
Direktlink zum Jahr: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017

Jahr 2024

Autoren: Anwander, J.; Brandmeier, M.; Paczkowski, S.; Neubert, T.; Paczkowska, M.
Titel: Evaluating Different Deep Learning Approaches for Tree Health Classification Using High-Resolution Multispectral UAV Data in the Black Forest, Harz Region, and Göttinger Forest
Journal: Remote Sensing, 16(3), 10.3390/rs16030561

Autoren: Bennighof, F.; Kaulen, A.; Suda, M.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Digitale Innovation in der deutschen Forstwirtschaft
Journal: Forsttechnische Informationen, 1, 33–36

Autoren: Breinig, L.; Brokmeier, H.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Ein Leichtgewicht auf dem Prüfstand
Journal: Forst & Technik, 2, 26–30

Autoren: Breinig, L.; Hinte, B.; Brokmeier, H.; Hoffman, S.; Schönauer, M.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Angeseilt im Flachland
Journal: Forst & Technik, 6, 70–75

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Schönauer, M.; Pohle, C.; Breinig, L.; Wagner, T.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Effects of Boom-Tip Control and a Rotating Cabin on Loading Efficiency of a Forwarder: A Pilot Study
Journal: Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 45(1), 71–84, 10.5552/crojfe.2024.2179

Autoren: Schönauer, M.; Hoffmann, S.; Breinig, L.; Wagner, T.; Guerra, F.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Semi-mechanized planting of saplings: pivotal results on the efficiency of a new method
Journal: Baltic Forestry, 30(1), id739, 10.46490/BF739

Autoren: Schönauer, M.; Ågren, A. M.; Katzensteiner, K.; Hartsch, F.; Arp, P.; Drollinger, S.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Soil moisture modeling with ERA5-Land retrievals, topographic indices, and in situ measurements and its use for predicting ruts
Journal: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12, 2617–2633, 10.5194/hess-28-2617-2024

Jahr 2023

Autoren: Breinig, L.; Hoffmann, C.; Selter, A.; Jaeger, D.; Paul, C.; Sorge, S.
Titel: Wood Supply 4.0 - Industrie 4.0 in der Forst-Holz-Bereitstellungskette
Journal: AFZ-DerWald, 18:37–38

Autoren: Breinig, L.; Selter, A.; Paul, C.; Sorge, S.; Hoffmann, C.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Wood Supply 4.0: Bessere Kooperation und neue Geschäftsmodelle?
Journal: AFZ-DerWald, 18:45–47

Autoren: Brokmeier, H.; Kopetzky, M.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Entlasten Exoskelette die manuelle Waldarbeit?
Journal: Forst & Technik, 2:14–19

Autoren: Brokmeier, H.; Kopetzky, M.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Exoskelette bei der Wertästung
Journal: Forst & Technik, 3:40–45

Autoren: Dreger, F.A.; Englund, M; Hartsch, F.; Wagner, T.; Jaeger, D.; Björheden, R.; Rinkenauer, G.
Titel: Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) for Application Research on Operator Work Practices and the Design of Training and Support Systems for Forestry Harvester
Journal: Forests 2023, 14(2):424, 10.3390/f14020424

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Nolte, M.; Wagner, T.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Zeitbedarf für die chemische Rüsselkäferbekämpfung
Journal: AFZ-DerWald, 19:52–55

Autoren: Hoffmann, C.; Paul, C.; Baars, J.; Breinig, L.; Selter, A.; Sorge, S.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Geschäftsmodelle und Industrie 4.0 in der Forst-Holz-Bereitstellungskette
Journal: AFZ-DerWald, 18:39–44

Autoren: Hüttnerová, T.; Paczkowski, S.; Neubert, T.; Jirošová, A.; Surový, P.
Titel: Comparison of Individual Sensors in the Electronic Nose for Stress Detection in Forest Stands
Journal: Sensors 2023, 23(4):2001, 10.3390/s23042001

