In publica commoda

Ideas by category in 2009 (in %)

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With about 80 ideas submitted to the Ideas Competition for Students 2009 there were many constructive and innovative proposals.

As in the previous round in 2008 the majority of ideas (53%) related to Study requests/ Offers/ Content and Structures. Besides improving the courses on offer, e.g. supplementary careers-oriented courses or a proposal for the organisation of a “Studium Generale” profile for degree programmes, there were also ideas concerning the spatial arrangement and decor of the Central Lecture Building.

Twenty-nine percent of proposals meant that Advisory/Mentoring and Information Services made up the second-largest category. For example, it was suggested that scanned literature be stored as a service of the SUB and that the faculties should be members of the “Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance”. In addition, students also proposed a potential improvement of the advisory services in the schools before starting university as well as once studying, with the aid of mentors and tutors in higher years.

The Quality of Teaching category only covered 4% of the total ideas. These included the possibility of a lecturer mentoring programme.

Social Aspects and Miscellaneous (14%) for example included the suggestion of a University of Göttingen book for both students and staff to write entries in and thereby increase the sense of belonging to the university and feeling of togetherness.

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