MSc and BSc theses


Eckert, Alaina (2023): Physiological tolerances of marine invertebrates to temperature-dependent hypoxia and their trophic implications.

Gudd, Ulrike (2023): Habitat use of the Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis) during breeding season in the agricultural landscape near Göttingen, Germany.

Heiduck, Joshua (2023): Long-term change in the Orthoptera community of a near-natural cultural landscape near Göttingen

Kock, Leonie (2023): Anwendbarkeit und Anschaffungskosten eines schafspezifischen 3D-Zauns im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Wolfschutzzäunen und –Maßnahmen

Keller, Jana (2023): Mögliche Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Forensische Entomologie.

Liesenfelder, Hanna (2023): Habitat analysis of a garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) population in the western Harz Mountains

Matthes, Hugo (2023): Wildkatzen in Thüringen: Hintergrund der Verbreitung in drei Waldlandschaften

Maier, Franz (2023) Populations of Fischer’s lovebird (Agapornis fischeri) in African Palmyra Palm (Borassus aethiopum) forests

Plascher, Anke (2023): Jahreszeitliche und räumliche Muster im Auftreten von Vanellus vanellus im ländlichen Raum: Untersuchung anhand von Rastvogelkartierungen auf ausgewählten Flächen im Emsland und der Grafschaft Bentheim

Rech, Bent (2023): How picky are large herbivores? Modelling habitat selection of three semi-feral herbivore species in a Danish trophic rewilding area.

Reinhold, Nico (2023): Assessing ungulate populations using ranger collected data across protected areas in Iran.

Schlüter, Joshua (2023): Assessing population estimation techniques for black-backed jackals (Lupulella mesomelas) as a mesopredator in a managed wildlife reserve in the Kalahari ecosystem in Namibia.

Schneider, Madita (2023): Relationships between red deer abundance, harvest rates and bark stripping damage in the Gieseler Forest, Germany.

Wiegard, Dennis (2023): Machbarkeitsstudie zur Wiederansiedlung des Warzenbeissers (Decticus verrucivorus) in der saarländischen Berbaufolgelandschaft


Beaudette, Kahli (2022): Using camera traps and occupancy modelling to study the effect of habitat fragmentation on the dispersal of reintroduced Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in central Germany.

Becker, Thomas (2022): Forest quality (structure, composition and dead wood) with regards to avifauna diversity and density in old oak and unmanaged old beech stands in the natural park Solling-Vogler.

Bhave, Kruttika (2022): A comparison of monitoring methods to assess blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) populations in Nepal.

Bonnier, Roman (2022): Effects of viticulture abandonment on the bird community of the French Mediterranean.

Fiedler, Sarah (2022): Historic and future connectivity of tiger populations and habitat in Sumatra.

Hermann, Eric (2023): Anwendung eines Habitatmodells für die Wildkatze (Felis silvestris silvestris) in Brandenburg.

Kasprowski, Maurice (2022): Species distribution modelling of false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens).

Knoblauch, Wiebke (2022): Reconciling spotlight indices with estimates of abundance for the bare-nosed wombat (Vombatus ursinus).

Racky, Severin (2022): Tree-related microhabitats and their effects on the avifauna in temperate forests of the Solling mountain range.

Schönwetter, Sarafina (2022): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zur zeitlich-räumlichen Abbildung von Habitaten geschützter Vogelarten durch Fernerkundung.

Spilker, Clara (2022): Analyse der Tagfalterzönose nach 20 Jahren Renaturierung auf angrenzenden Flächen des Landschaftsschutzgebiets H73 bei Springe

Georg, Malte (2021): Impact of forest disturbance areas on open-landscape bird species in the Harz Mountains.

Messerer, Georg (2022): Assessing the rewilding scores of German national parks.


Berkenbusch, Johanna (2021): Relative Abundanz der Wildkatze (Felis silvestris) in unterschiedlich stark fragmentierten Waldgebieten Thüringens und Hessens.

Böttges, Laura (2021): Habitat preference and predation risk of European hare (Lepus europaeus) in a arable region in Lower Saxony, Germany.

Brummelte, Marvin (2021): Estimating the effect of covariates on detection probabilities for roe and red deer from line transects using thermal imagery.

Demel, Linda (2021): Predator activity depending on structural diversity as a measurement for predation risk of grey partridges (Perdix perdix) around Göttingen.

Haape, Carl-Christian Heinz (2021): Eignung von Kamerafallendaten zur Ermittlung der Populationsdichte des Wolfes.

Hermann, Eric (2021): Anwendung eines Habitatmodells für die Wildkatze in Brandenburg.

Hermes, Mika (2021): Untersuchung zum Vorkommen von Kleinsäugern und Prädatoren in verschiedenen Habitaten.

Kortenbruck, Anna-Katharina (2021): Assessing the efficiency and accuracy of camera traps for estimating roe deer abundance.

