Parisa Memarmoshrefi
37077 Göttingen
Tel. +49 551 39 172050
Fax. +49 551 39 18172000
My research focuses on bio-inspired network security. I am interested in security mechanisms in scalable, distributed and self-organizing wireless communication such as vehicular networks, wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks. Among security provision mechanisms, I am concentrating on bio-inspired approaches. I am also interested in authentication and identity management, and soft security mechanisms (trust-based systems).
Proposing a Distributed and Dynamic Bio-Inspired Recognition of Identity in Vehicular Networks. Parisa Memarmoshrefi, Tamara Hartke. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Workshop on V2X Technologies and Advanced Security/Privacy, Hybrid Conference (in-person in Taipei Taiwan & virtual platform), 2020.
A Transmission Power-control Certificate Omission Scheme in VANETs. Emmanuel Charleson Dapaah, Parisa Memarmoshrefi, Dieter Hogrefe. 12th EAI International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks (EAI ADHOCNETS 2020) , Online Conference, November 2020.
Deception, Identity, and Security: The Game Theory of Sybil Attacks. William Casey, Ansgar Kellner, Parisa Memarmoshrefi, Jose Andre Morales, and Bud Mishra. Communications of the ACM, 62:85--93, 2019.
A Survey of Ant Colony Optimization based Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks. Hang Zhang, Xi Wang, Parisa Memarmoshrefi, and Dieter Hogrefe. IEEE Access, 5:24139--24161, 2017.
Poster: Self-managed and Blockchain-based Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. Benjamin Leiding, Parisa Memarmoshrefi, and Dieter Hogrefe. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Germany, DE, September 2016.
Autonomous Ant-based Public Key Authentication Mechanism for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Parisa Memarmoshrefi, Roman Seibel, and Dieter Hogrefe. Mobile Networks and Applications, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2016.
Identity deception and game deterrence via signaling games (best paper). William Casey, Parisa Memarmoshrefi, Ansgar Kellner, Jose Andre Morales, and Bud Mishra. In In 9th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (BICT14), NYC, USA, December 2015.
Investigating the learning phase of an autonomous authentication in mobile ad-hoc networks (short paper). Hang Zhang, Parisa Memarmoshrefi, Fatemeh Ashrafi, and Dieter Hogrefe. In 9th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (BICT15), NYC, USA, December 2015.
Securing mobile ad-hoc networks using an artificial immune system. Ansgar Kellner, Parisa Memarmoshrefi, and Dieter Hogrefe. In 8th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies, poster session, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December 2014.
Social insect-based sybil attack detection in mobile ad-hoc networks. Parisa Memarmoshrefi, Hang Zhang, and Dieter Hogrefe. In 8th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (BICT14), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December 2014.
Investigation of a Bio-inspired Security Mechanism in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Parisa Memarmoshrefi, Hang Zhang, and Dieter Hogrefe. In 9th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2013), Lyon, France, October 2013.
Autonomous Group-based Authentication Mechanism in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Parisa Memarmoshrefi, Omar Alfandi, Ansgar Kellner, and Dieter Hogrefe. In The First International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy in e-Government, e- Systems & Social Networking (eGSSN-2012), Liverpool, UK, June 2012.
Bio-inspired Self-organized Public Key Authentication Mechanism for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Parisa Memarmoshrefi, Roman Seibel, and Dieter Hogrefe. In 1st International Workshop on Bio-inspired Approaches to Advanced Computing and Communications (BioAdcom2010), Boston, USA, December 2010. Springer.