Autoren: Knocke, H.; Dirks, H.; Kopetzky, M.; Stolz, H.
Titel: Waldumbau und Holznutzung der Kiefer bundeslandübergreifend fördern – Climate-Smart Forestry
Journal: .BDFaktuell, 3:10–14

Autoren: Latterini, F.; Mederski, P. S.; Jaeger, D.; Venanzi, R.; Tavankar, F.; Picchio, R.
Titel: The Influence of Various Silvicultural Treatments and Forest Operations on Tree Species Biodiversity
Journal: Current Forestry Reports, 9:59–71, 10.1007/s40725-023-00179-0

Autoren: Marais, B. N.; Schönauer, M.; van Niekerk, P. B.; Niklewski, J.; Brischke, C.
Titel: Modelling in-ground wood decay using time-series retrievals from the 5th European climate reanalysis (ERA5-Land)
Journal: European Journal of Remote Sensing, 56 (1), 2264473, 10.1080/22797254.2023.2264473

Autoren: Paczkowski, S.; Comi, J.; Küttner, I.; Knappe, V.; Russ, M.; Diaz Robles, L.A.; Jaeger, D.; Pelz, S.
Titel: Hydrothermal treatment (HTT) for improving the fuel properties of biomass residues
Journal: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 10.1007/s13399-022-02494-1

Autoren: Paczkowski, S; Sarquah, K; Yankyera, J; Derkyi, N.; Empl, F.; Jaeger, D.; Pelz, S.
Titel: Hydrothermal treatment (HTT) improves the combustion properties of regional biomass waste to face the increasing sustainable energy demand in Africa
Journal: Fuel, 13:6257-6279, 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.128928

Autoren: Ottl, M.; Jaeger, D.; Gassner, U. M.
Titel: Wer darf über die Motorsägendaten in der Forstwirtschaft 4.0 verfügen?
Journal: Allg. Forst- u. J.-Ztg., 5/6, 99–127

Autoren: Schönauer, M.; Hietz, P.; Schuldt, B.; Rewald, B.
Titel: Root and branch hydraulic functioning and trait coordination across organs in drought-deciduous and evergreen tree species of a subtropical highland forest
Journal: Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 10.3389/fpls.2023.1127292

Jahr 2022

Autoren: Britto, P.C.; Jaeger, D.; Hoffmann, S.; Robert, R.; Vibrans, A.; Fantini, A.
Titel: Multi-year, post-harvesting impact assessment in a neotropical secondary Atlantic Forest
Journal: European Journal of Forest Research, 141:665–681, 10.1007/s10342-022-01462-8

Autoren: Guerra, F.; Cadei, A.; Hartsch, F.; Grigolato, S.
Titel: L’operatore forestale in Germania. Attivitá formative nel settore forestale tedesco.
Journal: Tecniko&Praktiko 158, Marzo|Aprile 2022, pp. 19–21

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Schönauer, M.; Breinig, L.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Influence of Loading Distance, Loading Angle and Log Orientation on Time Consumption of Forwarder Loading Cycles: A Pilot Case Study
Journal: Forests 2022, 13(3):384, 10.3390/f13030384

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Kemmerer, J.; Wagner, T.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Wem gehören eigentlich Forstmaschinendaten?
Journal: Waldblatt NRW, Frühjahrsausgabe 2022, 10–11

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Dreger, F.; Englund, M.; Hoffart, E.; Rinkenauer, G.; Wagner, T.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Positive and Negative Work Practices of forest Machine operators: Interviews and Literature Analysis
Journal: Forests, 13(12):2153, 10.3390/f13122153

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Kemmerer, J.; Wagner, T.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Wem gehören die Harvesterdaten?
Journal: Forst und Technik 03/2022

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Wagner, T.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Schneller mit IBC
Journal: Forst und Technik 04/2022

