Elektrochemie mit Oxidmodellelektroden

Repräsentative Veröffentlichungen:
M. Risch (2017) Perovskite Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Media, Catalysts 7, 154. IF: 3.08.
J. Scholz, M. Risch, G. Wartner, C. Luderer, V. Roddatis, C. Jooss (2017) Tailoring the Oxygen Evolution Activity and Stability Using Defect Chemistry Catalysts 7, 139. IF: 3.08
J. Park, M. Risch, G. Nam, M. Park, T.J. Shin, S. Park, M.G. Kim, Y. Shao-Horn, J. Cho (2017) Single crystalline pyrochlore nanoparticles with metallic conduction as efficient bi-functional oxygen electrocatalysts for Zn?air batteries, Energy Environ. Sci. 10, 129-136. IF: 20.52.
J. Scholz, M. Risch, K.A. Stoerzinger, G. Wartner, Y. Shao-Horn, Ch. Jooss (2016) ?Rotating Ring Disk Study of Oxygen Evolution at a Perovskite Surface: Correlating Activity to Manganese Concentration?, J. Phys. Chem. C., doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b07654.
M. Risch, K.A. Stoerzinger, S. Maruyama, I. Takeuchi and Y. Shao-Horn (2014) ?La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 ? Decorated with Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3 ?: A Bifunctional Surface for Oxygen Electrocatalysis with Enhanced Stability and Activity?, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 5229-232

Repräsentative Veröffentlichungen:
D. Ha, B. Han, M. Risch, L. Giordano, K.P.C. Yao, P. Karayaylali, Y. Shao-Horn (2016) ?Activity and Stability of Cobalt Phosphides for Hydrogen Evolution Upon Water Splitting?, Nano Energy, doi: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2016.04.034.
M. Risch*, K.A. Stoerzinger, T.Z. Regier, D. Peak, S.Y. Sayed, Y. Shao-Horn (2015) ?Reversibility of Ferri/-Ferrocyanide Redox During Operando Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy?, J. Phys. Chem. C 119, 18903-18910
M. Risch, A. Grimaud, K.J. May, K.A. Stoerzinger, T.J. Chen, A.N. Mansour, Y. Shao-Horn (2013) ?Structural Changes of Cobalt-based Perovskites upon Water Oxidation investigated by EXAFS?, J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 8628-8635.

Repräsentative Veröffentlichung:
M. Risch, F. Ringleb, M. Kohlhoff, P. Bogdanoff, P. Chernev, I. Zaharieva, H. Dau (2015) ?Water oxidation by amorphous cobalt-based oxides: in-situ tracking of redox transitions and mode of catalysis?, Energy Environ. Sci. 8, 661-674.

Repräsentative Veröffentlichung:
M. Risch, K. Klingan, F. Ringleb, P. Chernev, I. Zaharieva, A. Fischer, and H. Dau (2012) -Water oxidation by electro-deposited cobalt oxides - role of anions and redox-inert cations for structure and function of the amorphous catalyst-, ChemSusChem 5, 542-549.
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