Work Package 8: IWRM Response Strategies

IWRM Strategies will be developed within work package 8.

Main Objectives
1. Activation of all relevant stakeholders and implementation of a participatory process
2. Development of standard procedures for IWRM implementation in Northeast of Brazil
3. Development of IWRM response strategies as combined measures on case study level
4. Comparison and ranking of IWRM response strategies
5. Study potential of IWRM strategy transfer to the regional scale

Specific Objectives

  • Implement a participative process with the local and Federal stakeholder community and organise stakeholder workshops;
  • Integration of all BRAMAR activities towards the development of IWRM strategies;
  • Definition of standard sets of socio-economic (including health) and environmental decision criteria in close cooperation with stakeholder, technicians and decision makers and assessment of performance and impact of alternative IWRM response strategies;
  • Evaluate impacts of IWRM response strategies on water quality and water resources classification according to Brazilian legislation;
  • Study water import due to the PISF-Project (Transposition of the Rio São Francisco), impact on water availability and water management requirements;
  • Initiate close cooperation between BRAMAR and PISF-Project, including the conduction of joint workshops to ensure the integrated management of the imported water;
  • Formulate guidelines and recommendations for water resources management in the BRAMAR case study areas (CSA) and for regional transfer (Federal State of Paraiba).