Autoren: Hoffmann, S.; Schönauer, M.; Heppelmann, J.; Asikainen, A.; Cacot, E.; Eberhard, B.; Hasenauer, H.; Ivanovs, J.; Jaeger, D.; Lazdins, A.; Mohtashami, S.; Moskalik, T.; Nordfjell, T.; Stereńczak, K.; Talbot, B.; Uusitalo, J.; Vuillermoz, M.; Astrup, R.
Titel: Trafficability Prediction Using Depth-to-Water Maps: the Status of Application in Northern and Central European Forestry
Journal: Current Forestry Reports, 8:55-71, 10.1007/s40725-021-00153-8

Autoren: Paczkowski, S.; Comi, J.; Küttner, I.; Knappe, V.; Russ, M.; Diaz Robles, L.A.; Jaeger, D.; Pelz, S.
Titel: Hydrothermal treatment (HTT) for improving the fuel properties of biomass residues
Journal: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 10.1007/s13399-022-02494-1

Autoren: Ottl, M.; Jaeger, D.; Gassner, U. M.
Titel: Rechtmäßige Datenverarbeitung bei der motormanuellen Holzernte in der Forstwirtschaft 4.0
Journal: Allg. Forst- u. J.-Ztg., 7–8

Autoren: Schönauer, M.; Prinz, R.; Väätäinen, K.; Astrup, R.; Pszenny, D.; Lindeman, H.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Spatio-temporal prediction of soil moisture using soil maps, topographic indices and SMAP retrievals. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
Journal: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 108:102730, 10.1016/j.jag.2022.102730

Jahr 2021

Autoren: Ottl, M.; Jaeger, D.; Gassner, U.M.
Titel: Datenschutzrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der motormanuellen Holzernte in der Forstwirtschaft 4.0
Journal: Allg. Forst- u. J.-Ztg. 191 (11/12):225-242

Autoren: Schönauer, M.; Hoffmann, S.; Nolte, M.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Evaluation of a new pruning and tending system for young stands of Douglas fir
Journal: Silva Fennica 2, 10.14214/sf.10447

Autoren: Huber, M.; Hoffmann, S.; Brieger, F.; Hartsch, F.; Jaeger, D.; Sauter, U. H.
Titel: Vibration and Noise Exposure during Pre-Commercial Thinning Operations: What Are the Ergonomic Benefits of the Latest Generation Professional-Grade Battery-Powered Chainsaws?
Journal: Forests 12(8):1120, 10.3390/f12081120

Autoren: Hoffmann, S.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Insights on motor-manual tree felling in Germany, recent developments to ensure efficient operations in singletree selection harvest
Journal: European Journal of Forest Engineering 7(1):39-44, 10.33904/ejfe.953226

Autoren: Sailer, G.; Eichermüller, J.; Poetsch, J.; Paczkowski, S.; Pelz, S.; Oechsner, H.; Müller, J.
Titel: Dataset for a full-year time series characterization of separately collected organic fraction of municipal solid waste from rural and urban regions in Germany
Journal: Data in Brief 39:107543, 10.1016/j.dib.2021.107543

Autoren: Sailer, G.; Knappe, V.; Poetsch, J.; Paczkowski, S.; Pelz, S.; Oechsner, H.; Bosilj, M.; Ouardi, S.; Müller, J.
Titel: Upgrading the organic fraction of municipal solid waste by low temperature hydrothermal processes
Journal: Energies 14(11):3041, 10.3390/en14113041

Autoren: Sailer, G.; Eichermüller, J.; Poetsch, J.; Paczkowski, S.; Pelz, S.; Oechsner, H.; Müller, J.
Titel: Characterization of the separately collected organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) from rural and urban districts for a one-year period in Germany
Journal: Waste Management 131:471-482

Autoren: Koch, R.; Sailer, G.; Paczkowski, S.; Pelz, S.; Poetsch, J.; Müller, J.
Titel: Lab-Scale Carbonation of Wood Ash for CO2-Sequestration
Journal: Energies 14:7371, 10.3390/en14217371

