Projekt: Prenatal and postnatal maternal influence on personality development in wild Assamese macaques
Projekt: Levels of complexity of Theory of Mind (developmental perspective)
Projekt: Factors in the early emergence of modal cognition
Projekt: Contribution of heart-brain interactions to conscious visual perception
Projekt: The role of pragmatics in disambiguation and the relation between referent selection and retention
Projekt: Social selectivity and the link between social and ecological risk taking in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)
Projekt: Psychological Effects of Hormonal Contraceptives
Projekt: The role of digital automatized feedback in early word learning
Projekt: Cognitive Foundations of Ascribing Intentional Action
Projekt: Influence of social play on the dynamics of social bonds in assamese macaques
Projekt: Analysis of Real-life Emotional Expressions
Projekt: Drivers and consequences of male care in wild macaques
Projekt: Social evaluation and decision-making in macaques
Projekt: Social Learning in Social Networks: On the interplay between innovation, information transmission and individuals’ social value
Projekt: How between-group competition and within-group relatedness interact to shape social structure
Projekt: Emergence of leadership
Projekt: Neurocognitive mechanisms of emotion communication
Projekt: From Individual to Social Metacognition: Metacognitive Development in Early Childhood
Projekt: Drivers and consequences of male care in wild macaques
Projekt: Social evaluation and partner choice in the tolerant multi-level society of Guinea baboons
Projekt: Personality predictors, hormonal reactivity and affective consequences of emerging social status in human groups
Projekt: Acquisition and use of social information in wild Assamese macaques
Projekt: Interindividual Differences in Transparent Dyadic Interactions
PhD project: Language acquisition under a curiosity-driven framework: the interaction between input and selective interest.
Projekt: Identifying psychophysiological parameters that reliably predict user performande in a dynamic human robot interaction
Projekt: Sociality and female fitness in wild Assamese macaques
Projekt: Interactive alignment between pre-schoolers during L2 live video communication
Projekt: Evolution of prosocial behavior: a meta-analysis and new experiments
Projekt: Natural distribution of cognitive abilities in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)
Projekt: Exploring infants' learning
Projekt: Aging and its impact on sociality in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)
Projekt: Prenatal stress effects on sociality, health and fitness in wild Assamese macaque
Projekt: Patterns of social behaviour and partner preferences in infants, yearlings and juveniles of wild Guinea baboons (Papio papio)
Projekt: Is semantic priming possible without consciousness?
Projekt: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Evolution of Cooperative Behavior
PhD project: Crossing the borders: the interplay of language, cognition and the brain in early human development
Projekt: The influence of oxytocin on the neural activity implicated in action control and decision making
Projekt: Advancing multi-modal laboratory animal welfare assessment systems towards objectivity and comparability
Projekt: Dynamics and fitness benefits of male-male social bonds in wild Guinea baboons (Papio papio)
Projekt: A healthy social life? Sociality, stress and indicators of health in wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons)
Projekt: The Role of Emotion in Moral Judgments: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence
Projekt: Paternal and maternal kin biases in the social behavior of male and female wild Assamese macaques
Projekt:Predictive Validity and Change of Partner Preferences: A Longitudinal Investigation
Projekt: The evolutionary roots of intuitive statistics
Projekt: Cross-domain influences of early word and action learning
Projekt: The Role of Causal Representations in Moral Judgment
Projekt: Social monitoring in a multilevel primate society
Projekt: Evolutionary Origin of the Human Pair-Bond - the Adaptive Significance of Male-Female Friendships in Wild Assamese Macaques
Projekt: Cognition in two sympatrically living mouse lemur species, the Gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) and the Madame Berthe's mouse lemur (Microcebus berthae)
Projekt: Origins of Early Emotion Effects in Written and Spoken Word Processing
Projekt: Modulations of emotional valence by motivational salience
Projekt: Integrating Behavior, Hormones & Genes associated with the Primate HPA-Axis
Projekt: Dissociating Biological and Associated Salience in Human Faces
