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Generalized connections and integrability

Titel der Veranstaltung Generalized connections and integrability
Reihe MathematischeGesellschaft
Veranstalter Mathematisches Institut
Referent/in Prof. Dr. Vicente Cortés
Einrichtung Referent/in Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Hamburg
Veranstaltungsart Kolloquium
Kategorie Forschung
Anmeldung erforderlich Nein
Beschreibung We characterize the integrability of various structures on Courant algebroids in terms of torsion-free generalized connections.The applications include generalized K\"ahler and generalized hyper-K\“ahler structures as particular examples. We do also give a spinorial characterization in the case of regular Courant algebroids. This is based on the theory of Dirac generating operators, for which we develop a new approach based on the geometric data encoding the regular Courant algebroid.This is joint work with Liana David, see arXiv:1905.01977.
Zeit Beginn: 05.12.2019, 16:15 Uhr
Ende: 05.12.2019 , 17:15 Uhr
Ort Mathematisches Institut (Bunsenstr 3-5)
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