen und die Deglaziation des Gebietes nordwestlich von Ottawa. Eine Exkursion im Rahmen des INQUA-Kongresses 1987. Exkursion C am 5.8.1987. In: Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart 38: 136.

Kuhle, M. (1988n): Neueste physisch-geographische Forschungsergebnisse aus Hochtibet und an­grenzenden Gebieten. In: Becker, H. (ed.): Tagungsbericht und wissenschaftliche Ab­handlungen des 46. Deutschen Geographentages München 1987. Steiner, Stuttgart: 605-607.

Kuhle, M. (1988o): Heutige und eiszeitliche Vergletscherung Hochtibets. Ergebnisse der Südtibet- und Mt.-Everest-Expedition 1984. Wissenschaftlicher Tonfilm, 43,5 min. Farbtonfilm Film D 1649, Produktion des Instituts für den wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF), Göttingen (German and English version).

Kuhle, M. (1988t): New Results on Tibet-Ice-Reconstruction. Vortrag auf der Internationalen Tagung der Working Group "Paläoatlas" in Budest am 18.10.1988; Abstract 6.

Kuhle, M. (1988u): The Pleistocene Glaciation of Tibet and the Onset of Ice Ages - An Autocycle Hypothesis. In: Internation Congress "The Neogene of Karakorum and Himalayas" March 21th - 23th, 1988. Department of Geography, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK; Abstract: 11 (23.03.1988).

Kuhle, M., Reidt, L. (1988): Eiszeiten und ihre Entstehung: In "Aktuelle Wissenschaft", Hörfunksendung 40 min.

Kuhle, M., Lüdecke, C. (1988): Glazialmeteorologische Untersuchungen eines Gletschers in Hochasien am Bei­spiel des K2-Gletschers (Karakorum). In: Supplementband des Arbeitskreises Klima (7. Treffen vom 4.-6.11.1988, Bern).

Kuhle, M., Jacobsen, J.P.(1988): On the Geoecology of Southern Tibet - Measurements of Climate Parameters in­cluding Surface- and Soil-Temperatures in Debris, Rock, Snow, Firn and Ice during the South Tibet- and Mt. Everest Expedition in 1984. In: GeoJournal 17 (4), Tibet and High-Asia, Results of the Sino-German Joint Expeditions (I). Kuhle, M., Wang Wen­jing (eds.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 597-615.

Kuhle, M., Lüdecke, C. (1988): Strahlungshaushalt und Energiebilanz eines Eisstromes in Hochasien am Beispiel des K2 Gletschers (Karakorum). In: Polarforschung,Suppl. Bd. 15, Internationale Po­lartagung Heidelberg 3.-6.10.1988: Abstracts.

Heydemann, A., Kuhle, M. (1988): The Petrography of Southern Tibet - Results of Microskopic and X-Ray Analyses of Rock Samples from the 1984 Expedition Area (Transhimalaya to Mt. Everest N Slope). In: GeoJournal 17 (4), Tibet and High-Asia, Results of the Sino-German Joint Expeditions (I). Kuhle, M., Wang Wenjing (eds.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 615-625.

Kuhle, M., Wenjing, W.(1988): The Sino-German Joint Expedition to Southern Tibet, Sisha Pangma and the Northern Flank of Chomolungma (Mt. Everest) 1984. In: GeoJournal 17 (4), Tibet and High-Asia, Results of the Sino-German Joint Expeditions (I). Kuhle, M., Wang Wenjing (eds.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 447-455.

Kuhle, M., Wenjing, W. (1988, eds.): Tibet and High Asia - Results of the Sino-German Joint Expeditions (I). In: Geo­Journal 17 (4); Kluwer; Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 446-667.

Kuhle, M. (1989): Ice-Marginal Ramps: An Indicator of Semiarid Piedmont Glaciations. In: Geo­Journal 18; Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 223-238.

Kuhle, M. (1989a): Die Inlandvereisung Tibets als Basis einer in der Globalstrahlungsgeometrie fußenden, reliefspezifischen Eiszeittheorie. In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 133 (4); Justus Perthes Verlag, Gotha: 265-285.

Kuhle, M. (1989b): Die Inlandvereisung Tibets als Anstoß der pleistozänen Eiszeitenära und des Milankovic-Zyklus als Motor der Interglaziale- eine Eiszeittheorie. In: Berner Geogra­phische Mitteilungen : 1-10.

Kuhle, M.(1989c): Quantificational Reductionism as a risk in Geography and Cartography. In: Geo­Journal 18; Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 441-450.

Kuhle, M. (1989d): Quantifizierender Reduktionismus als Risiko in der Geographie am Beispiel der Geomorphologischen Karte 1:25 000 der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. In: Acta Alber­tina Ratisbonensia Regensburger Naturwissenschaften 46: 39-58.

Kuhle, M. (1989e): Die terrestrisch induzierte Eiszeitära des Quartärs und der extraterrestrisch aus­gelöste Interglazialzyklus. In: Jahrbuch der Marburger Geographischen Gesellschaft und des Fachbereichs Geographie der Phillipps-Universität (MGG), Marburg/Lahn: 178-180.

Kuhle, M. (1989f): The cyclus of the ice-age - an Ice-Age-Theory on the reconstruction of a Tibetan Ice Sheet. In: Studia Geomorphologica carpathobalcanica 13: 163-186 (in Polish lan­guage, PL ISSN 0081-6434).

Kuhle, M. (1989g): The Pleistocene Glaciation of Tibet and the Onset of Ice Ages - an Autocycle Hypothesis. Symposium organised by The Royal Society of Edingburgh: The Late Cenozoic Ice Age; 3.-5. July 1989, Abstracts: 8.

Kuhle, M., Hertrich, K., Calov, R. (1989): On the Ice Age Glaciation of the Tibetan Highlands and its Transformation into a 3-D Model. In: GeoJournal 19 (2); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 201-206.

Kuhle, M., Lüdecke, C. (1989): Radiation Budget and Energy Flux in Glaciated Areas of High Asia. In: Ver­handlungsband "International Conference on Mountain Meteorology and Alpex", 5.-9. June 1989, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, FRG: 3.

Kuhle, M. (1990): The Cold Deserts of High Asia (Tibet and Contiguous Mountains). In: GeoJournal 20 (3); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 319-323.

