In publica commoda


From the Holocaust to the NSU: Multidirectional Memories in the Music of Bejarano and Microphone Mafia

Title of the event From the Holocaust to the NSU: Multidirectional Memories in the Music of Bejarano and Microphone Mafia
Series Kolloquium Musikwissenschaft
Organizer Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar Uni Göttingen
Speaker Prof. Dr. Monika Schoop
Speaker institution Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Type of event Kolloquium
Category Forschung
Registration required Ja
Details Anmeldung bei Eva-Maria van Straaten erforderlich für den Zugang zur Zoom-Videokonferenz.
Date Start: 20.01.2021, 18:00 Uhr
Ende: 20.01.2021 , 19:30 Uhr
Location online/ZOOM
Contact +49-(0)551/39-25072
External link
File attachment Kolloquium_WS20:21_Plakat.pdf