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Jaeger, D.; Jordan, T.
Titel: Wertästung 2.0
Journal: Forst & Technik 4:38–43

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Kemmerer, J.; Labelle, E.; Jaeger, D.; Wagner, T.
Titel: Integration of Harvester Production Data in German Wood Supply Chains: Legal, Social and Economic Requirements
Journal: Forests 12(4), 460, 10.3390/f12040460

Autoren: Labelle, E.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Influence of Saturated Organic Matter on the Accuracy of In-Situ Measurements Recorded with a Nuclear Moisture and Density Gauge
Journal: Coratian Journal of Forest Engineering 2:1–11, 10.5552/crojfe.2021.762

Autoren: Schönauer, M.; Hoffmann, S.; Maack, J.; Jansen, M.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Comparison of Selected Terramechanical Test Procedures and Cartographic Indices to Predict Rutting Caused by Machine Traffic during a Cut-to-Length Thinning Operation
Journal: Forests 12(2), 113, 10.3390/f12020113

Autoren: Paczkowski, S.; Datta, P.; Irion, H.; Paczkowska, M.; Habert, T.; Pelz, S.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Evaluation of early bark beetle infestation localization by drone-based monoterpene detection
Journal: Forests 12(2), 228, 10.3390/f12020228

Autoren: Paczkowski, S.; Labbé, R.; Sauer, C.; Anetzberger, A.; Russ, M.; Wöhler, M.; Jaeger, D.; Pelz, S.
Titel: A novel approach to improve the energy and cost efficiency of feedstock drying for pellet production
Journal: Fuel, 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119805

Autoren: Paczkowski, S.; Knappe, V.; Paczkowska, M.; Diaz Robles, L. A.; Jaeger, D.; Pelz, S.
Titel: Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Treatment (HTT) Improves the Combustion Properties of Short-Rotation Coppice Willow Wood by Reducing Emission Precursors
Journal: Energies 14(24):8229, 10.3390/en14248229

Autoren: Schönauer, M.; Väätäinen, K.; Prinz, R.; Lindeman, H.; Pszenny, D.; Jansen, M.; Maack, J.; Talbot, B.; Astrup, R.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Spatio-temporal prediction of soil moisture and soil strength by depth-to-water maps
Journal: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 105, 10.1016/j.jag.2021.102614

Jahr 2020

Autoren: Labbé, R.; Paczkowski, S.; Knappe, V.; Russ, M.; Wöhler, M.; Pelz, S.
Titel: Effect of feedstock particle size distribution and feedstock moisture content on pellet production efficiency, pellet quality, transport and combustion emissions
Journal: Fuel, 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116662

Autoren: Carrasco, S.; Silva, J.; Pino-Cortés, E.; Gómez, J.; Vallejo, F.; Díaz-Robles, L.; Campos, V.; Cubillos, F.; Pelz, S.; Paczkowski, S.; Cereceda-Balic, F.; Vergara-Fernández, A.; Lapuerta, M.; Pazo, A.; Monedero, E.; Hoekman, K.
Titel: Experimental Study on Hydrothermal Carbonization of Lignocellulosic Biomass with Magnesium Chloride for Solid Fuel Production
Journal: Processes, 10.3390/pr8040444

Autoren: Sailer, G.; Eichermüller, J.; Poetsch, J.; Paczkowski, S.; Pelz, S.; Oechsner, H.; Müller, J.
Titel: Datasets on chemical composition and anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), digested sewage sludge (inoculum) and ashes from incineration or gasification
Journal: Data in Brief 31, 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105797

Autoren: Sailer, G.; Eichermüller, J.; Poetsch, J.; Paczkowski, S.; Pelz, S.; Oechsner, H.; Müller, J.
Titel: Optimizing anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFSM) by using ashes as additives
Journal: Waste Management, 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.04.047