Kuhle, M. (1990a): La glaciacion del Tibet y sus reperercusiones globales para el clima. In: Univer­sitas 32: 71-85.

Kuhle, M. (1990b): Ice Marginal Ramps and Alluvial Fans in Semi-Arid Mountains: Convergence and Difference. In: Rachocki, A.H., Church, M. (eds.): Alluvial fans - A field approach. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chester-New York-Brisbane-Toronto-Singapore: 55-68.

Kuhle, M.(1990c): New Data on the Pleistocene Glacial Cover of the Southern Border of Tibet: The Glaciation of the Kangchendzönga Massif (8585m, E-Himalaya). In: GeoJournal 20; Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 415-421.

Kuhle, M.(1990d): The Probability of Proof in Geomorphology - an Example of the Application of Information Theory to a New Kind of Glacigenic Morphological Type, the Ice-marginal Ramp (Bortensander). In: GeoJournal 21 (3); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 195-222.

Kuhle, M. (1990e): Geographische Forschungen in Hochasien. Neue Daten zur Rekonstruktion des pleistozänen Tibetischen Inlandeises - Befunde der Expedition 1989. In: Jahrbuch der Marburger Geographischen Gesellschaft und des Fachbereiches Geographie der Phillipps-Universität, Marburg/Lahn: 19-22.

Kuhle, M. (1990f): Quantificional Reductionism as a Risk in Geography instanced by the 1:25 000 Geomorphological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Geographica Polonia 58 (IGU-Working Group on Geomorphological Survey and Mapping). Drozdowski, E., Szupryzynski, J. (eds.): 41-54.

Kuhle, M. (1990g): Bericht über Beiträge der Arbeitskreissitzung: Neue Forschungen in Hochasien (Arbeitskreis Hochasien) auf dem Deutschen Geographentag in Saarbrücken 1989. In: Geographische Rundschau 42 (6): 356-357.

Kuhle, M. (1990i): The Pleistocene Glaciation of Tibet and the Onset of Ice Age - an Autocycle Hypothesis. In: Glaciers - Ocean - Atmosphere Interactions. International Symposium Leningrad, September 24-29, 1990. Abstracts. Academy of Sciences of the USSR Soviet Geophysical Committee, Moscow: 112-114 (29.09.1990).

Kuhle, M., Roesrath, C. (1990): Geographie und Geologie der Hochgebirge. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft (Kommis­sion für Alpin-Lehrpläne des Deutschen Alpenvereins), München/ Wien/ Zürich: 160 S. (ISBN 3-405-13604-0 Pick It! ).

Kuhle, M. (1991): Glazialgeomorphologie. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt: 213 S. (ISBN 3-534-06892-0 Pick It! ).

Kuhle, M. (1991a): Kurzbericht über die Tibet-Exkursion 14 A im Rahmen des XIII. INQUA Kon­gresses 1991 in Peking. In: Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart 44: 129-131.

Kuhle, M., Xu, D. (1991b, eds.): Results of the Sino-German Joint Expeditions (II). In: GeoJournal 25 (2/3), Tibet and High Asia. Kuhle, M., Xu Daoming (eds.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ Lon­don: 131-303. Part 1.

Part 2

Kuhle, M.(1991c): Observations Supporting the Pleistocene Inland Glaciation of High Asia. In: GeoJournal 25 (2/3), Tibet and High Asia, Results of the Sino-German Joint Expeditons (II). Kuhle, M., Xu Daoming (eds.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 133-233.

Kuhle, M. (1991d): Die Vergletscherung Tibets und ihre Bedeutung für die Geschichte des nord­hemisphärischen Inlandeises. In: Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz Paläoklimaforschung 1, Klimageschichtliche Probleme der letzten 130 000 Jahre. Frenzel, B. (ed.): 293-306.

Kuhle, M. (1991e): New Results on the Pleistocene Glaciation of Tibet and its impact in Glacio­isostatic Movement of the Plateau. In: Bulletin of the INQUA- Neotectonics-Commis­sion 14: 87.

Kuhle, M. (1991f): The Pleistocene Glaciation of Tibet and the Onset of Ice-Ages - An Autocycle Hypothesis. International Union for Quarternary Research, Special Proceedings, Review Reports; INQUA 1991, Symposia 4: Quaternary Paleo-Ice-Cap and Inland-Ice of the Tibetan plateau; XIII International Congress, August 2-9, 1991, Beijing, China: 72.

Kuhle, M. (1991g): The Pleistocene Glaciation of Tibet. In: Kotlyakov, V.M., Ushakov, A., Glazovsky, A. (eds.): Glaciers -Ocean-Atmosphere. Interactions. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Press, Wallingford, Oxfordshire: 425-438 (ISBN 0-947571-33-7 Pick It! ).

Kuhle, M. zusammen mit Lüdecke, C. (1991): Comparison of Meteorological Observations at Mt. Everest and K2: Examples of the 1984 and 1986 Expeditions. In: Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 47; Springer Verlag: 55-60.

Kuhle, M. (1992): New Findings on the Ice-cover in between Issyk-Kul and K2 (Tian Shan, Karakorum) during the Last Glaciation. In: Abstracts. International Symposium on the Karakorum an Kunlun Mountains June 5-9, 1992 Kashi China. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Kashi, China: 76.

Kuhle, M. (1993): Eine Autozyklentheorie zur Entstehung und Abfolge der quartären Kalt- und Warmzeiten auf der Grundlage epirogener und glazialisostatischer Bewegungs­interferenzen im Bereich des tibetischen Hochlandes. In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 137 (3); Justus Perthes Verlag, Gotha: 133-152.

Kuhle, M. (1993a): The Pleistocene Glaciation of the Himalaya and Tibet and its Impact on the Global Climate: A Relief-specific Ice Age Theory. In: Journal of the Nepal Research Center (JNRC) 9: 101-140.

Kuhle, M. (1993b): A Short Report of the Tibet Excursion 14-A, Part of the XIII INQUA Congress 1991 Beijing. In: GeoJournal 29 (4); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 426-427.

Kuhle, M. (1993c): The Reconstruction of the Pleistocene Ice Sheet of 2.4 Million km2 on the Tibetan Plateau.- Its Main Indicators and Proofs drawn out from 19 Years Field-Research in High Asia. In: Teller, J.T. (ed.): Termination of the Pleistocene (Problematic Ice Sheets). International Geological Correlation Project 253 (IGCP 253), Winnipeg Meeting 26-28 June 1993, Abstracts. IGCP, IUGS, UNESCO, Winnipeg: 29 (28.6.1993).

