Vorträge auf Konferenzen
- "Boundaries of peer effects: Culture, peers and employee ownership" (Hennig, J.; Hullmann, R.; Gregoric, A.; Wolff, M.)
2020 - Kelso Workshop, Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing, Rutgers University (USA)
- "Peer effects in employees' decisions not to participate in beneficial ESOPs - a multilevel analysis" (Hennig, J.; Hullmann, R.; Wolff, M.)
- "How Advising and Monitoring Drive Older CEOs Towards Digital Innovation" (Firk, S.; Gehrke, Y.)
- "The Dark Side of Clawbacks: Clawback Provisions and a Firm’s Strategic Repertoire" (Firk, S.; Holst, M.; Wolff, M.)
- "Deinstitutionalization of a Management Practice - The Abandonment of Value-based Management" (Berger, L.)
- "In search of pearls: How strategic backgrounds help CFOs to achieve managerial labor market outcomes" (Spogat, D.)
2019 - Jahrestagung der Academy of Management (AoM), Boston (USA)
- "Boundaries of peer effects: Culture, peers and employee ownership" (Hennig, J.; Hullmann, R.; Gregoric, A.; Wolff, M.)
2019 - Industry and Labor Economics Workshop, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (Japan)
- “Does the market value strategic career backgrounds of CFOs?” (Firk, S.; Spogat, D.; Verbeeten, F.; Wolff, M.)
2019 - Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Rostock (Deutschland)
- “The analyst and investor environment as a governance mechanism and firms’ decision to hold M&A-related conference calls” (Hennig, J.)
2019 - Jahrestagung der European Accounting Association (EAA), Paphos (Zypern)
- "Investor reactions to abnormal tone and the role of manager-specific linguistic context factors” (Firk, S.; Hennig J.; Wolff, M.)
2019 - Jahrestagung der American Accounting Association (AAA), San Francisco (USA)
- “Just wait and see? How to manage impressions around M&As” (Firk, S.; Hennig J.)
2019 - ERMAC 2019 Summer School and Research Conference, Wien (Österreich)
- "Does the market value strategic backgrounds of CFOs" (Firk, S.; Spogat, D.; Verbeeten, F.; Wolff, M.)
2018 - 11. Konferenz über New Directions in Management Accounting, Brüssel (Belgien)
- "CFO career prospect and M&A returns - An analysis of the S&P 500" (Firk, S.; Richter, S.)
- "Market reactions to appointments of CFOs with strategic backgrounds" (Firk, S.; Spogat, D.; Verbeeten, F.; Wolff, M.)
- "Let`s talk face to face - Antecedents of succesful private shareholder activism in a global world" (Coskun, H.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.; Jacobey, L.)
- "The effect of stock based incentives on individual manager performance" (Ahrens, C.)
- "Investors' misinterpretation of managers' tone - An anaysis of manager-specific context factors" (Hennig, J.)
2018 - Jahrestagung der Academy of Management (AoM), Chicago (USA)
- "The interplay of CFOs and CEOs with regard to investment efficiency - A regulatory perspective" (Detzen, N.; Firk, S., Wolff, M.)
- "Market reactions to appointments of CFOs with strategic backgrounds" (Firk, S.; Spogat, D.; Verbeeten, F.; Wolff, M.)
2018 - Jahrestagung der American Accounting Association (AAA), Washington (USA)
- "What drives sophisticated environmental performance measurement systems? An empirical investigation of antecedents and its outcomes" (Coskun, H.; Firk, S.; Wolff, M.)
- "Market reactions to appointments of CFOs with strategic backgrounds" (Firk, S.; Spogat, D.; Verbeeten, F.; Wolff, M.)
- "CFO career prospect and M&A returns - An analysis of the S&P 500” (Firk, S.; Richter, S.)
- "The effect of stock based incentives on individual manager performance" (Ahrens, C.)