Autoren: Berendt, F.; Hoffmann, S.; Jaeger, D.; Prettin, S.; Schweier, J.
Titel: Application of spiroergometry to determine work metabolism related strain in the course of cable work with a mini forestry crawler
Journal: International Journal of Forest Engineering 31(2):1–12, 10.1080/14942119.2020.1735198

Autoren: Dög, M.; Hauck, A.; Jaeger, D.; Maxeiner, R.; Möhring, B.; Seeling, U.
Titel: Das Planungstool: "Datenbasis Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik"
Journal: AFZ-DerWald 3:38–41

Autoren: Meyer-Schulz, K.; Uhlenburg, S.; Brokmeier, H.
Titel: Fahrwerkskonfigurationen und Kontaktflächendruck
Journal: AFZ-DerWald 6:41–44

Autoren: Schönauer, M.; Holzfeind, T.; Hoffmann, S.; Holzleitner, F.; Hinte, B.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Effect of a traction-assist winch on wheel slippage and machine induced soil disturbance in flat terrain.
Journal: International Journal of Forest Engineering: 1-11, 10.1080/14942119.2020.1735198

Autoren: Schweier, J.; Klein, M.-L.; Kirsten, H.; Jaeger, D.; Brieger, F.; Sauter, U. H.
Titel: Productivity and cost analysis of tower yarder systems using the Koller 507 and the Valentini 400 in southwest Germany
Journal: International Journal of Forest Engineering 1–12, 10.1080/14942119.2020.1761746

Autoren: Schweier, J.; Klein, M.-L.; Kirsten, H.; Jaeger, D.; Brieger, F.; Sauter, U. H.
Titel: Produktivitäts- und Kostenanalyse von Seilkrananlagen.
Journal: AFZ-DerWald (15):23-26

Jahr 2019

Autoren: Britto, Pedro C.; Jaeger, Dirk; Hoffmann, Stephan; Robert, Renato C. G.; Vibrans, Alexander C.; Fantini, Alfredo C.
Titel: Impact Assessment of Timber Harvesting Operations for Enhancing Sustainable Management in a Secondary Atlantic Forest
Journal: Sustainability 11(22):6272, 10.3390/su11226272

Autoren: Gerbaulet, M.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Pflanzspaten IsiePRO unter der Lupe
Journal: Forst & Technik 3:38–43

Autoren: Labelle, E.; Poltorak, B.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: The role of brush mats in mitigating machine-induced soil disturbances: an assessment using absolute and relative soil bulk density and penetration resistance
Journal: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49(2):164–178, 10.1139/cjfr-2018-0324

Autoren: Labelle, E.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Management Implications of Using Brush Mats for Soil Protection on Machine Operating Trails during Mechanized Cut-to-Length Forest Operations
Journal: Forests 10:19, 10.3390/f10010019

Autoren: Labelle, E.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Effects of Steel Flexible Tracks on Forwarder Peak Load Distribution: Results from a Prototype Load Test Platform
Journal: Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 1:1–23

Autoren: Müller, F., Jaeger, D.; Hanewinkel, M.
Titel: Digitization in wood supply – A review on how Industry 4.0 will change the forest value chain
Journal: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 162:206–218, 10.1016/j.compag.2019.04.002

Autoren: Paczkowski, S.; Jaeger, D.; Pelz, S.
Titel: Semi-conductor metal oxide gas sensors for online monitoring of oak wood VOC emissions during drying
Journal: Drying Technology 30:1–6, 10.1080/07373937.2018.1484757

Autoren: Schweier, J.; Arranz, C.; Nock, C. A.; Jaeger, D.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.
Titel: Impact of Increased Genotype or Species Diversity in Short Rotation Coppice on Biomass Production and Wood Characteristics
Journal: BioEnergy Research 24:179, 10.1007/s12155-019-09997-2

Jahr 2018

Autoren: Flores Hernández, U.; Jaeger, D.; lslas Samperio, J.
Titel: Modeling Forest Woody Biomass Availability for Energy Use Based on Short-Term Forecasting Scenarios
Journal: Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11:2137–2151, 10.1007/s12649-018-0511-7