Kuhle, M. (1994): New Findings on the Ice-cover between Issyk-Kul and K2 (Tian Shan, Kara­korum) during the Last Glaciation. In: Zheng Du, Zhang Qingsong, Pan Yusheng (eds.): Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Karakorum and Kunlun Mountains (ISKKM), Kashi, China, June 1992. China Meteorological Press, Beijing: 185-194.

Kuhle, M. (1994a): Kurzbericht über die Tibet-Exkursion 14-A im Rahmen des XIII. INQUA-Kon­gresses 1991 in Peking. In: Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart 44: 129-131.

Kuhle, M. (1994b): Present and Pleistocene Glaciation on the North-Western Margin of Tibet bet­ween the Karakorum Main Ridge and the Tarim Basin Supporting the Evidence of a Pleistocene Inland Glaciation in Tibet. In: GeoJournal 33 (2/3), Tibet and High Asia, Results of the Sino-German and Russian-German Joint Expeditions (III). Kuhle, M. (ed.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 133-272.

Part 2

Part 3

Kuhle, M. (1994c ed.): Tibet and High-Asia. Results of the Sino-German and Russian-German Joint Expeditions (III). In: GeoJournal 33 (2/3), Tibet and High Asia; Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 131-328. Part 1.

Part 2

Part 3

Kuhle, M. (1994d): New Findings on the Glaciation in High Asia: Results of the Expeditions 1989, 1992, 1993 to Central Tibet and the Western Karakorum and Himalaya Mountains. International Symposium and Field Workshop on Glacial Deposits in Monsoon Asia, 27.07.1997, Lanzhou, China; Abstract: 13.

Kuhle, M., Kleindienst-Andreé, D. (1994): Glazial-geomorphologische Expedition in die Karakorum-Nordseite 1986. Filmton-Farbfilm 16mm, Dauer 88min, produziert im Institut für den wissenschaft­lichen Film (IWF); Film: V 2520-C 1856, Göttingen (German and English version).

Grosswald, M.G., Kuhle, M. (1994): Impact of Glaciations on Lake Baikal. In: Shoji Horie, Kazuhiro Toyoda (IPPCCE) (eds.): International Project on Paleolimnology and Late Cenozoic Climate No. 8. Universitätsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck: 48-60.

Kuhle, M., Kuhle, S.(1994): The Problem of Historicity in Physical Geography. In: GeoJournal 34 (4); Klu­wer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 339-354.

Grosswald, M.G., Kuhle, M., Fastook, J.L.(1994): Würm Glaciation of Lake Issyk-Kul Area, Tian Shan Mts.: A Case Study in Gla­cial History of Central Asia. In: GeoJournal 33 (2/3), Tibet and High Asia, Results of the Sino-German and Russian-German Joint Expeditions (III). Kuhle, M. (ed.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 273-310.

Kuhle, M. (1995): Glacial Isostatic Uplift of Tibet as a Consequence of a Former Ice Sheet. In: GeoJournal 37 (4); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 431-449.

Kuhle, M. (1995a): New Findings on the Former Glaciation of Russian Tian Shan (Kirgizia) and Eastern Sajan Mountains in South Sibiria and its Climatic Implication. Global Changes and Geography, The IGU Conference Moscow, Russia, August 14.-18., 1995, Moscow; Abstract: 193.

Kuhle, M. (1995b): New Results concerning the Ice Age Glaciation in High Asia, in particular the Ice Sheet Glaciation of Tibet - Findings of the Expeditions 1991-1995. In: Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2, International Union for Quaternary Research XIV, International Congress, Berlin; Abstract: 149.

Kuhle, M. (1995d): New Results Concerning the Age Glaciation of Pamir, Karakorum and Himalaya: Findings of the Expeditions 1992-1994/95. Abstracts of the International Symposium on Karakorum-Hindukush-Himalaya: Dynamics of Change, Sept. 29th- Oct. 2nd, 1995, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Kuhle, M. (1996): Rekonstruktion der maximalen eiszeitlichen Gletscherbedeckung im Nanga Par­bat Massiv (35°05'-40°N/74°20'-75°E). In: Beiträge und Materialien zur Regionalen Geographie 8, Forschung am Nanga Parbat. Geschichte und Ergebnisse. Kick, W. (ed.); Geographisches Institut der T.U. Berlin: 135-156.

Kuhle, M. (1996a): Die Entstehung von Eiszeiten als Folge der Hebung eines subtropischen Hoch­landes über die Schneegrenze - dargestellt am Beispiel Tibets. In: Der Aufschluss 47 (4): 145-164.

Kuhle, M. (1996b): Glazial-geomorphologische Expedition in die Karakorum-Nordseite 1986. In: Publikationen zu wissenschaftlichen Filmen des Institutes für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF) Technische Wissenschaft/Naturwissenschaft 12, Film C 1856; Göttingen: 185-235.

Kuhle, M. (1996b): Glacial Geomorphological Expedition to the Karakorum North Flank, 1986. In: Publikationen zu wissenschaftlichen Filmen des Institutes für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF) Technische Wissenschaft/Naturwissenschaft 12, Film C 1856; Göttingen: 236-256.

Kuhle, M. (1996c): The Reconstruction of the Pleistocene Ice Sheet Cover of Tibet and the Onset of Ice Ages - An Autocycle Hypothesis. In: The Role of Tibetan Plateau in Forcing Global Climatic Changes. Workshop October 25-31, 1996. Norbulingka Institue, Dharamsala, H.P., India; Abstract: 1-3.

Kuhle, M., Kuhle, S. (1996): Die Geographie vor dem Hintergrund der Evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie. In: Riedl, R., Delpos, M. (eds.): Die Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie im Spiegel der Wis­senschaften. WUV-Universitätsverlag, Wien: 143-173.

Kuhle, M. (1997): New Findings concerning the Ice Age (Last Glacial Maximum) Glacier Cover of the East-Pamir, of the Nanga Parbat up to the Central Himalaya and of Tibet, as well as the Age of the Tibetan Inland Ice. In: GeoJournal 42 (2-3), Tibet and High Asia. Results of Investigations into High Mountain Geomorphology, Paleo- Glaciology and Climato­logy of the Pleistocene (Ice Age Research) IV. Kuhle, M. (ed.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 87-257.

