
Description: Tool chain to statistically detect, with a given confidence, anisotropic growth in fingerprints and its preferred axis based on minutiae patterns.

Type: R package
Published: 2018-01-16
Authors: K. Markert, K. Krehl, S. Huckemann, and C. Gottschlich
Maintainer: Stephan Huckemann
Download: AnisotropicGrowth_0.1.3.tar.gz
Publication: K. Markert, K. Krehl, C. Gottschlich, and S. Huckemann. Detecting anisotropy in fingerprint growth. J. R. Stat. Soc. C 68 (2019)
Description: Computations of entropy regularized Wasserstein Distances, a.k.a. dual-Sinkhorn divergences, and entropy regularized Wasserstein Barycenters.

Type: R package
Published: 2018-05-04
Author: M. Klatt
Maintainer: Marcel Klatt
Description: Computing an entropic version of the Gromov-Wasserstein distance.

Type: R package
Published: 2016-09-08
Author: C. Weitkamp
Maintainer: Christoph Weitkamp
Download: entropicGW_1.0.tar.gz
Description: A deterministic sparse FFT algorithm (FAST) for functions with block-structured Fourier sparsity.

Type: C++ code
Published: 2017-05-05
Authors: S. Bittens, R. Zhang, and M.A. Iwen
Publication: S. Bittens, R. Zhang, and M.A. Iwen. A deterministic sparse FFT for functions with structured Fourier sparsity. Adv. Comput. Math. 45 (2019)
Description: This project includes the MiSeal algorithm for separating a given minutiae pattern into necessary and random minutiae. Moreover, we provide a graphical tool for investigating a selected number of a fingerprint's features such as its orientation field (OF), ridge frequency as well as its OFs divergence field and the intensity of necessary minutiae within patches.

Type: R package
Published: 2020-09-18
Authors: J. Wieditz, Y. Pokern, D. Schuhmacher, and S. Huckemann
Maintainer: Johannes Wieditz
Publication: J. Wieditz, Y. Pokern, D. Schuhmacher, and S. Huckemann. Characteristic and Necessary Minutiae in Fingerprints, preprint 2020
Description: This package implements the Multiscale Nemirovski-Dantzig estimator (MIND) and its related estimators for nanparametric regression and statistical inverse problems.

Type: MATLAB package
Published: 2015
Authors: H. Li and M. Grasmair
Publication: M. Grasmair, H. Li, and A. Munk. Variational multiscale nonparametric regression: Smooth functions. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 54 (2018)
Description: Takes two input Pgrids and a tranport plan between the two and generates a gif showing the mass transported at a specified range of transport lengths.

Type: R package
Published: 2018-09-06
Author: F. Heinemann
Maintainer: Florian Heinemann
Download: MultScVisTransport_0.1.0.tar.gz
Description: Sample from the limiting distributions of empirical Wasserstein distances under the null hypothesis and under the alternative. Perform a two-sample test on multivariate data using these limiting distributions and binning.

Type: R package
Published: 2017-03-07
Author: M. Sommerfeld
Maintainer: Max Sommerfeld
Publication: M. Sommerfeld and A. Munk. Inference for empirical Wasserstein distances on finite spaces. J. R. Stat. Soc. B 80 (2018)
Description: A Region Based EPWT-like method for Sparse Image Representation.

Type: Python code
Published: 2017
Author: R. Budinich
Publication: R. Budinich. A region-based easy-path wavelet transform for sparse image representation. Int. J. Wavelets Multi. 15 (2017)
Description: An R Package containing the Spherical Branch and Bound (SBB) algorithm for computing Fréchet means for the circle and the 2-sphere equipped with the arc length as metric. Moreover, a wrapper for computing Fréchet means on more general spaces, provided corresponding branch and bound rules, is provided.

Type: R package
Published: 2020-11-23
Authors: G. Eichfelder, T. Hotz, and J. Wieditz
Maintainer: Johannes Wieditz
Publication: G. Eichfelder, T. Hotz, and J. Wieditz. An algorithm for computing Fréchet means on the sphere. Optim. Lett. 13 (2019)
Description: Computation and visualization of the (semi-discrete) optimal transport for the Euclidean cost function from a continuous to a discrete measure.

Type: C++ code
Published: 2017
Authors: V. Hartmann and D. Schuhmacher
Publication: V. Hartmann and D. Schuhmacher. Semi-discrete optimal transport: a solution procedure for the unsquared Euclidean distance case. Math. Meth. Oper. Res. (2020)
Description: This package implements the estimator SLAM.

Type: R package
Published: 2018
Author: M. Behr
Publication: M. Behr, C. Holmes, and A. Munk. Multiscale blind source separation. Ann. Statist. 46 (2018)
Description: This project includes an R package containing an algorithm to compute a maximum pseudo-likelihood estimator for the superposition of a Strauss process (possibly with hard core) and a Poisson process.

Type: R package
Published: 2021
Author: J. Wieditz
Maintainer: Johannes Wieditz
Publication: J. Wieditz. Characteristic and necessary minutiae in fingerprints. Dissertation (2021+)
Description: Solve optimal transport problems. Compute Wasserstein distances (a.k.a. Kantorovitch, Fortet–Mourier, Mallows, Earth Mover's, or minimal L_p distances), return the corresponding transference plans, and display them graphically. Objects that can be compared include grey-scale images, (weighted) point patterns, and mass vectors.

Type: R package
Published: 2020-03-11
Authors: D. Schuhmacher, B. Bähre, N. Bonneel, C. Gottschlich, V. Hartmann, F. Heinemann, B. Schmitzer, J. Schrieber, and T. Wilm
Maintainer: Dominic Schuhmacher
Description: Computes a point pattern in R^2 or on a graph that is representative of a collection of many data patterns. The result is an approximate barycenter (also known as Fréchet mean or prototype) based on a transport-transform metric. Possible choices include Optimal SubPattern Assignment (OSPA) and Spike Time metrics.

Type: R package
Published: 2019-12-13
Authors: R. Müller and D. Schuhmacher
Maintainer: Dominic Schuhmacher
Publication: R. Müller, D. Schuhmacher, and J. Mateu. Metrics and barycenters for point pattern data. Stat. Comput. 30 (2020)
Description: This package computes Principal Geodesics and Barycenters in the 2-Wasserstein-Space to perform PCA on images.

Type: R package
Published: 2018-11-06
Author: F. Heinemann
Maintainer: Florian Heinemann
Download: WassersteinPCA_1.0.tar.gz
Description: Includes a variety of methods to compute objects related to the 'Wasserstein distance' (also known as 'Kantorovich distance' or 'Earth-Mover distance'). The main effort of this package is to allow for computations of 'Wasserstein barycenter' using regularised, unregularised and stochastic methods. It also provides convenient wrappers to call the 'transport' package with more general inputs. Handy visual tools are provided to showcase, barycenters, animations of optimal transport geodesics and animations of principal components in the 'Wasserstein space'.

Type: R package
Published: 2021-01-05
Authors: F. Heinemann and N. Bonneel
Maintainer: Florian Heinemann
Publication: F. Heinemann, A. Munk, and Y. Zemel. Randomised Wasserstein Barycenter Computation: Resampling with Statistical Guarantees, preprint 2020