Autoren: Flores Hernández, U.; Jaeger, D.; lslas Samperio, J.
Titel: Evaluating Economic Alternatives for Wood Energy Supply Based on Stochastic Simulation
Journal: Sustainability, 10(4):1161, 10.3390/su10041161

Autoren: Hauck, A.; Dög, M.; Maxeiner, R.
Titel: KWF-Arbeitsaufträge
Journal: Forsttechnische Informationen, 3:47-48

Autoren: Hoffmann, S.; Jaeger, D.; Shuirong, W.
Titel: Adapting Chinese Forest Operations to Socio-Economic Developments: What is the Potential of Plantations for Strengthening Domestic Wood Supply?
Journal: Sustainability, 10(4):1042, 10.3390/su10041042

Autoren: Jamshidi, R.; Jaeger, D.; Dragovich, D.
Titel: Establishment of pioneer seedling species on compacted skid tracks in a temperate Hyrcanian forest, northern Iran
Journal: Environ Earth Sci, 77:60, 10.1007/s12665-018-7233-9

Autoren: Jones, M.-F.; Castonguay, M.; Jaeger, D.; Arp, P.
Titel: Track-Monitoring and Analyzing Machine Clearances during Wood Forwarding
Journal: Open Journal of Forestry, 08:297-327, 10.4236/ojf.2018.83020

Autoren: Maxeiner, R.
Titel: Holzmobilität im Bestand
Journal: proWald, 2:4-8

Autoren: Paczkowski, S.; Jaeger, D.; Pelz, S.
Titel: Optimizing storage emissions of wood flakes by gas sensor controlled thermal oxidation of lipids
Journal: Biomass and Bioenergy, 117:146-153, 10.1016/j.biombioe.2018.07.016

Autoren: Poltorak, B.J.; Labelle, E.R.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Soil displacement during ground-based mechanized forest operations using mixed-wood brush mats
Journal: SOIL TILL RES, 179:96-104, 10.1016/j.still.2018.02.005

Autoren: Sakellariou, S.; Tampekis, S.; Samara, F.; Flannigan, M.; Jaeger, D.; Christopoulou, O.; Sfougaris, A.
Titel: Determination of fire risk to assist fire management for insular areas: the case of a small Greek island
Journal: Journal of Forestry Research, 30:589-601, 10.1007/s11676-018-0666-x

Jahr 2017

Autoren: Abdi, E.; Moghadamirad, M.; Hayati, E.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Soil hydrophysical degradation associated with forest operations
Journal: Forest Science and Technology, 13:152–157, 10.1080/21580103.2017.1387611

Autoren: Berendt, F.; Fortin, M.; Jaeger, D.; Schweier, J.
Titel: How Climate Change Will Affect Forest Composition and Forest Operations in Baden-Württemberg—A GIS-Based Case Study Approach
Journal: Forests, 8(8):298, 10.3390/f8080298

Autoren: Britto, P.C.; Jaeger,D.; Hoffmann, S.; Robert, R.C.G.; Fantini, A.C.; Vibrans, A.C.
Titel: Productivity assessment of timber harvesting techniques for supporting sustainable forest management of secondary Atlantic Forests in southern Brazil
Journal: ANN FOR RES, 2:203-215, 10.15287/afr.2017.898

Autoren: Brokmeier, H.
Titel: Productivity assessment of timber harvesting techniques for supporting sustainable forest management of secondary Atlantic Forests in southern Brazil
Journal: International journal of forest engineering / Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick, 3:211-225, 10.1080/14942119.2017.1354529

Autoren: Flores Hernández, U.; Jaeger D.; Islas Samperio, J.
Titel: Bioenergy Potential and Utilization Costs for the Supply of Forest Woody Biomass for Energetic Use at a Regional Scale in Mexico
Journal: Energies, 10(8):1192, 10.3390/en10081192

