Senior scientists, postdoctoral researchers, and students with master degrees working in scientific areas related to the CRC topic can participate as associated members. To give an example: A PHD student who is not employed by the CRC can benefit from the collaboration network and the training facilities of the CRC.

The German Research Foundation (DFG: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) supports scientifically ambitious research programs crossing the borders of disciplines by means of Collaborative Research Centers. CRCs are established in universities up to a period of 12 years. They may also incorporate participants from neighbor universities, non-university research institutions or partners from industry.

Outstanding scientific questions require quite different expertise. CRCs unite scientists of different subject areas and departments. An intensive collaboration within the CRC is the most important condition of success. This requires a mutual understanding between the involved people, e.g., between theoreticians and experimental scientists, physicists and chemists, sample producers and sample analysts.

The Management board is elected by the members of the meeting of delegates. The board, e.g. makes decision on staff recruitment or business trips. The board can also grant financial requests.

In order to provide a well-balanced structured doctoral education, the Georg-August University School of Science was founded as a PhD school of mathematics and natural sciences. The Integrated Research Training Group (CRC-IRTG) is part of this program.

The Integrated Research Training Group is a post-graduate program for the PHD students and the associated PHD students of the CRC. In addition to the training in the individual projects, the CRC-IRTG offers the doctoral students a comprehensive program in basic energy science and key skills.

The management board of the CRC-IRTG comprises the two coordinators (who are also members of the CRC management board), the members of the CRC equal opportunities committee (one female PI and one PhD student) and one student representative from each of the faculties of chemistry and physics. The student representatives are to be elected within and by the CRC doctoral students.

The principal investigators constitute the meeting of delegates, which discusses and decides the general issues of the CRC. The meeting is the decision-making body of the CRC and decide on the important financial issues like expensive investitions.

Members of the CRC are the principal investigators (PI), the PHD students employed by the projects and associates.

The PHD students are employed by the CRC. The topic of their doctoral thesis is closely connected to one of the CRC projects. The projects have commonly one up to three PHD positions. The scientific tasks in the projects are organized the way that the work of the involved PHD students complements each other. The PHD students are members of the Integrated Research Training Group (CRC-IRTG).

The principal investigators are commonly the heads of the work groups. They are responsible for the individual projects, i.e., with respect to scientific contents and work, the financial and staff planning, and the supervision of students involved in the projects.

A project in a CRC addresses to a specific aspect of the general CRC theme. Commonly, several work groups with complementary expertise are engaged in a project. Projects with similar or completive topics form project groups. The SFB 1073 is subdivided into the three project groups A, B and C. The comprehensive themes of these project groups are “Path to equilibrium” (A), “Conversion of optical excitations” (B) and “Photon- and electron-driven chemistry at interfaces”(C).

The theme of a CRC represents an outstanding scientific question that is commonly concentrated in the title. The research activities in the SFB 1073 are focused on the atomic-level understanding, control and improvement of energy conversion. Therefore, the title is “Atomic scale control of energy conversion”.

Paper und poster relatetd information

Please use:

"funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - 217133147/SFB 1073, project(s) XX"

XX = your CRC project, or a list of projects separated by comma.

Any publication missing this notice might be not acknowledged by the DFG as a CRC publication.

Please use:

„University of Goettingen, < Department >“

If the paper or poster is written in german please use:

„Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, < Abteilung >“