Reading newspapers and understanding what is offered
To help you read and understand the advertisements, please refer to the list below:
2 ZKB - a two-room (Z=Zimmer) apartment, with a kitchen (K=Küche) and bathroom (B=Bad)
möbliert - furnished
Balkon - balcony
Ruhige Lage - quiet area
Abstellraum - storage room
WC - separate toilet apart from bathroom
Du (=Dusche) - shower
EG (=Erdgeschoss) - ground floor
OG (=Obergeschoss) - upper floor
DG (=Dachgeschoss) - attic floor (most likely directly under the roof)
Sout. (=Souterrain) - basement
Kaut. (=Kaution) - security deposit (this is reimbursed when you move out)
Kaltmiete - rent without utilities and heat
Warmmiete - rent including heat (possibly some utilities)