Autoren: Maack, J.; Lingenfelder, M.; Eilers, C.; Smaltschinski, T.; Weinacker, H.; Jaeger, D.; Koch, B.
Titel: Estimating the spatial distribution, extent and potential lignocellulosic biomass supply of Trees Outside Forests in Baden-Wuerttemberg using airborne LiDAR and OpenStreetMap data
Journal: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 58:118-125, 10.1016/j.jag.2017.02.002

Autoren: Maack, J.; Lingenfelder, M.; Smaltschinski, T.; Jaeger, D.; Koch, B.
Titel: Exploring the Regional Potential of Lignocellulosic Biomass for an Emerging Bio-Based Economy: A Case Study from Southwest Germany
Journal: Forests, 8(11):449, 10.3390/f8110449

Autoren: Suchomel, C.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Optimized Clearing and Early Thinning by Spacer and Chainsaw
Journal: Bulletin of the Transilvania, 10(59):73-80

Autoren: Wöhler, M.; Jaeger, D.; Reichert, G.; Schmidl, C.; Pelz, S. K.
Titel: Influence of pellet length on performance of pellet room heaters under real life operation conditions
Journal: Renewable Energy, 105:66-75, 10.1016/j.renene.2016.12.047

Autoren: Wöhler, M.; Jaeger, D.; Pelz, S.; Thorwarth, H.
Titel: Potential of Integrated Emissions Reduction Systems in a Firewood Stove under Real Life Operation Conditions
Journal: Energy Fuels, 31(7):7562-7571, 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b00803

Direktlink zum Jahr: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019

Jahr 2023

Autoren: Breinig, L.; Brokmeier, H.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Influence of two types of flotation bogie tracks on contact pressure distribution
Journal: 55th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization (FORMEC). Improving access to sustainable forest materials in a resource-constrained world. 20.–22. September 2023. Florenz, Italien.

Autoren: Kopetzky, M.; Brokmeier, H.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Exoskeletons in pruining operations – Results of a pilot study
Journal: 55th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization (FORMEC). Improving access to sustainable forest materials in a resource-constrained world. 20.–22. September 2023. Florenz, Italien.

Autoren: Pohle, C.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Wassermanagement entlang von Waldwegen: Internationale (Vor-)Bilder
Journal: Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung (FoWiTa). Wald- und Holzforschung zwischen Klimawandel, Bioökonomie und gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen. 11.–13. September 2023. TU Dresden, Deutschland.

Autoren: Kopetzky, M.; Brokmeier, H.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Exoskelette bei der Reichshöhenästung ¬ Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie
Journal: Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung (FoWiTa). Wald- und Holzforschung zwischen Klimawandel, Bioökonomie und gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen. 11.–13. September 2023. TU Dresden, Deutschland.

Autoren: Neubert, T.; Paczkowski S.
Titel: Drohnenbasierte Frühdetektion von Borkenkäferbefall mit Hilfe von Geruchssensor und multispektralen Kameras
Journal: Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung (FoWiTa). Wald- und Holzforschung zwischen Klimawandel, Bioökonomie und gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen. 11.–13. September 2023. TU Dresden, Deutschland.

Autoren: Hartsch, F.
Titel: Stand der Technik von Assistenzsystemen bei Forstmaschinen.
Journal: Presentation at VDI Seminar, Kölner Bezirksverein e.V. des VDI and Institut für Bau- und Landmaschinentechnik, TH Köln. Köln, Germany

Jahr 2022

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Wagner, T.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Arbeitsweisen von Forstmaschinenführern – Häufige Fehler und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten.
Journal: Presentation at Forstunternehmertag of Interforst – Leitmesse für Forsttechnik. München, Germany

Autoren: Hartsch, F.
Titel: Wem gehören eigentlich Forstmaschinendaten?
Journal: Presentation at „Runder Tisch Datenschatz Forstmaschine“. Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik e.V. Groß-Umstadt, Germany

Jahr 2021

Autoren: Ottl, M.; Jaeger D.; Gassner U. M.
Titel: General data protection conditions for motor-manual timber harvesting in forestry 4.0
Journal: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of Council on Forest Engineering (COFE) & the 53rd International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC) September 27–30, 2021. Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.

