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EU, ASEAN, Mercosur: Regional Integration in Global Perspective

Titel der Veranstaltung EU, ASEAN, Mercosur: Regional Integration in Global Perspective
Reihe Votragsreihe: Europe and the Global Economy
Veranstalter Erasmus Mundus Master's programme: Global Markets, Local Creativities (GLOCAL)
Referent/in Prof. Dr. Simon Fink
Einrichtung Referent/in Erasmus Mundus Master's programme: Global Markets, Local Creativities (GLOCAL)
Veranstaltungsart Talk Series
Kategorie Forschung
Anmeldung erforderlich Nein
Beschreibung The public lecture series presents current research on Europe’s interrelationship with the global economy (past and present). Speakers from various disciplines provide a wide array of specialized topics to explore different facets of European engagement with economic globalization including: issues of trade and international investment, multinational companies and organizations, cross-cultural management and marketing, transfers of knowledge and know-how, questions of development and immigrant entrepreneurship, as well as finally issues of global migration and international labor markets. The lecture series addresses core questions of two Erasmus Mundus MA Programs in Göttingen about central issues for European politics and culture (Euroculture) and about regional perspectives on global markets (GLOCAL).
Zeit Beginn: 29.10.2019, 16:00 Uhr
Ende: 29.10.2019 , 18:00 Uhr
Ort Verfügungsgebäude (Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7)
Kontakt 0551 39-27822
Dateianhang Euroculture-Lecture-Series.pdf