Projekt: The scopes, limits, and the cognitive foundations of implicit theory of mind
Projekt: Cognitive foundations and ontogenetic roots of selective trust in preschoolers
Projekt: The link between cognition and fitness in wild gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus)
Projekt: The relation between normative assessment and mental state reasoning
Projekt: Hormones, personality and social signalling
Projekt: The effects of male testosterone reactivity in the mating context on self- and observer-rated personality
Projekt: Neurophysioglogical mechanisms enhancing speech fluency of persons who stutter
Projekt: Unmasking the perception of temporal successions: bridge building between metacontrast masking and temporal integration and segregation processes
Projekt: Emotion communication: neurocognitive mechanisms and inter-individual differences
Projekt: Sensory attenuation and agency
Projekt: Visual perception in Parkinson's disease: Dissocation of vision for action and vision for perception
Projekt: Selective advice taking in children
Projekt: Group Coordination in Guinea Baboons
Projekt: Neural mechanisms of mental and physical effort in adaptive decision-making in primates
Projekt: Moral Judgments about Permissible and Non-permissible Harm in War
Projekt: The costs and benefits of sociality in semi-free ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)
Projekt: Social relationships: key to gut microbiome composition in wild redfronted lemurs?
Projekt: The tolerant chimpanzee - Quantifying the costs and benefits of sociality in wild female bonobos (Pan paniscus)
Projekt: Infant-driven learning from different kinds of social signals
Projekt: Theory of Mind and Intentionality Development
Projekt: Statistical learning and social inferences in human children and nonhuman primates
Projekt: Structural and functional brain correlates of long-term clinical improvement of speech fluency in adults who stutter undergoing intense stuttering therapy
Projekt: Social structure and stable affiliative relationships
Projekt: Emergence of Leadership
Projekt: Endocrinologic and neural basis of emotion perception during the menstrual cycle
Projekt: Determinants of cognititve performance and social preferences across age in Barbary macaques
Projekt: Functional neuroimaging of pathophysiological mesolimbic dopamine system and aberrant motivational salience in schizophrenia
Projekt: The quality of affiliative relationships and endogenous oxytocin
Projekt: Effective decision making in groups - HoneyComb as a tool in decision research
Projekt: Emergence of leadership: Predicting leadership initiative and followership from individual traits and behavioral styles
Projekt: Health consequences of group size variation in Verreaux's sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi)
Projekt: Effects of progressing age on energy balance, sociality and health in wild female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis)
Projekt: The mutual influence of judgments of causality, intentionality and morality: Cognitive processes and intercultural comparison
Projekt: Auditory and social learning and its link to social network position in West African green monkeys (Chlorocebus sabaeus)
Projekt: Hormone-linked shifts in female motivational priorities and empathic accuracy in romantic couples
Projekt: Meta-cognition and its developmental consequences for social cognition and pragmatics
Projekt: Learning from reliable and unreliable speakers
Projekt: Do we have two systems to explain and evaluate other people's behavior? - A systematic examination of the 2-system theory
Projekt: Do different types of masking interfere with information processing on different levels in the visual hierarchy
Projekt: Social Avoidance and Reinforcment Learning in Psychiatric Diseases
Projekt: The role of social network structure and personality in group movement decisions in red-fronted lemurs
Projekt: The mutual influence of generic-level causal information and single-case level causal information on causal cognition
Projekt: Social buffering and genetic variation in wild macaques
Projekt: Social information sampling and decision-making: An evolutionary and ontogenetic perspective
Projekt: Physiology and energetics of female reproduction in wild assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis)
Projekt: The microcosm of Guinea baboon units: Regulation of mating and social relationships within the basal level of the Guinea baboon society
Projekt: Pathophysiological changes of neurofunctional interaction between hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens in schizophrenia
Projekt: Audio-visual integration in emotion communication- neurophysiological evidence