- "Investor reactions to managers' use of abnormal tone and the role of linguistic manager specific context factors" (Hennig, J.)
- ”Antecendents of the abandonment of a management accounting system - The case of value-based management" (Berger, L.)
- ”The interplay of CFOs and CEOs with regard to investment efficiency - A regulatory perspective" (Detzen, N.; Firk, S., Wolff, M.)
2018 - Jahrestagung der European Accounting Association (EAA), Mailand (Italien)
- "Does value-based management support managerial decision-making? - An analysis of divestiture decisions" (Firk, S.; Richter, S.; Wolff, M.)
- "Balanced Information composition in conference calls and the cost of capital" (Firk, S.; Hennig, J.; Wolff, M.)
2018 - Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Magdeburg (Deutschland)
- "CFO career prospect and M&A - An analysis of the S&P 500" (Firk, S.; Richter, S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”The interplay of CFOs and CEOs with regard to investment efficiency - A regulatory perspective" (Detzen, N.; Firk, S., Wolff, M.)
2018 - Jahrestagung für Management Accounting Research (ACMAR), Vallendar (Deutschland)
- "Information provision in conference calls and the cost of capital: An analyst-based perspective" (Firk, S.; Hennig, J.; Wolff, M.)
- "Value-based management's promise to support managerial decision making - An analysis of divestiture decisions" (Firk, S.; Richter, S.; Wolff, M.)
2017 - Jahrestagung der American Accounting Association (AAA), San Diego (USA)
- "The impact of stock based incentives on employee behavior and the moderating effect of institutions" (Ahrens, C. & Oehmichen, J., Wolff, M.)
- "What drives CSR Sophistication? The Role of Intra- and Extra-Organizational Pressure" (Coskun, H.; Firk, S.)
- "Value-based management's promise to support managerial decision making - An analysis of divestiture decisions" (Firk, S.; Richter, S.; Wolff, M.)
- "Standing out of the crowd - A contigency model of strategy uniqueness and institutional investors " (Maybuechen, F.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
2017 - Jahrestagung der Academy of Management (AoM), Atlanta (USA)
- "Expatriates as Influencers in Global Work Arrangements: Their Impact on Foreign Subsidiary Employees’ ESOP Participation" (Ahrens, C. & Oehmichen, J., Wolff, M.)
2017 - Jahrestagung der Academy of International Business (AIB), Dubai (UAE)
- "Value-based management's promise to support managerial decision making - An analysis of divestiture decisions" (Firk, S.; Richter, S.; Wolff, M.)
2017 - ERMAC 2017 Summer School, Wien (Östereich)
- "Stock based incentives for employees - The impact on employee turnover and the moderating effect of institutions" (Ahrens, C. & Oehmichen, J., Wolff, M.)
- "Information provision in conference calls and the cost of capital: An analyst-based perspective" (Firk, S.; Hennig, J.; Wolff, M.)
- "Standing out of the crowd - A contigency model of strategy uniqueness and institutional investors" (Maybuechen, F.; Oehmichen, J.)
- "Value-based management's promise to support managerial decision making - An analysis of divestiture decisions" (Firk, S.; Richter, S.; Wolff, M.)
2017 - Jahrestagung der European Accounting Association (EAA), Valencia (Spanien)
- " Value-based management's promise to support managerial decision making - An analysis of divestiture decisions" (Firk, S.; Richter, S.; Wolff, M.)
2017 - Jahrestagung für Management Accounting Research (ACMAR), Vallendar (Deutschland)
- "The influence of expatriates on employees' ESOP participation and the moderating effect of distance" (Ahrens, C. & Oehmichen, J., Wolff, M.)
2016 - Jahrestagung der European International Business Academy (EIBA), Wien (Östereich)
- "Nice to meet you - the Role of Relational Embeddedness in Successful Private Shareholder Activism" (Jacobey, L.)
