Workshop: Visual Network Research – A theoretical and methodological Introduction

Target group: Beginners and advanced learners
Language: English
Available seats: 12

Workshop description:
The workshop provides a basic introduction to visual network research. Starting from the epistemological premises of social network analysis, we will dedicate ourselves to the conception of visual network study and discuss the collection and analysis of network data. The participants will receive a basic introduction and overview of the current premises of social network research with a focus on visual and qualitative research. They get to know different kinds of visual tools for data collection and use the software Vennmarker, as well as sensitising strategies of qualitative analysis and interfaces to standardised network research. Theories, concepts and relevant studies of network research will be discussed. There is the possibility to bring in your own research projects and put them up for discussion.

These texts are obligatory and should be read:

  • Markus Gamper & Michael Schönhuth (2020) Visual network research (VNR) - a theoretical and methodological appraisal of an evolving field, Visual Studies, 35:4, 374-393, DOI:10.1080/1472586X.2020.1808524
  • Herz, Andreas; Peters, Luisa; Truschkat, Inga (2015): How to do qualitative strukturale Analyse? The Qualitative Interpretation of Network Maps and Narrative Interviews.

Please download and install the software VennMaker before the Workshop:

To receive a certificate of active participation you also need to meet the following demands:

  • Preparation of an interview as well as a network map, realization and discussion of network maps.
  • Written reflection of the workshop and discussion about the meaning of network analysis for the own work.


Gamper_MeWo 2022
PD Dr. Markus Gamper is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Cologne in Germany. He received his PhD from the University of Trier (Germany) and was visiting professor at the University of Autonomous University of Aguascalientes (Mexico). For many years, he has been an co-organizer and lecturer at the Trierer Summer School on social networks and co-inventor of the network software VennMaker. His research interests include social networks (qualitative and quantitative), social inequalities, sociology of religion and migration.

Recent publications of PD Dr. Markus Gamper:

  • 2021 (Ed.): Social networks and health inequalities. New York. Together with: Klärner, A./von der Lippe, H./Keim-Klärner A.
  • 2020: Beyond structural determinism - Advantages and challenges of qualitative social network analysis for studying social capital of migrant entrepreneurs. Global Networks. Together with: Sommer, E.
  • 2018: Collaborative Innovating – The Potential of Street Art to Shape Spaces. GI_Forum: Journal for Geographic Information Science Jg. 6 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 156-167. Together with: Scharf, C./Gryl, I./Weis, S.
  • 2018: Transnational entrepreneurial activities: A qualitative network study of self-employed migrants from the former Soviet Union in Germany. Social Networks, 53, S. 136-147. Together with: Sommer, E.
  • 2018: The missing link: Social network analysis in migration and transnationalism. Social Networks, 53, S. 1-3. Together with: Bilecen, B./Lubbers, M. J.