Kuhle, M.(1997a): Rekonstruktion der maximalen eiszeitlichen Gletscherbedeckung im Ost-Pamir. In: Göttinger Geographische Abhandlungen 100, Geographie in der Grundlagenfor­schung und als angewandte Wissenschaft. Göttinger Akzente. Güßefeldt, J., Spöne­mann, J. (eds.): 63-78.

Kuhle, M. (1997b, ed.): Tibet and High-Asia IV, Results of Investigations into High Mountain Geomorphology, Paleo-Glaciology and Climatology of the Pleistocene (Ice Age Re­search). Geojournal 42 (2/3); M. Kluwer, London/ Dordrecht/ Boston: 85-336 S. Part 1.

Part 2

Kuhle, M. (1997c): Periglacial Keyforms and Indicators of Permafrost and their Relationships with Ice Age Glacier Surfaces in Asia. In: Frozen Ground, International Permafrost Associa­tion 21: 11.

Kuhle, M. (1997d): The Ice-Age Glaciation of West-Tibet between Karakorum and Tarim Basin (W-Tibet) and its Impact on the Global Energy Budget. In: Shams, F.A., Nawaz, M. (eds.): Volume of Abstracts. Colloquium on Geology and the Human Life Lahore: 4.-6.01.1997. Pakistan Academy of Geological Science, Lahore: 53-54.

Kuhle, M., Kuhle, S. (1997): Der quartäre Klimawandel - System oder geschichtliches Ereignis? Überlegun­gen zur geographischen Methode am Beispiel von Eiszeittheorien. In: Erdkunde 51: 114-130.

Kuhle, M., Grosswald, M.G., Dyurgerov, M.B. (1997): Quaternary Glaciation in North-Western High-Asia. In: Data of Glaciological Studies 81 (Proceedings of the International Symposium "Seasonal and Longterm Fluctuations of Nival and Glacial Processes in Mountains", Tashkent Symposium 12-19.09.1993): 70-79.

Kuhle, M. (1998): Reconstruction of the 2.4 Million km² Late Pleistocene Ice Sheet on the Tibetan Plateau and its Impact on the Global Climate. In: Quaternary International 45/46: 71-108 (Erratum: Vol. 47/48:173-182 (1998) included).

Kuhle, M. (1998a): Neue Befunde zur hochglazialen (riß- bis würmzeitlichen) Inlandvereisung Tibets aus Süd- bis Zentralwest-Tibet mit weiteren Hinweisen auf ihre global-klimati­sche Bedeutung als Eiszeitauslöser. In: Berliner Geographische Abhandlungen 63, For­schungsergebnisse zur Klimageschichte und Reliefentwicklung Nordafrikas und Asiens. Dieter Jäkel-Festschrift. Böse, M., Hofmann, J. (eds.): 121-151.

Kuhle, M. (1998b): New Findings on the Inland Glaciation of Tibet from South and Central West Tibet with Evidences for its Importance as an Ice Age Trigger. In: Himalayan Geology 19 (2), The role of the Tibetan Plateau in forcing global climatic changes. Tandon, O.P. (ed.): 3-22.

Kuhle, M. (1998c): Landschaftsentwicklung extremen Hochgebirges. Karakorum und Kuenlun. Begleittext zum Film C 2017 "Karakorum". In: Publikationen zu wissenschaftlichen Filmen des Institutes für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF) Technische Wissen­schaft/Naturwissenschaft 13; Göttingen: 97-131.

Kuhle, M. (1998c): Landscape Development in an Extreme Montane Environment - Karakorum and Kunlun. Begleittext zum Film C 2017 "Karakorum". In: Publikationen zu wissenschaftlichen Filmen des Institutes für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF) Technische Wissen­schaft/Naturwissenschaft 13; Göttingen: 131-147.

Kuhle, M., Kleindienst-Andreé, D. (1998): Landschaftsentwicklung extremen Hochgebirges. Karakorum und Kuenlun. Lichtton-Farbfilm C 2017 "Karakorum",Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF), 50 Min; Göttingen (German and English version).

Kuhle, M. (1999): Maximum ice cover in High Asia during the Ice Age - its extent, age and paleoclimatic impact. In: Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 99 (2), 14th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, Kloster Ettal 24.-26. March 1999. Sobel, E., Appel, E., Strecker, M., Ratschbacher, L., Blisniuk, P. (eds.): 90-91.

Kuhle, M. (1999a): Reconstruction of an approximately complete Quaternary Tibetan Inland Gla­ciation between the Mt. Everest- and Cho Oyu Massifs and the Aksai Chin. - A new glaciogeomorphological southeast-northwest diagonal profile through Tibet and its con­sequences for the glacial isostasy and Ice Age cycle. In: GeoJournal 47 (1-2), (Results of Investigations into High Mountain Geomorphology, Paleo-Glaciology and Climato­logy of the Pleistocene), Tibet and High Asia (V). Kuhle, M. (ed.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 3-276.

Kuhle, M. (1999b, ed.): Tibet and High Asia (V) (Results of Investigations into High Mountain Geomorphology, Paleo-Glaciology and Climatology of the Pleistocene) GeoJournal 47 (1/2). Kluwer Academic Press, London/ Dordrecht/ Boston: 1-394. Part 1.

Part 2

Kuhle, M. (1999c): New Findings Supporting the Pleistocene Ice Sheet on the Tibetan Plateau as a Trigger of the Quarternary Ice Age - A Hypothesis for Ice Age Development. In: Zheng Du (ed.): Proceedings on International Symposium on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, 21-24.07.1998 Xining, Abstracts. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xining, China: 69-70.

Kuhle, M. (1999d): The Uplift of Tibet above the Snowline and its Complete Glaciation as Trigger of the Quaternary Ice Ages – A Hypothesis for the Ice Age Development. In: Geologi­cal Society of America (GSA) Publications 31: 141.

Kuhle, M. (1999e): Maximum Ice Cover in High Asia during the Ice Age - Extent, Age and Palaeoclimatic Impact. In: Lee-Thorp, J., Clift, H. (eds.): The Enviromental Backround to Homimid Evolution in Africa. XV International INQUA Congress 3-11 August 1999 Durban, South Africa. Book of Abstracts. INQUA, Durban, South Africa: 102-103 (SO9.5).