- "Corporate Dinosaurs: The CEO Age and Strategic Uniqueness Relationship - A Conformity and Persuasion Model“ (Maybuechen, F.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
2016 - Jahrestagung der Strategic Management Society (SMS), Berlin
- "Think before you speak - The effect of conference call style on the cost of equity capital" (Firk, S.; Hennig, J.; Wolff, M.)
2016 - Jahrestagung der American Accounting Association (AAA), New York (USA)
- "Think before you speak - The effect of conference call style on the cost of equity capital" (Firk, S.; Hennig, J.; Wolff, M.)
- "The influence of expatriates onemployees' ESOP participation and the moderating effect of distance" (Ahrens, C. & Oehmichen, J.)
- "Value-Based Management and M&A Decisions: A Multi-Level Contingency Model (Firk, S.; Maybuechen, F.; Wolff, M.)
- "Nice to meet you - the Role of Relational Embeddedness in Successful Private Shareholder Activism" (Jacobey, L.)
2016 - Jahrestagung der Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim (USA)
- "Transforming promise into reality - Antecedents and perfromance implications of CFO commitment to Value-based Management" (Firk, S.; Schmidt, T.; Wolff, M.)
2016 - Doctoral Symposium der Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ)
- ”Transforming promise into reality ? Antecedents and perfromance implications of CFO commitment to Value-based Management” (Firk, S.; Schmidt, T.; Wolff, M.)
2016 - Jahrestagung der European Accounting Association (EAA), Maastricht (Niederlande)
- ”The influence of expatriates on employees' ESOP participation and the moderating effect of distance“” (Ahrens, C.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
2016 - Jahrestagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Internationales Management des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Fribourg (Schweiz)
- ”Multiple Recipes for Success: A Configurational Examination of Business Portfolio Restructuring” (Hildebrandt, P.; Oehmichen, J.; Pidun, U.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Who can Stand up for Good Governance? Evidence from Board Committees” (Jacobey, L.; Wolff, M.; Yoshikawa, T.)
2015 - Jahrestagung der Strategic Management Society (SMS), Denver (USA)
- ”Time horizons of incentives in different institutional settings - an empirical analysis of M&A deals of US and European firms” (Oehmichen, J.; Sauset, J.; Wolff, M.)
- “Fixing the loopholes? Performance Implications of the Bindingness of CEO Compensation Arrangements” (Jacobey, L.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
2015 - Jahrestagung der International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS), Kopenhagen (Dänemark)
- ”Cling together, swing together: Employee ownership and its influence on employee commitment and firm performance in a multinational environment” (Oehmichen, J.; Zschoche, U.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Who can Stand up for Good Governance ? Evidence from Board Committees” (Jacobey, L.; Wolff, M.; Yoshikawa, T.)
- ”Value-based Management Sophistication in Europe - Organizational fit under institutional differences” (Firk, S.; Schmidt, T.; Wolff, M.)
2015 - Jahrestagung der Academy of Management (AoM), Vancouver (Kanada)
- ”Follow the herd: how organizational level legitimacy can give a helping hand to bridge formal institutional voids - The case of employee stock ownership plans in MNEs” (Oehmichen, J.; Zschoche, U.; Wolff, M.)
2015 - Jahrestagung der Academy of International Business (AIB), Bengaluru (Indien)
- ”Follow the herd: how organizational level legitimacy can give a helping hand to bridge formal institutional voids - The case of employee stock ownership plans in MNEs” (Oehmichen, J.; Zschoche, U.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Who can Stand up for Good Governance? Evidence from Board Committees” (Jacobey, L.; Wolff, M.; Yoshikawa, T.)
- ”When does Value Based Management pay off? M&A decisions in the light of internal and external agency conflicts” (Firk, S.; Maybuechen, F.; Wolff, M.)
2015 - Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Wien (Österreich)
- ”Value-based Management Sophistication in Europe - Organizational fit under institutional differences” (Firk, S.; Schmidt, T.; Wolff, M.)
