Möglichkeiten und Trends in der Online-Werbung

von G. Silberer (1999)

1. Einleitung

2. Basistrends in der Online-Werbung
2.1 Trends in der Produktion
2.2 Trends in der Kommunikation
2.3 Trends in der Erfolgskontrolle

3. Typische Werbeformen im World Wide Web
3.1 Der Internetauftritt als Publicity
3.2 Die elektronische Publikation als Werbung
3.3 Werbliche Telekommunikation im Netz
3.4 Banner, Buttons und Placements

4. Neue Werbeformen im interaktiven Fernsehen
4.1 Das abgestufte Programmsponsoring
4.2 Interaktive Werbespots
4.3 Maßgeschneiderte Placements
4.4 Transaktive Werbung

5. Zur künftigen Organisation der Online-Werbung


Computer mediated communication systems in and beside the traditional telecom-munication systems imply many new possibilities for online advertising. Besides the web-specific capacities this advertising can participate in both interaction and multimedia potentials. Basic types of online advertising such as website communication, electronic publishing, advertising by telecommunication and placing banners, buttons, logos, etc. are also discussed and analysed. Furthermore, the future of interactive television is described which will develop new forms of advertising reaching both active and passive audience, e.g. scaled content sponsoring, interactive advertising spots, customized placements, and transactive advertising. Computer mediated communication is also inducing basic innovations in the production of advertising contents and in controlling of advertising effects by logfile analysis and other methods. Implications for the future organisation of online advertising are also discussed. The prospecting trends and potentials in online advertising show many challenges for the future management of interactive persuasion.