Kuhle, M., Xu Daoming (1999): Quaternary glaciation in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau. In: Zheng Benxing, Shen Yongping (eds.): Problems on Quaternary Glaciation Research in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Contributions Collections of Research on Quaternary Glaciation and Environments in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China: 480-484.

Kuhle, M. (2000): Pleistocene Glaciations in the Himalayas and Tibet: New Findings from the Himalaya North Slopes to Central and Western Tibet. In: Marburger Geographische Schriften 135, Environmental Changes in High Asia. Proceedings of an International Symposium 29th of May to 1st of June 1997 under the auspices of the UNESCO. Miehe, G., Zhang Yili (eds.); Marburg/Lahn: 1-14 (ISBN 3-88353-062-X Pick It! ; ISSN 0341-9290).

Kuhle, M. (2000): Ein reliefspezifisches Eiszeitentstehungsmodell auf der Basis hebungsbedingter Gletscherflächen und Albedozunahme sowie ihrer positiven klimatologischen Rückkopplung durch die Globalstrahlungsgeometrie. In: Klima zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften -Sustainability und Globaler Wandel-. (Sektion E3 - "Simulation des Paläoklimas") 5. Deutsche Klimatagung (5DKT) 2.-6. Oktober 2000, Hamburg. Programm und Abstracts. Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung Universität Hamburg, GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, Hamburg: 46-48 (6.10.2000).

Kuhle, M. (2000): The Glaciation of Tibet - Pacemaker of the Ice Ages. "Keynote speech" am 06.06.2000 auf dem "Symposium & field Workshop on Quaternary Glaciation in Monsoonal Asia" June 5-18, 2000, Chengdu China, der INQUA Commission on Glaciation und des International Geological Correlation Project 415; Abstract: 14.

Kuhle, M. (2000): Late Pleistocene megaflood deposits as a product of numerous outbreaks of late glacial ice dammed lakes in Tibet and its bodering mountians. -A new concept for High Asia deduced from a very extended glaciation. In: Hydrological Consiquences Of Global Climate Changes Geologic And Historic Analogs Of Future Conditions; The Fourth International Meeting on Global Continental Palaehydrology GLOCOPH 2000; Conference Papers and Abstracts. (Ed: Georgiadi, A.):160-161.(ISBN 5-89658-014-2 Pick It! ).

Kuhle, M., Schröder, N. (2000): New Investigations and Results on the Maximum Glaciation of the Kirgisen Shan and Tian Shan Plateau between Kokshaal Tau and Terkskey Alatau. In: Zech, W. (ed.): Pamir and Tian Shan. Contribution of the Quaternary History. International Workshop at the University of Bayreuth. Abstracts. University Bayreuth, Bayreuth: 8.

Kuhle, M. (2000): The Uplift of Tibet above the Snowline and its Complete Glaciation as Trigger of the Quaternary Ice Ages. - A Hypothesis for Ice Age Development. In: International Project on Paleolimnology and Late Cenozoic Climate IPPCCE 13. Shoji Horie (ed.): 36-59.

Kuhle, M. (2000): New Findings Supporting the Pleistocene Ice Sheet on the Tibetan Plateau as a Trigger of the Quaternary Ice Ages - A Hypothesis for Ice Age Development. In: Zheng Du, Zhu Liping (eds.): Formation and Evolution, Enviromental Changes and Sustainable Development on the Tibetan Plateau - Proccedings of International Symposium on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (Xining 1998). Academy Press, Xining, China: 96-115.

Kuhle, M. (2001): The Tibetan Ice Sheet; its Impact on the Palaeomonsoon and Relation to the Earth's Oribatal Variations.- Polarforschung 71 (1/2):1-13.

Kuhle, M. (2001): The maximum Ice Age (LGM) glaciation of the Central- and South Karakorum: an investigation of the hights of its glacier levels and ice thickness as well as lowest prehistoric ice margin positions in the Hindukush, Himalaya and in East-Tibet on the Minya Konka-massif.- GeoJournal 54 (1-4), 55 (1) (Glaciogeomorphology and Prehistoric Glaciation in the Karakorum and Himalaya. Tibet and High Asia (VI), Ed: Kuhle, M.): 109-396. Part 1.

Part 2

Kuhle, M. (2001, ed.): Tibet and High Asia (VI): Glaciogeomorphology and Prehistoric Glaciation in the Karakorum and Himalaya. GeoJournal 54 (2-4), 55 (1). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London. 107-475. Part 1.

Part 2

Kuhle, M. (2001): The Glaciation of High Asia and its Causal Relation to the Onset of Ice Ages.- Die Erde 132: 339-359. (3 figures and 5 photos)

Kuhle, M. (2002): A relief-specific model of the ice age on the basis of uplift-controlled glacier areas in Tibet and the corresponding albedo increase as well as their positiv climatological feedback by means of the global radiation geometry.- Climate Research 20: 1-7.

Kuhle, M. (2002): Outlet glaciers of the Pleistocene (LGM) south Tibetian ice sheet between Cho Oyu and Shisha Pangma as potenial sources of former mega-floods. In: Flood and Megaflood Processes and Deposits: Recent and Ancient Examples. Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS). Vol. 32. (Eds: Martini,Peter; Baker,Victor R; Garzón,Guillermina) Blackwell Science, Oxford, 291-302.

Kuhle, M., Kuhle, S. (2003): Kants Lehre vom Apriori in ihrem Verhältnis zu Darwins Evolutionstheorie.- Kant-Studien. Philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft 94 (2, Eds: Funke, G., Baum, M., Dörlinger, B., Seebohm, T.M.): 220-239.

Kuhle, M. (2003): New geomorphological indicators of a former Tibetan ice sheet in the central and northeastern part of the high plateau.- Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F. Suppl.-Vol. 130: 75-97.

Kuhle, M. (2003): Natural hazards and environmental Change.Boreas Book Reviews. Vol. 32, Oslo. 443

Kuhle, M. (2003): The former Glaciation of High and Central Asia and its climatic Impact. Comments on the INQUA-COG-GLACIATION MAP 1:1Mio. XVI INQUA Congress in Reno, Nevada, USA, July 23-30, 2003 Abstract Vol.:70

Kuhle, M. (2001 (erschienen 2003)): Reconstruction of Outlet Glacier Tongues of the Ice age South-Tibetan Ice Cover between Cho Oyu and Shisha Pangma as a further Proof of the Tibetan Inland Ice Sheet. Polarforschung 71 (3), 79-95.