Opitz, Joy (2021): Food supply at breeding places of Common Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) with different availability of Grasslands.

Freiin von Salis-Soglio, Anna Luisa (2021): Trends in breeding success and impact of predators on Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) on the West Coast, South Island, New Zealand, 2006–2019.

Röder, Marina (2021): Effects of flower fields on winter bird species richness in an agricultural landscape in the district of Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany.

Scheelen, Lucy (2021): Efficiency of translocations of hare-wallaby populations to Dirk Hartog, Western Australia.

Schröer, Cindy (2021): Population size and movement patterns of Euphydryas aurinia in Thuringia.

Wening, Harald (2021): Evaluating the effect of flower fields on bird activity, diversity and abundance and arthropod biomass in an agricultural landscape in southern Lower Saxony, Germany.

Wobker, Jonas (2021): Foraging habitats and breeding success of Skylarks (Alauda arvensis) in the Eichsfeld, District of Göttingen.

Wohlert, Jan (2021): Debarking harvesters as a management tool for balancing bark beetle regulation and biodiversity protection in European spruce forests.


Bartsch, Bela (2020): Effects of size, age, and landscape context of weed protection fields on bird diversity and abundance.

von Bassi, Marlene (2020): Influence of arthropod distribution on the choice of foraging habitats for the Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis L.) in the modern agricultural landscape.

Berthelsen, Ane Liv (2020): The effect of anthropogenic disturbance on local wildlife: a comparative study of German wildcat populations.

Blesinger, Simone (2020): Effects of multiple stressors on functional feeding groups of macroinvertebrates in German streams.

Bolte, Leonard (2020): Vogelgemeinschaften der Agrarlandschaft.

Bruns, Antonia (2020): The effectiveness of livestock protection measures against wolves (Canis lupus).

Dienst, Valentin (2020): On the brink of extinction: Landscape connectivity analysis for endangered large mammals in Sumatra, Indonesia’.

Fox Rosales, Lester (2020): Habitat use and population parameters of the Northern Tiger Cat, Jaguarundi, and other mammals at a private reserve in the Brazilian Caatinga.

Gilad, Dafna (2020): Remote sensing of rural landscape dynamics and its applications in movement ecology: The case of the Red Kite (Milvus milvus) in Switzerland.

Haerdtner, Ronja (2020): What determines the occurrence of lowland tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) in the Peruvian Amazon? Examining effects of primate groups and conservation measures using camera trap data.

Hermann, Jessica (2020): Movement behavior of grizzly bears in relation to spatio-temporal variability in human activity.

Hölscher, Marleen (2020): Vorkommen und Abundanz der Wildkatze (Felis silvestris silvestris) im Eichsfeld und im Thüringer Südharz.

Jaspert, Natascha (2020): The influence of structural diversity on the predation risk of grey partridges (Perdix perdix) by foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in the Goettingen area.

Jensen, Emma Hvidtfeldt (2020): The effect of wind turbine construction on central German population of the European Wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber, 1775).

Lebender, Melissa (2020): Assessing the role of wild boar and porcupines in leopard’s diets in Asia.

Lehmann, Franziska (2020): Habitat use and breeding success of Skylarks (Alauda arvensis) in the farmland near Göttingen, Germany.

Marambé, Ganaelle (2020): Anthropogenic impacts on the white striped dorcopsis (Dorcopsis hageni) in Papua, Indonesia.

Martens, Annika Sophie (2020): Changes of foraging habitats and foraging parameters of the Skylark (Alauda arvensis) in the farmland near Göttingen (Germany) during the breeding season.

Mau, Matthias (2020): Vorkommen von Mikroplastik im Oberlauf der Fulda und mögliche Folgen für die Biodiversität.

Schlüter, Marlene (2020): Einfluss von Standorteigenschaften auf die Nachweisbarkeit der Wildkatze (Felis silvestis silvestris) mithilfe von Fotofallen.

Schmucker, Maximilian (2020): Verbreitung und Habitatansprüche des Segelfalters (Iphiclides podalirius, LINNAEUS 1758) in der Südrhön.

Trottmann, Nils (2020): Habitatpräferenzen der Imagines des Ehrenpreis-Scheckenfalters (Melitaea aurelia [NICKERL, 1850]) auf dem Kerstlingeröder Feld bei Göttingen.

Tront, André (2020): Large canopy birds at fruit trees inside and outside a protected area in Southern Cameroon.

Siegel, Friederike (2020): Die Feldlerche (Alauda arvensis) in der Göttinger Agrarlandschaft: Nahrungshabitate und Fütterungsparameter während der Jungenaufzucht im Verlauf der Brutsaison.

Willert, Fabian (2020): Radio-telemetry based investigation of the individual habitat use of Eurasian Skylarks (Alauda arvensis) over the whole breeding season in the south of Göttingen, Germany.