New Modes of Governance for Sustainable Forestry in Europe. In Kooperation mit der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien und 8 weiteren europäischen Partner
Leitung: Max Krott
Bearbeitung: Michael Böcher, Lukas Giessen
Förderer: Europäische Union - 6. Rahmenprogramm.
Laufzeit: 1.12.2004 - 30.11.2007
Under the term "new modes of governance", policy makers in Europe are striving for less intrusive means of achieving policy goals. As regards the implementation in forest policymaking, the concept of governance has been recognized as a promising tool. However, this concept is still evolving and especially in forest policy neither comparative analyses nor systematic evaluations of the effectiveness of these practices have been carried out.
The project GoFOR evaluates these "new modes of governance" as a basis for policy relevant conclusions and recommendations to safeguard sustainable forest management in Europe. The project is funded by the European Commission under the Sixth EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6) and will last three years until end of 2007. The project involves partners in ten countries and about 25 scientists throughout Europe.
The Institute of Forest Policy is one thematic co-leader and carries out a theoretical framework for the study of the role of "accountable expertise" within new modes of governance as well as a case study on rural development policy in Germany (regional governance).