I am a terrestrial ecologist interested in evaluating the impact of human activities on ecosystems. During my PhD (2013-2017, Aarhus University, Denmark), I contributed to developing the artificial caterpillar method to quantify invertebrate and vertebrate predation rates in different habitats, including agroecosystems. In recent years, I expanded my interest to other ecological processes, such as pollination, herbivory, seed predation, scavenging, and decomposition, which can lead to ecosystem services and disservices. As particular landscape and habitat modifications may not favour all ecological processes, I am interested in testing standardised approaches to monitor multiple ecological processes simultaneously.
In the past, I have also investigated the effects of urbanisation on animal communities and that of oil pollution on insect biodiversity and ecological processes that depend on the activity of insects. My long research-stay experiences include Argentina, Israel, and Terceira Island (Azores). Since May 2022, I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Functional Agrobiodiversity group.

Personal Website https://marcoferrante.wixsite.com/marcoferrante