Dissertationen (seit 2010)

| Laufend  |  Abgeschlossen |

  • Laufend

Wellenbeck, Alexander: Assessment of biodiversity in national forest inventories; the example of Georgia (CaBOL Projekt, kooordiniert durch Museum König, Bonn; BMBF)

Freudenberg, Maximilian: Erzeugung einer Baumartenkarte für Deutschland auf Basis von Copernicus Satellitenbildern mittels neuronaler Netze: Grundlage zur Modellierung einer klimaangepassten Baumartenverbreitung

Straker, Adrian: Developing a Novel ALS Data-Based Framework to Support Forest Management Planning: Segmentation of Individual Trees in ALS Derived Point Clouds

Jiang, Tao: Using deep convolutional neural networks and remote sensing data for forest resources monitoring, including tree cover segmentation, individual tree detection and tree crown change detection, forest carbon estimation, etc. (China, CSS Stipendium)

Purnama, Edwine Setia: Development of a spatio-temporal model to describe the dynamics of forest cover changes in Jambi, Indonesia

Graf, Wanda: Scale Mismatch: A Major Challenge in Integrated Forest Monitoring, Combining Remote Sensing and Sample Based Field Observations (Centre for Statistics | DFG funded Research Training Group 1644 'Scaling Problems in Statistics' (P3-3))

  • Abgeschlossen

Zihui, Zhu (2024): A new 3D description of tree crown - A study of urban trees

Trucios-Caciano, Ramon (2020): Quantifying the uncertainty caused by sampling, modeling, and field measurements in the estimation of AGB with information of the national forest inventory in Durango, Mexico

Kukunda, Collins B. (2019): Scale Issues in Forest Biophysical Variable Estimation (Centre for Statistics | DFG-funded Research Training Group 1644 'Scaling Problems in Statistics' (P1-5))

Sarodja, Damayanti (2018): Integrating field and RapidEye data for above-ground biomass estimation: A study in the tropical peat-swamp forest of Sebangau, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

Jenke, Almut (2018): International Forest Regime: Politics and Policies (Fragmentation of Information Procurement from Large Area Forest Inventory and the Link to the International Forest Regime-Complex)

Mo, Dengkui (2018): Further Developing Processing Techniques of Optical Satellite Images in the Context of Forst Monitoring

Melati, Dian Nuraini (2017): The use of remote sensing data to monitor land use systems and forest variables of the tropical rainforest landscape under transformation in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia (Sonderforschungsbereich 990: Ökologische und sozioökonomische Funktionen tropischer Tieflandregenwald-Transformationssysteme (Sumatra, Indonesien))

Aberle, Henning (2016): Hyperspectral remote sensing and field measurements for forest characteristics - a case study in the Hainich National Park, Central Germany

Nölke, Nils (2016): Integrating Remote Sensing Techniques into Forest Management: Selected Topics with a Focus on Thermal Remote Sensing

Tang, Xiaolu (2015): Estimation of Carbon Stock and Stock Change Depending on Management - A Case Study in Shitai County, China

Mundhenk, Philip (2014): Integrating Remotely Sensed Data into Forest Resource Inventories: the Impact of Model and Variable Selection on Estimates of Precision

Magdon, Paul (2013): Fernerkundliche Waldflächenerfassung im Kontext internationaler Umweltabkommen - Eine Analyse kritischer Faktoren

Beckschäfer, Philip (2013): Quantitative Characterization and Analysis of Forest Structure as a Basis to Develop Biodiversity Monitoring Tools for the Upper Mekong Region

Vega-Araya, Mauricio (2012): Application of Hyper-spectral and Radar Remote Sensing Analysis: A Case Study of Forest Landscapes in Costa Rica

Buschmann, Axel (2011): Bruthabitatmodelierung für den Rotmilan im EU-Vogelschutzgebiet "Unteres Eichsfeld" - Eine fernerkundungsgestützte Studie unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der Landschaftsstruktur

Fischer, Christoph (2011): Further Development and Adaptation of Large Area Forest Inventories and Remote Sensing Applications to Comprehensive Data Providers for International Processes

Seidel, Dominik (2011): Terrestrial Laser Scanning – Applications in Forest Ecological Research (Korreferent Prof. Kleinn)

Yang, Haijun (2011): New Adaptive Plot Designs for Sampling Rare and Clustered Populations

Riyahi Bakhtyare, Hamid Reza (2010): Evaluation of the Capability of QuickBird Data for Automatic Delineation of Individual Tree Crowns in Sparse Deciduous Forests Case-Study in the Zagros Region of Iran