In publica commoda

Professionalize your career fair contacts

Online modules to enable self-assessment – from your profile of competences up to the presentation of yourself

To guarantee a successful approach to potential employers at a career fair it is necessary to understand your competences and how to present yourself to them professionally. Make use of the English online module “Building International Careers” as a digital independent learning course to deepen your knowledge in the fields of capability analysis, job research, application documents and presentation of yourself in job interviews. Using the available self-assesment exercises will prepare you for a successful participation on a career fair and hence a successful career start. Additionally, it is possible to do group tasks to complete the preparation together among peers. If you have any concerns while working with the modules feel free to contact us and make use of our individual consultation.
Information and registration here

Rocket.Chat Community #workinginternationally

Do you want to contact the organizations on the career fair because you aim to do an internship abroad or start your career in an international atmosphere? Are you, an international student, interested in working in Germany? Via our Rocket.Chat channel #workinginternationally you can link up with likeminded peers and discuss in an informal chatroom about ideas to prepare yourself for a successful participation on the career fair.
Click here to get to the channel

eLearning resoources: Screencasts, Self-Assessments, Q&A and topic specific Career Paper
E-Portfolio "career start"

Are you interested in optimizing your career fair preparation regarding your competences, qualifications, interests, and professional aims? Do you want to get to know more about strategies to apply for jobs? The E-Portfolio on the Mahara-platform supports you with minor exercises which are available to be completed alone, as two or in a group. Further, the community on the Mahara-platform enables participants to exchange experiences and get in touch with each other.
Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung hier

Working in Germany

Are you an international student aiming to start your career in Germany? Are you looking for all the application requirements specifically needed on the German labor market to be prepared well for your participation on the career fair? The English offer to be done by yourself regarding “Working in Germany” will provide you a broad overview of possibilities and perspectives and will inform you about important questions.
Further information and registration

Internship abroad

During the career fair you will have the possibility to get information about doing an “internship abroad” with internationally operative companies. The e-learning resources provide the opportunity to prepare for the stay abroad and the most common questions of employers regarding an “internship abroad”.
Further information and registration

Career Paper „Bewerben mit Kind(ern)“

You are a parent and want to come to know how family friendly a company is? Are you unsure whether or how to address your parenthood and parental leave in your CV or job interview? Our career paper provides solutions to those and more specific questions regarding the application process. Furthermore, a list of labels and awards to put light on family friendly companies, different models of working arrangements (e.g. part-time), and an overview of further information and consultation services is provided.
You can find the paper here

Webinar: Messegespräche souverän führen // 27.05., 4.15 pm

This Webinar is dealing with the optimal preparation for your participation on a career fair. Starting with the consideration of formalizing your personal targets, what companies you are addressing which questions at and how to professionally present yourself. The participation is limited, and hence individual questions will be addressed.
Further information and registration here

Webinar: EU Careers // 12.06., 2.15 pm

What are Career opportunities with EU institutions? What is the procedure of selection? Where to apply? How to prepare? What about Traineeships with the EU? All these questions will be addressed in a presentation containing general information about the whole process of application. Additionally, there will be enough time to clarify individual questions.
Further information and registration

Career Events

Make use of our calendar to be updated about career orientated events. You will find activities and information about university-, regional-, and further reaching webinars, workshops and career fairs.
An overview is available here