Kuhle, M. (2004): The High Glacial (pre-LGM and LGM) glaciation of SE-Iranian mountains exemplified by Kuh-i-Jupar massif in The Zagros. Quarterly Geographical Journal of Territory 1 (2-3), 1-15, 1-8.

Kuhle, M. (2004): Aktuelle Gletscherdynamik in Hochasien - Fallstudien. In: Geographie und Schule. Aulis-Verlag Köln., 26 (148), S.16-20.

Kuhle, M. (2004): New Results Concerning the Past Glaciation in Tibet, the Himalaya and the Karakoram. The 4th International Sypmosium on the Tibetan Plateau. August 4-7, Program and Abstracts 2004, 104-105. (Lhasa, China)

Kuhle, M. (2004): Glacial Geomorphology and Ice Ages in Tibet and surrounding mountains. Journal of Himalayan Sciences 2 (4, The 19th Himlalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 10-12 July 2004 Niseko, Hokaido, Japan; Eds: Arita, K.; Gautam, P.; Paudel, L.P.; Takada, Y.; Watanabe, T.), 186-187.

Kuhle, M. (2004): The Pleistocene Glaciation in the Karakoram-Mountains: Reconstruction of Past Glacier Extensions and Ice Thicknesses. Journal of Mountain Science 1 (1), 3-17.

Kuhle, M. (2004): The High Glacial (Last Ice Age and LGM) ice cover in High and Central Asia. Development in Quaternary Science 2 (c, Quaternary Glaciation - Extent and Chronology, Part III: South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, Eds: Ehlers, J.; Gibbard, P.L.), 175-199. (Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam).

Kuhle, M. (2004): The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) glacier cover of the Aconcagua group and adjacent massifs in the Mendoza Andes (South America). Development in Quaternary Science 2 (c, Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology, Part III: South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, Eds: Ehlers, J.; Gibbard, P.L.), 75-81. (Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam).

Kuhle, M. (2004): Past glacier (Würmian) ice thickness in the Karakoram and on the Deosai Plateau in the catchment area of the Indus river. E&G Quaternary Science Journal (Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart) 54, 95-123.

Kuhle, M. (2004): The Ice Age Glaciation of Western Tibet between the Karakorums and the Tarim Basin, and its influence on the global energy balance. In: Geomorphology and Environment. (Eds: Singh, S.; Sharma, H.S.; Kumar De, S.) acb Publications, Calcota, India, 3-27.

Kuhle, M. (2005): The Maximum Ice Age Glaciation between Karakoram Main Ridge (K2) and the Tarim Basin and its Influence on the global Energy Balance. Journal of Mountain Science 2 (1), 1-19. (Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science).

Kuhle, M. (2005): The maximum Ice Age (Wurmian, Last Ice Age, LGM) Glaciation of the Himalaya - a glacialgeomorophological investigation of glacier trimlines, ice thicknesses, lowest former ice margin positions and snow-line depression in the Mt. Everest-Makalu-Cho Oyu Massifs (Khumbu- and Khumbakarna Himal). Joint Earth Science Meeting - Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins, Rueil-Malmaison, France, December, 14-16, 2005 Abstract Volume(Eds: Lacombe,O; Lavé,J; Roure,F), 219-222.

Kuhle, M. (2005): Glacial geomorphology and ice ages in Tibet and surrounding mountains. The Island Arc 14 (4), 346-367. (Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd)

Kuhle, M. (2005): The maximum Ice Age (Wurmian, Last Ice Age, LGM) Glaciation of the Himalaya - a glacialgeomorophological investigation of glacier trimlines, ice thicknesses, lowest former ice margin positions and snow-line depression in the Mt. Everest-Makalu-Cho Oyu Massifs (Khumbu- and Khumbakarna Himal) including informations on late-glacial, neoglacial and historical glacier stages, their snow-line depressions and ages. GeoJournal 62 Nr.3-4 (Tibet and High Asia(VII): Glaciogeomorphology and former Glaciation in the Himalaya and Karakorum), 191-650. Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Kuhle, M. (ed.) (2005 (erschienen 08. 2006)): GeoJournal: Tibet and High Asia (VII) (1) Glaciomorphology and former Glaciation in the Himalaya and Karakorum. Vol. 62 No.3-4. Springer Netherlands, 115-650. Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Kuhle, M. (2006): The Last Ice Age glaciation of the Himalaya ? an investigation of glacier trim-lines, ice thicknesses, lowest former ice margin positions and snow-lines in the Khumbu- and Khumbakarna Himal. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 26, Issue 2, February 2006 Special Issue 21st Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop 29th-31st March 2006, University of Cambridge, UK; 146; Pergamon, ISSN 1367-9120.

Kuhle, M. (2006): Hochasien - zur Physischen Geographie des Daches der Welt. Heidelberger Geographische Schriften 19+20, 153-163. (Heidelberger Geographische Gesellschaft e.V., Heidelberg ISSN: 0931-0061)

Kuhle, M. (2006): The Past Hunza Glacier in Connection with a Pleistocene Karakorum Ice Stream Network during the Last Ice Age (Würm). In: Karakoram in Transition. (Ed: Kreutzmann, H.) Saijid, A., Oxford University Press, Karachi, Pakistan, ISBN-13: 978-0-19-547210-3 Pick It! , 24-48.

Kuhle, M. (2006): Reconstruction of the Ice Age Glaciation in the Southern Slopes of Mt. Everest, Cho Oyu, Lhotse and Makalu (Himalaya) (Part 1+2). In: Journal of Mountain Science Vol. 3 No. 2+3 Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 91-124+191-27.

Kuhle, M. (2006): The Reconstruction of Ice Age Glaciation of the Himalaya and High Asia by Quaternary Geological and Glaciogeomorphological Methods. Himalaya (Geological Aspects) 4 (Ed: Saklani, P.), 181-214. (ISBN: 81-8904-14-3).

Kuhle, M. (2007): Altitudinal levels and limits in high mountains. In: Journal of Mountain Science 4, no.1 (Science Press, Beijing, Ed: Yu Dafu, C.), 24-33.

