Iran's Streets: an Irresistible Movement:


The 'women, life, freedom' movement is one of the latest and most vivid manifestations of the Iranian people's struggle against violence, discrimination, inefficiency, and violations of civil rights by the government of the Islamic Republic. As the slogan of this movement suggests, women*, as one of the groups facing systemic restrictions and discrimination, have played a key role in fuelling the recent protests. A role that represents the continuation of women's 100-year struggle for equality. The killing of Zhina (Mahsa) Amini by the Morality Police -the official unit that monitors forced hijabs for women- as the spark for the beginning of the movement alongside the active participation of women in the protests, indicates the importance and centrality of Women* in this movement. On the other hand, many believe that this recent movement is the progression of a series of socio-political movements of the Iranian people, the new wave that began in January 2018 to protest against inflation and the economic crisis and continued into November 2019, finally returning to the streets as vigorous as ever in the summer of 2021. From the start of the Green Movement in 2009, the internet and social media opened up a new dimension of struggle, spreading the news, discussion, and exchanging ideas among Iranians. In recent years, the direct relationship between protest and internet censorship and the blackout indicates the importance and effective functioning of this area. Social networks, as a medium that people can access directly, besides their effective role in spreading news and information, are also an arena for struggle and protest. Mahsa Amini hashtag, which went viral on Twitter and broke records in this social network, is one example of this feature. In this series of meetings, with the help of the invited researchers, we intend to examine recent events in the academic setting from three perspectives: the role of women, the role of social media, and the nature of the movement.

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Wann: 15.März 2023 04:00 PM

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