Dr. Pardis Najafi

Current research and projects

Scientific Assistant
  • Research project: " Evaluation of candidate epilepsy-related genes in differentiated neurological cells using induced pluripotent stem cell technology in Göttingen minipigs"


PhD study in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Putra Malaysia
  • Thesis: "Acute phase proteins, heat shock proteins and other blood parameters as physiological indicators of stress in poultry"


  • Najafi, P., Zulkifli, I., Soleimani, AF. “Inhibition of corticosterone synthesis and its effect on acute phase proteins, heat shock protein 70 and interleukin-6 in broiler chickens subjected to feed restriction”. Poultry Science, vol. 97(4): 1441-1447, 2018.
  • Najafi, P., Zulkifli, I., Soleimani, AF., Goh, YM. “Acute phase proteins response to feed deprivation in broiler chickens”. Poultry Science, 95(4): 760-3, 2016.
  • Najafi, P., Zulkifli, I., Jajuli, NA., Soleimani, AF., Ramiah, SK., Amir, AA., O’Reily, E., Eckersall, D. “Environmental temperature and stocking density effects on acute phase proteins, heat shock protein 70, circulating corticosterone and performance in broiler chickens”. International Journal of Biometeorology. vol. 59 (11): 1577-83, 2015.
  • Najafi, P., Zulkifli, I., Soleimani, AF., Kashiani, P. “The effect of different degrees of feed restriction on heat shock protein 70, acute phase proteins and other blood parameters in female broiler breeders”. Poultry Science, 94(10):2322-9, 2015.
  • Zulkifli, I., Najafi, P., Jajuli, NA., Soleimani, AF., Ramiah, SK., Amir, AA., O’Reily, E., Eckersall, D. “Acute Phase Proteins, Interleukin 6 and Heat Shock Protein 70 in Broiler Chickens Administered with Corticosterone”. Poultry Science, 93(12):3112-8, 2014.
  • Najafi, P., Zulkifli, I., Husna, M., Amir, AA., Ramiah, SK., Soleimani, AF. “Physiological Assessment of Hunger in Female Broiler Breeders”. Advancing Poultry Production for Food Security, 2013.
  • Najafi, P., Torki, M. “Performance, blood metabolites and immunocompetaence of broiler chicks fed diets included essential oils of medicinal herbs”. Journal of Animal and
    Veterinary Advances, 2010.