Prof. Dr. Susan Seeber

About the person

  • 09/1984 – 01/1989 Studied business education at the Humboldt University of Berlin; graduated with a degree in economics
  • 02/1989 – 07/1992 Doctoral studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin, doctorate in business education paed., title: “Development of professional action competence through the use of activity-oriented tasks of complex characters in the initial vocational training of industrial clerks”
  • 05/1992 – 09/1995 Head of department at the Society for Social Business Consulting (gsub), Berlin
  • 10/1995 – 10/2006 Research assistant and research assistant in the Department of Business Education at the Institute for Educational Sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin
  • 11/2006 – 01/2010 Research assistant and from 08/2008 – 01/2010 Coordinator of the National Education Report at the German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) in Frankfurt a. M./Berlin
  • 10/2008 Habilitation at the University of Hamburg, Venia legendi for general educational science with special emphasis on vocational and business education; Title: “Analyses of the effectiveness of vocational training”
  • since 02/2010 Professor for business education and personnel development at the Georg August University of Göttingen
  • 02/2010 Offer of a W3 professorship for educational science with a focus on vocational education at the University of Paderborn and a W3 professorship for vocational education at the Technical University of Dortmund (rejected)
  • 2013 Offer of a W3 professorship for business education at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg (rejected)
  • 2016 Offer of a W3 professorship for business education at the Humboldt University of Berlin (rejected)

Research areas

  • Competence diagnostics in commercial education and training
  • Digitalization in commercial training - implications for teaching and learning
  • Research into the promotion and measurement of professional skills for sustainability in commercial training
  • Professionalization of teaching and training staff
  • Monitoring in vocational education and training, in particular on social disparities at the transition to vocational education and training and in participation in continuing vocational education and training

  • Functions in committees and for magazines

    • Member of the authors' group of the National Education Reporting since 2010
    • Elected member of the Standing Scientific Commission (SWK) of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) since 2021
    • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Agency for Civic Education since 09/2022
    • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Youth Institute e.V. (DJI) in Munich since 2014
    • Member of the Founding Council of the Hamburg University of Cooperative Education (BHH) from 2020 to 2022
    • Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training (ERVET) and the Journal for Labor Market Research; co-editor of the Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (ZfPäd)
    • Co-editor of the series Beruf-Arbeit-Innovation (wbv), Empirische Berufsbildungsforschung (Franz Steiner), Empirische Forschung in den gesellschaftlichen Fachdidaktiken (Springer VS) and Konzepte des Lehrens und Lernens (Peter Lang)
    • Reviews for various national and international journals, including Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik (ZBW), Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (ZfE), Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (ZfPäd), Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training (ERVET)


    • Senior Research Fellow at the Sociological Research Institute (SOFI) e.V. at the University of Göttingen since 2016
    • German Society for Educational Science (DGfE), Section for Vocational and Business Education (BWP), board member and spokesperson for the Section for Vocational and Business Education from 2013 to 2017
    • Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), board member from 2014 to 2018

    Selected lectures

    • Seeber, Susan (2024). Schwerpunktthema Berufliche Bildung. Fachtagung zum Nationalen Bildungsbericht 2024. 10.09.2024, Berlin.
    • Seeber, Susan (2024). Vocational integration as the key to successful immigration: What policy makers, educational institutions and companies can do. ICSB World Congress Berlin, 04.07.2024
    • Busse, Robin & Seeber, Susan (2024). Vocational Teachers’ View on Challenges of Democracy Education at Vocational Schools. EDULEARN, 01.-03.07.2024, Palma de Mallorca (Spain).
    • Warwas, Julia; Vorpahl, Wiebke, Weyland, Ulrike; Wilzcek, Larissa; Krebs, Philine; Seeber, Susan & Wittmann Eveline (2024). Promoting stress-coping competence among trainees in nursing professions: How successful is a stress-coping training program? EDULEARN, 01.-03.07.2024, Palma de Mallorca (Spain).
    • Seeber, Susan & Wuttke, Eveline (2024). Training teachers and trainers to design technology-based and probem-oriented examination tasks. 18th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 04.-06.03. 2024, Valencia (Spain).

