Kioskwerbung: Potentiale und Herausforderungen eines neuen Werbeträgers

von G. Silberer (1999)

1. Einleitung

2. Elementare Kioskvarianten

3. Kiosksysteme als Werbeträger

4. Die kioskrelevanten Werbeformen

5. Herausforderungen in der Kioskwerbung
5.1 Die Herstellung von Kontakten (Reichweite)
5.2 Die Aufrechterhaltung eines Kontaktes (Kommunikation)
5.3 Die Erzielung und Kontrolle von Kommunikationseffekten
5.4 Die Erzielung und Kontrolle von Nachfrage- bzw. Kaufeffekten
5.5 Die Förderung der Medien- bzw. Kiosktreue
5.6 Die Integration der Kioskwerbung ins Mediamix

6. Chancen für die Werbewirkungsforschung

7. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick




Kiosk terminals constitute a specific type of multimedia application that will become more important as information and communication media and also as transactional systems. The presented paper deals with multimedia kiosk terminals as a platform for advertising and promotion. Basic functions of terminals and basic forms of kiosk advertising are analyzed to show the rich potentials and specific challenges of kiosk advertising such as to contact people, to maintain the contact and to control the intended advertising effects. It can be shown that the stationary character of kiosk terminals at the "Point of Sale" or "Point of Information" implies not only boundaries such as limited reach but also special chances for selling goods and services at the location of the terminals. Furthermore, the excellent possibilities for advertising research offered by kiosk systems are discussed. Good reasons are given to anticipate a frequent use of stationary kiosk systems as advertising channels in the next future.