Kuhle, M. (2007): Extent of the former glaciation of High- and Central Asia: an overview with new results from 2003 to 2006. Quaternary International, XVII INQUA Congress 2007, Cairns, Australia, 28 July - 3 August 2007; The Tropics: Heat Engine of the Quaternary, 222

Kuhle, M. (2007): Reconstruction of the Ice Age glaciation (LGP/Last Glacial Period) in the southern slopes of Mt. Everest, Cho Oyu, Lhotse and Makalu (Himalaya). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts 9 (EGU General Assembly, 2007, Vienna, Austria, 15-20 April, ISSN: 1029-7006)

Kuhle, M. (2007): The last Ice Age Glaciation of the Himalaya - an investigation of glacier trimlines, ice thicknesses, lowest former ice margin positions and snow-lines in the Khumbu- and Khumbakarna Himal. Quaternary International, XVII INQUA Congress 2007, Cairns, Australia, 28 July - 3 August 2007; The Tropics: Heat Engine of the Quaternary, 222/223

Kuhle, M. (2007): Critical Approach to the Methods of Glacier Reconstruction in High Asia (Qinghai- Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, West Sichuan Plateau, Himalaya, Karakorum, Pamir, Kuenlun, Tienshan) and discussion of the probability of a Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) inland ice. In: Journal of Mountain Science (JMS) Vol.4, No.2 , 91-123

Kuhle, M. (2007(erschienen 2008)): The Pleistocene Glaciation (LGP and pre-LGP, pre-LGM) of SE-Iranian Mountains exemplified by the Kuh-i-Jupar, Kuh-i-Lalezar and Kuh-i-Hezar Massifs in the Zagros. Polarforschung 77 (2-3), 71-88 (Erratum/ Clarification Figur 15 betreffend: Vol. 78 (1-2), 83, 2008 [erschienen 2009])

Kuhle, M. (2008): Correspondence to-online-edition (doi.10.1016/jj.quascirev.2007.09.015 Elsevier) of Quaternary Science Reviews (QSR) article "Quaternary glacier history of the Central Karakorum" by Yeong Bae Seong, Lewis A. Owen, Michael P. Bishop, Andrew Bush, Penny Cendon, Luke Copland, Robert Finkel, Ulrich Kamp, John F. Shroder Jr. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 27, S. 1655-1656.

Kuhle, M. (2008): The Uplift of Tibet above the Snowline, its Ice Age Glaciation and Influence on the Pleistocene Climate Change, In: Volume 33 Résumé Abstracts GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA 400 years of discoveries, Geological Society of Canada; Mineralogical Association of Canada; Society of Economic Geologists; Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits: 26.05.-28.05.2008 Québec, Canada: 89

Kuhle, M. (2008): The Uplift of Tibet and the mountains of Central Asia above the Snowline, their Ice Age Glaciation and Influence on the Pleistocene Climate Change: an overview with new results from 2003 to 2008. - CCC042021: Abstract CD-Rom: 33 Intern. Geological Congress-Conference IGC 6-14/8/2008 Oslo, Norway.

Kuhle, M. (2008): The Last Ice Age glaciation of the Himalaya - an investigation of glacier trim-lines, ice thicknesses, lowest former ice margin positions and snow-lines in the Khumbu- and Khumbakarna Himal (Cho Oyu, Mt. Everest and Makalu-S-slopes). - HPQ04903L: Abstract CD-Rom: 33 Intern. Geological Congress-Conference IGC 6-14/8/2008 Oslo, Norway.

Kuhle, M. (2008): Geomorphological Altitudinal Levels of the Mountains and the Influence of the Relief on the Glacier Altitudinal Level during the Quaternary Climate Change as Basis of Glacier Typology. In Colloquium Geographicum; Volume 31; Diversity in Mountain Systems; Ed. Löffler, J. and Stadelbauer, J.; 21-32;ISBN 978-3-537-87431-3 Pick It! ; ISSN 0588-3253; Bonn.

Kuhle, M., Kuhle, S. (2009): Kalkül und Information - das Verknüpfungsproblem bei Kant, Chomsky und Fodor. In: Funke, G., M. Baum, B. Dörflinger u. T. M. Seebohm (Hrsg.) (2009): Kant-Studien. Philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft. 100. Jahrgang. Heft 2, Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York., S. 241-261.

Kuhle, M. (2009): The Last Ice Age glaciation of the Himalaya – an investigation of glacier trim-lines, ice thicknesses, lowest former ice margin positions and snow-lines in the Khumbu-and Khumbakarna Himal (Cho Oyu, Mt. Everest and Makalu-S-slopes). In: Abstracts of the 5th International Symposium on the Tibetan Plateau and 24th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop 2009, Beijing, China: 201.

Kuhle, M. (2009): The Uplift of Tibet and the mountains of Central Asia above the Snowline, their Ice Age Glaciation and Influence on the Pleistocene Climate Change: an overview with new results from 2003 to 2008. In: Abstracts of the 5th International Symposium on the Tibetan Plateau and 24th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop 2009, Beijing, China: 223.

Kuhle, M. (2009): The Former Glaciation of High-(Tibet) and Central Asia and it's Global Climatic Impact-An Ice Age Theory with a Remark on Potential Warmer Climatic Cycles in the Future. New Permafrost and Glacier Research. Eds. Max I. Krugger & Harry P. Stern; Nova Science Publisher, Inc. New York: 163-235.

Kuhle, M., Kuhle, S. (2010): Review on Dating methods: Numerical Dating in the Quaternary of High Asia. In: Journal of Mountain Science (2010) 7: 105-122.

Kuhle, M. (2010): New Indicators of a Former Tibetan Ice Sheet and an Ice Stream Network in the Surrounding Mountain Systems: New Observations and Dating on the SE-, S- and W-margin of Tibet from Expeditions in 2004-2009. Program and Extended Abstracts of the 25th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop in San Francisco 2010, A104-A105.

Kuhle, M. (2010): Last Ice Age glaciation of the Himalaya – investigations of trimlines, ice thicknesses, lowest ice margin and ELA in the Khumbu Himal (Cho Oyu, Mt. Everest and Makalu-S-slopes). Journal of Nepal Geological Society, Volume 41 November 2010 Special Issue, Abstract Volume 6th Nepal Geological Congress 15-17 November 2010 Kathmandu, Nepal: 157

Kuhle, M. (2010): Uplift of Tibet and the mountains of central Asia above the snowline, their Ice Age glaciation and Influence on the Quaternary climate: an overview with results from 2003 to 2010. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, Volume 41 November 2010 Special Issue, Abstract Volume 6th Nepal Geological Congress 15-17 November 2010 Kathmandu, Nepal: 158

Kuhle, M. and Kuhle, S. (2010): Connecting Information with Scientific Method: Darwin’s Significance for Epistemology. In: Journal for the General Philosophy of Science (J Gen Philos Sci) Vol. 41, No. 2, 333-357 DOI 10.1007/s10838-010-9140-y Pick It!

