Running projects
Biodiversity trends and global change
- Towards a better understanding of pyrodiversity-biodiversity relationships (PyroDiv)
- Citizen Science for Biodiversity (BBioDiv)
- Forest disturbance and biodiversity
- Diversity and assembly of forest bird communities across a rainfall gradient in Central Africa
Human-wildlife interactions and Protected Areas
- Resilient Rangelands
- Evaluating biodiversity within socio-ecological systems to inform community-led management of the African rainforest
- Modelling root causes of conservation conflicts for biodiversity conservation in protected areas
- Lynx Thuringia. Connecting Lynx Populations across Europe.
Conservation of farmland biodiversity
- F.R.A.N.Z. (Future Resources, Agriculture & Nature Conservation)
- Integrating citizen science and high-resolution land-use data to reveal drivers of farmland bird declines
- Save the Grey Partridge – support biodiversity on farmland (2021–2029)