2015 - Jahrestagung der European Accounting Association (EAA ), Glasgow (Schottland)
- ”Follow the herd: how organizational level legitimacy can give a helping hand to bridge formal institutional voids - The case of employee stock ownership plans in MNEs” (Oehmichen, J.; Zschoche, U.; Wolff, M.)
2015 - Jahrestagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Internationales Management des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Fribourg (Schweiz)
- ”Business portfolio restructuring from an industry environment perspective: The role of critical resources” (Hildebrandt, P.; Oehmichen, J.; Pidun, U.; Wolff, M.)
2014 - Jahrestagung der Strategic Management Society (SMS), Madrid (Spanien)
- „Performance effects of value-based managements systems under institutional complexity“ (Firk, S.; Schrapp, S.; Wolff, M.)
- „Time Horizons in Different Institutional Settings - Analysis of M&A Deals of US and European Firms“ (Sauset, J.)
- „Fixing the Loopholes - How Monitoring Quality Influences Degrees of Freedom in Compensation Contracts“ (Jacobey, L.)
- „When Elites Forget Their Duties: The Double-Edged Sword of Star Directors on Boards“ (Braun, D.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
2014 - Jahrestagung der Academy of Management (AoM), Philadelphia (USA)
- „Time horizons of incentives in different institutional settings - an empirical analysis of M&A deals of US and European firms“ (Oehmichen, J.; Sauset, J.; Wolff, M.)
2014 - Jahrestagung der Academy of International Business (AIB), Vancouver (Kanada)
- „Crisis of Leadership or Leadership Through the Crisis - CEO Performance During the Financial Crisis“ (Braun, D.; Wolff, M.)
2014 - Special Conference der Strategic Management Society (SMS), Kopenhagen (Dänemark)
- „Fixing the loopholes - The influence of monitoring quality on the degrees of freedom in CEO compensation contracts“ (Jacobey, L; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
- „Performance effects of value-based managements systems under institutional complexity“ (Firk, S.; Schrapp, S.; Wolff, M.)
- „Crisis of Leadership or Leadership Through the Crisis - CEO Performance During the Financial Crisis“ (Braun, D.; Wolff, M.)
2014 - Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Leipzig
- „Fixing the Loopholes - How Monitoring Quality Influences Degrees of Freedom in CEO Compensation Contracts“ (Jacobey, L; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
- „Drivers of value creation - The role of value-based management and underlying institutions“ (Firk, S.; Schrapp, S.; Wolff, M.)
- „Leadership through the crisis - CEO performance during economic turmoil“ (Braun, D.; Wolff, M.)
2014 - Jahrestagung der European Management Association (EURAM), Valencia (Spanien)
- „Employee stock-ownership plans in MNEs - A headquarter practice acceptance model to explain subsidiary behavior during the enrolment period” (Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.; Zschoche, U.)
- „External and internal embeddedness of emerging market subsidiaries - a contingency model to explain their performance effect in situations of complexity and organizational change“ (Oehmichen, J.; Puck J.)
2013 - Jahrestagung der European International Business (EIBA), Bremen
- „Corporate Portfolio Management in strategic management processes: A multi-country investigation of TMT and board influence“ (Oehmichen, J.; Pidun, U.; Wolff, M.)
- „CEO dismissal and board capital - An institutional lens on board resources, focus, and autonomy“ (McGuire, J.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
2013 - Jahrestagung der Strategic Management Society (SMS), Atlanta (USA)
- „The role of managerial inertia: A conceptual investigation of dynamic capability investments through an agency theoretical lens“ (Oehmichen, J.; Rogbeer, S.)
2013 - Jahrestagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personal des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB) e.V., Hamburg
- „CEO Contract Design Regulation and Risk-Taking - Evidence from Europe“ (Baur, P.; Sauset, J.; Wolff, M.)