Kuhle, M. (2011): Indicators of a former Tibetan ice sheet and an ice stream network in the surrounding mountains: field observations and dates on the SE-, S- and W-margin of Tibet from the expeditions 2004-2009. In: Abstracts ID163 XVIII INQUA-Congress Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains, 21-27 July 2011 in Bern, Switzerland.

Kuhle, M. (2011): Extent of the former glaciation of High- and Central Asia with its global paleo-climatic consequences: an overview with new empirical data from 2004 to 2010. In: Abstracts ID162 XVIII INQUA-Congress Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains, 21-27 July 2011 in Bern, Switzerland.

Kuhle, M. (2011): Reconstruction of the last glaciations in the whole of Asia. In: Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. Eds: V. P. Singh, P. Singh, U. K. Haritashya, 924-932, Springer.

Kuhle, M. (2011): Ice Age. In: Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. Eds: V. P.Singh, P. Singh, U. K. Haritashya, 560-565, Springer.

Kuhle, M. (2011): Last Glacial Maximum Glaciation (LGM/LGP) in High Asia (Tibet and surrounding Mountains). In: Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. Eds: V. P. Singh, P. Singh, U. K. Haritashya, 697-702, Springer.

Kuhle, M. (2011): Ice Age Development Theory. In: Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. Eds: V. P. Singh, P. Singh, U. K. Haritashya, 576-581, Springer.

Kuhle, M. (2011): The High-Glacial (Last Glacial Maximum) Glacier Cover of the Aconcagua Group and Adjacent Massifs in the Mendoza Andes (South America) with a Closer Look at Further Empirical Evidence. Development in Quaternary Science, Vol. 15 (d, Quaternary Glaciation - Extent and Chronology, A Closer Look, Eds: Ehlers, J.; Gibbard, P.L.; Hughes, P.D.), 735-738. (Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam).

Kuhle, M. (2011): The High Glacial (Last Ice Age and Last Glacial Maximum) Ice Cover of High and Central Asia, with a Critical Review
of Some Recent OSL and TCN Dates. Development in Quaternary Science, Vol. 15 (d, Quaternary Glaciation - Extent and Chronology, A Closer Look, Eds: Ehlers, J.; Gibbard, P.L.; Hughes, P.D.), 943-965. (Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam).

Kuhle, M. and Kuhle, S. (2011): Hannibal gone astray? A critical comment on W. C. Mahaney et al.: The traversette (Italia) rockfall: Geomorphological indicator of the hannibalic invasion route` (ARCHAEOMETRY, 52, 1 [2010] 156–72)*. In: Archaeometry 54, 3 (2012) 591–601, DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2011.00633.x

Kuhle, M. (2011): The High Glacial (LGP, LGM, MIS 3-2) southern outlet glaciers of the Tibetan inland ice through Mustang into the Thak Khola as further evidence of the Tibetan ice. Journal of Nepal Geological Society (JNGS), Vol. 43 (Special Issue), 175-200.

Kuhle, M. (2012): The Former Tibetan Ice Sheet. In: Ice Sheets. Eds: Müller, J.; Koch, L.; Hauppauge, NY, 173-203, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. available on request

Kuhle, M. (2012): High-glacial (LGP, LGM, MIS 3-2) ice cover in the middle Marsyandi Nadi and the Damodar-Himal down to the junction of the Nar Khola and the Marsyandi Khola (N of Annapurna Himalaya). In: Hartmann, M. & Weipert, J. (Eds.). Biodiversity and Natural Heritage of the Himalaya. Vol. IV, (Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya), Erfurt, pp. 9-46.

Kuhle, M. (2012): The Early and Late Glacial High Mountain Glaciation Surrounding Tibet as Topographic-Climatic Cause of High-Energetic Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) and their Sedimentological Consequences in the Lower Mountain Forelands. In: Horizons in Earth Science Research. Volume 7. Eds. Benjamin Veress & Jozsi Szigethy, 197 – 227; Nova Science Publisher, Inc. New York, ISBN 978-1-62100-622-0. available on request

Kuhle, M. (2013): The uplift of High Asia above the snowline and its Glaciation as an albedo-dependent cause of the Quaternary ice ages. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 1-240. Additional e-books in this series with color graphics can be found on Novas website under the e-book tab.

Kuhle, M. (2014): The Glacial (MIS 3-2) Outlet Glacier of the Marsyandi Nadi-icestream-network with its Ngadi Khola Tributary Glacier (Manaslu- and Lamjung Himalaya). - The Reconstructed Lowering of the Marsyandi Nadi Ice Stream Tongue down in to the Southern Himalaya Foreland. Journal of Mountain Science (JMS), J. Mt. Sci. 11(1): 236-287. DOI: 10.1007/s11629-013-2820-4. available on request

Kuhle, M. (2014): Zone of Optimum Development of Patterned Grounds as a Characteristic of Semi-Arid Areas, an Indicator of Permafrost-Lines and a Reference to Sub-Glacial Permafrost below the Past Arid Cold-Based Tibetan Ice Sheet. In: Permafrost: Distribution, Composition and Impacts on Infrastructure and Ecosystems. Ed. Oleg S. Pokrovsky. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 107-152.available on request

Kuhle, M. (2014): Climate or Topography ? Topography of mountains as basis of modern glacier variations, exemplified by 6500 up to 8000 m high summits in High Asia. ? Evidences of Holocene and Historical as well as current glacier stages. In: Mountains: Geology, Topography and Environmental Concerns. Eds. A.J.B. Goncalves and A.A.B. Vieira. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 65-147, ISBN: 978-1-63117-288-5. available on request

Kuhle, M and Kuhle, S. (2015): Lost in Translation or Can We Still Understand What Polybius Says about Hannibal's Crossing of the Alps? - A Reply to Mahaney [Archaeometry, 55 (2013), 1196-204]*. Archaeometry, Volume 57, Issue 4, 759-771, DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12115.