Autoren: Ottl, M.; Jaeger D.; Gassner U. M.
Titel: Datenschutzrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der motormanuellen Holzernte in der Forstwirtschaft 4.0
Journal: Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung (FowiTa). Wald: Wie weiter? 13.–15. September 2021. Freising/München, Deutschland.

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Schönauer, M.; Breinig, L.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Der Einfluss von Ladeentfernung, Ladewinkel und Ablagewinkel von Rundholzabschnitten auf die Dauer von Forwarder-Ladezyklen: Eine Pilotstudie
Journal: Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung (FowiTa). Wald: Wie weiter? 13.–15. September 2021. Freising/München, Deutschland.

Autoren: Huber, M.; Hoffmann, S.; Brieger, F.; Hartsch, F.; Jaeger, D.; Sauter, U.H.
Titel: Vibrations- und Lärmexposition während der Jungbestandspflege: Was sind die ergonomischen Vorteile professioneller akkubetriebener Motorsägen?
Journal: Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung (FowiTa). Wald: Wie weiter? 13.–15. September 2021. Freising/München, Deutschland.

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Schönauer, M.; Breinig, L.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Influence of Loading Distance, Loading Angle and Log Positioning on Time Consumption of Forwarders Loading Cycles: A Pilot Study in Germany
Journal: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of Council on Forest Engineering (COFE) & the 53rd International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC). September 27–30, 2021. Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.

Autoren: Agren, K.; Nordström, M.; Englund, M.; Hartsch, F.; Dreger, F.; Hoffart, E.; Skagestad, E.; Reistad, O.B.
Titel: Exploring the Need for Feedback on Performance – Interviews with Harvester Operators
Journal: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of Council on Forest Engineering (COFE) & the 53rd International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC). September 27–30, 2021. Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.

Autoren: Dreger, F.; Hartsch, F.; Englund, M.
Titel: A Search for Beneficial Work Practices of Forest Machine Operators – Interviews with Forest Machine Instructors and Scientific Literature Search
Journal: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of Council on Forest Engineering (COFE) & the 53rd International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC). September 27–30, 2021. Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.

Autoren: Hartsch, F.; Jaeger, D.; Jordan, T.
Titel: Fully Mechanized Pruning with the PATAS Module – A Joint Study in Northern Germany on Productivity and Ergonomics
Journal: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of Council on Forest Engineering (COFE) & the 53rd International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC). September 27–30, 2021. Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.

Autoren: Paczkowski, S.; Datta, P.; Irion, H.; Pelz, S.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Early detection of bark beetle infestation by drone-based monoterpene detection
Journal: Environmental Sciences Proceedings 3(1), 10.3390/IECF2020-08473

Autoren: Paczkowski, S.; Jaeger, D.
Titel: Cost comparison of drone and foot based early bark beetle detection
Journal: Proceedings of the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Forests — Sustainable Forests: Ecology, Management, Products and Trade , 1–15 September 2021, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, 10.3390/IECF2021-10792

Jahr 2020

Autoren: Englund, M.; Rossander, M.; Hartsch, F.; Hoffart, E.; Dreger, F.; Björheden, R.; Manner, J.
Titel: Automatic Detection of Work Elements and Disadvantageous Work Practices in Mechanized Forestry.
Journal: NB Nord 2020 – Forest operations for the future. Helsinore, Denmark.

Jahr 2019

Autoren: Kemmerer, J.; Hartsch, F.; Breinig, L.; Labelle, E.R.
Titel: Legal, Social and Economic Requirements for Integration of Harvester Data in Logistics Chains in Germany.
Journal: International Symposium on Forest Mechanization 2019. Sopron, Hungary.