2013 - Jahrestagung der European Finance Association (EFA), Cambridge (UK)
- „Catalyzing strategic change: the effect of board capital and institutional differences“ (Oehmichen, J.; Schrapp, S.; Wolff, M.)
- „CEO Contract Design Regulation and Risk-Taking - Evidence from Europe“ (Baur, P.; Sauset, J.; Wolff, M.)
2013 - Jahrestagung der Academy of Management (AoM), Orlando (USA)
- „Multiple directorships - is it the same old boys network in every country? A multi-country panel analysis of European and US-American companies” (Braun, D.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Catalyzing strategic change: the effect of board capital and institutional differences“ (Oehmichen, J.; Schrapp, S.; Wolff, M.)
2013 - Jahrestagung der Academy of International Business (AIB), Istanbul (Turkei)
- „Multiple directorships - is it the same old boys network in every country? A multi-country panel analysis of European and US-American companies” (Braun, D.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Former executive board members on supervisory boards: resource channel or ineffective monitoring - an empirical contingency perspective of German companies” (Oehmichen, J.; Schult, A.; Wolff, M.)
- ”It's all kippers and curtains - How non-delegating CEOs can build and destroy the illusion of their irreplaceability” (Oehmichen, J.; Schult, A.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Going beyond human capital explanations for the gender pay gap in top management teams” (Oehmichen, J.; Sarry, M.; Wolff, M.)
- ”CEO contract design, regulation, and risk-taking - Evidence from Europe” (Baur, P.; Sauset, J.; Wolff, M.)
2013 - Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Würzburg
- ”Multiple directorships - is it the same old boys network in every country? A multi-country panel analysis of European and US-American companies” (Braun, D.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Former executive board members on supervisory boards: resource channel or ineffective monitoring - an empirical contingency perspective of German companies” (Oehmichen, J.; Schult, A.; Wolff, M.)
2013 - Jahrestagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB) e.V., Jena
- ”Strategic Alignment of IT and Functional Responsibilities in Top Management Teams: An Empirical Performance Study” (Schult, A.; Wolff, M.)
2012 - International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando (USA)
- ”Pay-for-performance in Europe and the United States?A contingency perspective on integrating substitutionary and complementary governance mechanisms” (Hüttenbrink, A.; Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Catalyzing strategic change: the effect of board capital and institutional differences” (Oehmichen, J.; Schrapp, S.; Wolff, M.)
2012 - Jahrestagung der European International Business (EIBA), Brighton (UK)
- ”Multiple directorships - is it the same old boys network in every country? A multi-country panel analysis of European and US-American companies” (Braun, D.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
2012 - Workshop on Corporate Governance and Investment, Cardiff (UK)
- ”Multiple directorships - is it the same old boys network in every country? A multi-country panel analysis of European and US-American companies” (Braun, D.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.)
2012 - Conference on National Governance Bundles, Cambridge (UK)
- ”Board Capital, Board Structure, and Organizational Learning: A Cross-National Analysi” (Heyden, M.; Oehmichen, J.)
2012 - Jahrestagung des Chapter Australia and New Zealand der Academy of International Business (AIB), Melbourne (Australia)
- ”Board Capital, Board Structure, and Organizational Learning: A Cross-National Analysis” (Heyden, M.; Oehmichen, J.)
- ”Going beyond human capital explanations for the gender pay gap in top management teams” (Oehmichen, J.; Sarry, M.; Wolff, M.)
- ”R&D Curtailment during the Crisis - The Role of Stock-Based Incentives and Institutional Differences” (Rapp, M.S.; Schrapp, S.)
2012 - Jahrestagung der Academy of Management (AoM), Boston (USA)
- ”Board Capital, Board Structure, and Organizational Learning: A Cross-National Analysis” (Heyden, M.; Oehmichen, J.)