    • 2023
    • Meiners, Hanna; Krebs, Philine; Seeber, Susan & Wuttke, Eveline (2024). The role of emotions when dealing with complex digital tasks in vocational education and training. 16th annual International Conf-erence of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), 13th - 15th of November, 2023, Seville (Spain).
    • Warwas, Julia; Krebs, Philine; Seeber, Susan; Vorpahl, Wiebke; Weyland, Ulrike; Wittmann, Eveline; Wilczek, Larissa, Striković, Aldin & Hill, Svenja (2023). Wie gut können angehende Pflegefachkräfte berufstypische Stressoren bewältigen? [How effectively can prospective nurses cope with stressors typical of the profession?] Jahrestagung der Sektion für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 06. bis 08.09.2023, Flensburg.
    • Meiners, Hanna; Seeber, Susan & Wuttke, Eveline (2023). Validierung kaufmännischer digitaler Aufgaben zur Messung von Problemlösekompetenz – Ergebnisse einer Laut-Denken-Studie. [Validating commercial digital tasks to measure problem-solving skills - results of a think-aloud study.] Jahrestagung der Sektion für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 06. bis 08.09.2023, Flensburg.
    • Seeber, Susan; Meiners, Hanna & Wuttke, Eveline (2023). Development and evaluation of a training for vocational teachers and trainers to design problem-oriented technology-based examination tasks. EDULEARN, 03.-05.07.2023, Palma de Mallorca (Spain).
    • Warwas, Julia, Krebs, Philine, Seeber, Susan, Weyland, Ulrike, Wilcek, Larissa, Wittmann, Eveline, Striković, Aldin & Hill, Svenja (2023). On the course of development of stress coping competence among prospective nurses and its supporting factors – What role do training conditions play? EDULEARN, 03.-05.07.2023, Palma de Mallorca (Spain).
    • Seeber, Susan (2023). Beruflicher Übergangssektor. Herausforderungen der Integration junger Menschen in Ausbildung. [Vocational transition sector. Challenges of integrating young people into training.] Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB), 29.06.2023, Berlin.
    • Seeber, Susan (2023). Zentrale Befunde aus dem Projekt Erweiterte Kompetenzmessung in Gesundheitsberufen (EKGe) und Perspektiven. [Key findings from the Enhanced Competency Measurement in Health Care Professions (EKGe) project and perspectives.] Abschlusstagung EKGe, 30.03.2023, Münster.
    • Seeber, Susan (2023). Zur Fachkräftesituation in nichtärztlichen Gesundheitsberufen. [On the skilled labor situation in non-physician health care professions.] Hochschultage für Berufliche Bildung, 20. bis 22.03.2023, Bamberg.

    Complete list of lectures

    Selected writings

    • Wuttke, E., Seeber, S., Meiners, H., Hartmann, P., Turhan, L., Niegemann, H., Schumann, M. & Geiser, C. (2024). Technologiebasiertes und problemorientiertes Prüfen in kaufmännischen Berufen. Konzeption eines Fortbildungskonzeptes für Lehrer*innen und Ausbilder*innen. [Technology-based and problem-oriented assessment in commercial professions. Develop-ment of a training concept for teachers and trainers.] HLZ – Herausforderung Leh-rer*innenbildung, 7(1), 259–282.
    • Seeber, Susan; Ziegler, Birgit, Weyland, Ulrike (2024). Digitalisierung in der beruflichen Ausbildung: Implikationen für Lehr-Lern- und Diagnostikprozesse: Editorial. [Digitization in vocational training: Implications for Teaching-Learning and Diagnostic Processes. Editorial.] Zeitschrift für Pädagogik.
    • Wittmann, Eveline; Weyland, Ulrike; Strikovic, Aladin; Krebs, Philine; Poley, Monja, Hill, Svenja; Wilczek, Larissa; Krebs, Philine; Seeber, Susan; Warwas, Julia & Vorpahl, Wiebke (im Druck). Interprofessionelle Kooperationskompetenz von Pflegeauszubildenden im Kontext der digitalen Transformation. [Interprofessional collaboration skills of nursing trainees in the context of digital transformation] Zeitschrift für Pädagogik.
    • Autor:innengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung: Maaz, Kai; Artelt, Cordula; Brugger, Pia; Buchholz, Sandra; Kühne, Stefan; Leerhoff, Holger; Rauschenbach, Thomas; Schrader, Josef & Seeber, Susan (2024). Bildung in Deutschland 2024. Ein indikatorengestützter Bericht mit einer Analyse zur beruflichen Bildung. [National Report on Education, Germany 2024.] Bielefeld: wbv. Seiten: 399.

    • 2023
    • Warwas, Julia; Vorpahl, Wiebke; Seeber, Susan; Krebs Philine; Weyland, Ulrike; Wittmann, Eveline; Wilczek, Larissa & Strikovic, Aldin (2023). Developing and validating an online situational judgment test on the stress coping competence of nursing apprentices. Empirical Res Voc Ed Train 15, 5 (2023), pp. 1-24.
    • Euler, Dieter & Seeber, Susan (2023). Ausbildungsgarantie Ein Instrument zur Fachkräftesicherung und gesellschaftlichen Integration junger Menschen. [Training guarantee: An instrument for main¬taining a skilled workforce and for social integration of young people.] FES diskurs. 76 Seiten Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
    • Weber, S., Zarnow, S., Hackenberg, T., Hiller, F., Seeber, S., Geiser, P., Schumann, M., Busse, J. & Achtenhagen, F. (2023). ‹Double bind›-Phänomene in der Fortbildung von Lehrkräften an beruflichen Schulen im Kontext der Digitalisierung. Eine Analyse mittels der kulturhistori-schen Tätigkeitstheorie. ["Double bind" phenomena in the training of teachers at vocational schools in the context of digitalization. An analysis using cultural-historical activity theory]. Medienpädagogik - Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung. Einzelbeiträge (Occasional Papers), 402-442.
    • Wuttke, Eveline; Seeber, Susan; Meiners, Hanna & Turhan, Lütfiye (2023). Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Trainingskonzeptes für die Gestaltung problemhaltiger technologiebasierter Lern- und Prüfungsaufgaben. [Development and evaluation of a training concept for designing problem- and technology-based learning and examination tasks]. bwp@, profil 8, 1-21.
    • Brodsky, Alexander; Busse, Robin; Seeber Susan; Seifried, Jürgen (2023). Die Rolle des Lern-orts Betrieb für die Entwicklung der politischen Kompetenz von Auszubildenden – Ein Sco-ping Review. [The role of the workplace learning environment in the development of trainees' political competence - A scoping review.]. bwp@, profil 8, 1-28.

    Complete list of publications