- ”The disintegration of the German directors network - an empirical discussion of the impact of domestic and international informal institutions on the convergence of corporate governance systems” (Böhler, D.; Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2012 - Jahrestagung der Academy of International Business (AIB), Washington (USA)
- ”Board Capital, Board Structure, and Organizational Learning: A Cross-National Analysis” (Heyden, M.; Oehmichen, J.)
2012 - Jahrestagung der European Management Association (EURAM), Rotterdam (Niederlande)
- ”Hard or Soft Regulation of Corporate Governance?” (Schmid, T.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2012 - China International Conference in Finance, Chongqing (China)
- ”Hard or Soft Regulation of Corporate Governance?” (Schmid, T.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2012 - European Financial Management Association (EFMA), Barcelona (Spanien)
- ”Does Strategic Consistency Matter in M&A Series? - Evidence from Europe” (Fehre, K.; Kronenwett, D.; Lindstädt, H.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Hard or Soft Regulation of Corporate Governance?” (Schmid, T.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Does institutional environment matters in executive compensation – A multinational analysis” (Hüttenbrink, A.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2012 - Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Bozen
- ”Hard or Soft Regulation of Corporate Governance?” (Schmid, T.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Does institutional environment matters in executive compensation ? A multinational analysis” (Hüttenbrink, A.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2012 - Jahrestagung der European Accounting Association (EAA), Ljubljana (Slowenien)
- ”Busy boards in a two-tier system: old-boys-network or efficient monitoring technology?” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”The Impact of Multiple Directorships on Firm Performance - Is There a Positive Network Effect of Busy Directors?” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”R&D spending during the financial crisis - the impact of country-specific mechanisms and financial incentives” (Rapp, M.S.; Schrapp, S.; Wolff, M.)
2012 - Jahrestagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB) e.V., Berlin
- ”Diversity in the qualification of supervisory board members ? An investigation of resource supply, demand, and demand transparency” (Gregoric, A.; Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.) - Winner of the Best Poster Award
- ”R&D spending during the financial crisis - the impact of country-specific mechanisms and financial incentives” (Schrapp, S.) - Winner of the Best Doctoral Thesis Proposal Award
- ”The disintegration of the German directors network - an empirical discussion of the impact of domestic and international informal institutions on the convergence of corporate governance systems” (Böhler, D.; Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2011 - Jahrestagung der European International Business (EIBA), Bukarest (Rumänien)
- ”Does institutional environment matters in executive compensation - a multinational analysis” (Hüttenbrink, A.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Does Strategic Consistency Matter in M&A Series? - Evidence from Europe” (Fehre, K.; Kronenwett, D.; Lindstädt, H.; Wolff, M.)
2011 - Jahrestagung der Strategic Management Society (SMS), Miami (USA)
- ”Does institutional environment matters in executive compensation - a multinational analysis” (Hüttenbrink, A.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2011 - International conference on Executive Compensation after the Financial Crisis, Copenhagen Business School, Kopenhagen (Dänemark)
- ”Sharing Voice with Employees: A Cross-Country Study of Codetermination” (Gregoric, A.; Rapp, M.S.; Sinani, E.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Hard or Soft Regulation of Corporate Governance - Evidence from Voluntary Compliance with Corporate Governance Code Principles” (Schmid, T.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2011 - 12th Workshop on Corporate Governance and Investment, HHL ? Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig
- ”Women on supervisory boards - how their presence depends on genderbased cognition biases” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2011 - Conference on Board Diversity and Economic Performance, Copenhagen Business School, Kopenhagen (Dänemark)
- ?Does institutional environment matters in executive compensation - a multinational analysis? (Hüttenbrink, A.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Sharing Voice with Employees: A Cross-Country Study of Codetermination” (Gregoric, A.; Rapp, M.S.; Sinani, E.; Wolff, M.)
2011 - Jahrestagung der European Accounting Association (EAA), Oslo (Norwegen)
- ”Does institutional environment matters in executive compensation - a multinational analysis” (Hüttenbrink, A.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Is there a dark side of disclosure? - A panel data network analysis of German director compensation” (Oehmichen, J.; Sarry, M.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Stock-based Incentives: Design and Implications for Firm Performance” (Rapp, M.S.; Schaller, P.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Sharing Voice with Employees: A Cross-Country Study of Codetermination” (Gregoric, A.; Rapp, M.S.; Sinani, E.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Are private equity investors governance champions or simply stock picking specialist?” (Kroker, M.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2011 - Jahrestagung der European Management Association (EURAM), Tallinn (Estland)
- ”Is there a dark side of disclosure? - A panel data network analysis of German director compensation” (Oehmichen, J.; Sarry, M.; Wolff, M.)
- “Wer fragt die Aktionäre? - Abstimmung über das Vorstandsvergütungssystem: Erfahrungen aus der HV-Saison 2010?“(Rapp, M.S.; Sperling, M.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Price-setting patterns in oligopolies of homogeneous products: An analysis of German gasoline retail markets” (Lindstädt, H.; Oehmichen, J.; Schmidt, P.; Schrapp, S.)
2011 - Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Kaiserslautern
- ”Sharing Voice with Employees: A Cross-Country Study of Codetermination”
(Gregoric, A.; Rapp, M.S.; Sinani, E.; Wolff, M.)
2011 - Jahrestagung der Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Madrid (Spanien)
- "Value-based management systems, corporate governance and firm performance - a panel data analysis” (Rapp, M.S.; Schellong, D.; Schmidt, M.; Wolff, M.)
2010 - Jahrestagung der European Financial Management Association (EFMA), Aarhus (Dänemark)
- "Value-based management systems, corporate governance and firm performance ? a panel data analysis” (Rapp, M.S.; Schellong, D.; Schmidt, M.; Wolff, M.)
2010 - Jahrestagung der European Accounting Association (EAA), Istanbul (Türkei)
- ”Women in supervisory boards - an analysis of supporters and detractors” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Foreign investors as a mechanism to resolve domestic director networks - evidence from the Germany Inc.” (Böhler, D.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Determinants of director compensation in two-tier systems: evidence from German panel data” (Andreas, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2010 - Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Bremen
- ”Is there a dark side of disclosure? - A panel data network analysis of German director compensation” (Oehmichen, J.; Sarry, M.; Wolff, M.)
2010 - Jahrestagung der European International Business (EIBA), Porto (Portugal)
- ”Women in supervisory boards - an analysis of supporters and detractors” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2010 - Jahrestagung der International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM), Paris (Frankreich)
- ”Women in supervisory boards - an analysis of supporters and detractors” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2010 - Jahrestagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB) e.V., Berlin
- ”Foreign investors as a mechanism to resolve domestic director networks - evidence from the Germany Inc.” (Böhler, D.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2010 - Jahrestagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Internationales Management des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB) e.V., Berlin
- ”Women in supervisory boards - an analysis of supporters and detractors” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- "Value-based management systems, corporate governance and firm performance - a panel data analysis” (Rapp, M.S.; Schellong, D.; Schmidt, M.; Wolff, M.)
2010 - Jahrestagung der European Management Association (EURAM), Rom (Italien)
- “Mehrfachmandate von Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern ? Eine Panel-Analyse ihrer Wirkung in deutschen Unternehmen“ (Oehmichen, J.)
2010 - Doctoral Colloquium of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Rom (Italien)
- “Women in supervisory boards - an analysis of supporters and detractors” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2010 - 11th Workshop on Corporate Governance and Investment, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spanien)
- “Frauen in Führungspositionen - eine Analyse organisatorischer Erfolgsfaktoren und Hindernisse in deutschen Unternehmen“ (Oehmichen, J.)
2010 - 8. Jahrestagung des deutschen Ökonominnen Netzwerks (efas), Berlin
- “Frauen in Führungspositionen - Status Quo in der deutschen Wirtschaft“ (Lindstädt, H.; Oehmichen, J.; Wolff, M.; Watrinet, C.)
2010 -Treffen des INQA Initiatorenkreises bei der Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände (BDA), Berlin
- ”The interrelation between innovation control and innovative organizational culture and their performance effect - an empirical analysis” (Schönefeld, C.)
2010 - European Network for Research on Organizational and Accounting Change (ENROAC), 5th Doctoral Summer School in Management Accounting organized by the Universities of Manchester and Siena, Siena (Italy)
- ”Stock-based incentives: design and implications for firm performance” (Bünn, E.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - Workshop on International Executive Remuneration, Vanderbilt University Law School, Cambridge (England)
- ”Stock-based incentives: design and implications for firm performance” (Bünn, E.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung of the German Economic Association for Business Administration (GEABA), Vallendar
- ”Stock-based incentives: design and implications for firm performance” (Bünn, E.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Magdeburg
- “Existenz und Bedeutung aktienkursorientierter Langfristanreize im Rahmen der Vorstandsvergütung deutscher Prime Standard-Unternehmen?“ (Rapp, M.S.; Schaller, P.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Does private equity change its business model? - an empirical analysis” (Bünn, E.; Lindstädt, H.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Nürnberg
- ”Busy boards in a two-tier system: old-boys-network or efficient monitoring technology? ” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - Jahrestagung der Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES), Geneva (Schweiz)
- ”The controlling mechanism of supervisory boards and blockholders in a two-tier system? (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - Jahrestagung der Strategic Management Society (SMS), Washington D.C. (USA)
- "Busy boards in a two-tier system: old-boys-network or efficient monitoring technology? ” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - Jahrestagung der European International Business Academy (EIBA), Valencia (Spanien)
- ”Busy boards in a two-tier system: old-boys-network or efficient monitoring technology? ” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - Jahrestagung der European Economic Association (EEA), Barcelona (Spanien)
- ”Busy boards in a two-tier system: old-boys-network or efficient monitoring technology? ” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - International Corporate Governance Workshop, Copenhagen Business School (Dänemark)
- ”Busy boards in a two-tier system: old-boys-network or efficient monitoring technology? ” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”Stock-based incentives: design and implications for firm performance” (Bünn, E.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - International Conference on Corporate Governance, Birmingham Business School, Birmingham (England)
- ”Compensation in Europe and the US - empirical evidence” (Hüttenbrink, A.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
- ”How much power does the chairman need?” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - 10th Workshop on Corporate Governance and Investment, Copenhagen Business School (Dänemark)
- ”Busy boards in a two-tier system: old-boys-network or efficient monitoring technology?” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - 7th International Conference on Corporate Governance, Birmingham Business School, Birmingham (UK)
- ”Busy boards in a two-tier system: old-boys-network or efficient monitoring technology?” (Oehmichen, J.; Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2009 - 6th Annual JIBS Paper Development Workshop, San Diego (USA)
- ”Performance, Corporate Governance und Vorstandsvergütung in deutschen Aktiengesellschaften - Eine empirische Untersuchung für DAX, MDAX, SDAX und TecDAX-Unternehmen?” (Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2008 - Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung of the German Economic Association for Business Administration (GEABA), Augsburg
- ”Performance, Corporate Governance und Vorstandsvergütung in deutschen Aktiengesellschaften - Eine empirische Untersuchung für DAX, MDAX, SDAX und TecDAX-Unternehmen?” (Rapp, M.S.; Wolff, M.)
2008 - Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Berlin
- ”Existenz und Bedeutung aktienkursorientierter Langfristanreize im Rahmen der Vorstandsvergütung deutscher Prime Standard-Unternehmen?” (Rapp, M.S.; Schaller, P.; Wolff, M.)
2008 - Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung (AKempor), Giessen
- ”Personal transmission as a selection device for information” (Lindstädt, H.; Wolff, M.)
2007 - NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, Wien (Österreich)