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The Balancing Act

Balance is crucial for happiness and health and yet is elusive for many. This workshop is
designed for those who are struggling to find the right balance between various
professional and personal commitments and feel like they are often pulled in opposing
directions. Since balance is very personal and no one solution can fit everyone, the
workshop is designed to help participants find their individual recipe for a balanced life.
Through guided reflections and exercises that raise self-awareness and mindfulness, the
workshop helps participants to define priorities, to overcome habit patterns that hinder
balance, and to learn tools that enable them to live and work with greater equanimity and

The workshop is held over two consecutive days and includes overnight stay in workshop
location. It is held in a location with a peaceful natural setting and is ideally for 6-8
participants. Participants are encouraged to view it as a mini-retreat, and therefore bring along recreational reading material and relaxing music and minimise use of the Internet during the workshop.

Course dates:

May 02- 03, 2016 (9:00 -18:00 on each day, plus overnight stay on day 1)
Registration deadline: 15.04.2016

Trainer: Dr. Sharmishta Dattagupta
Duration: 2 days (16 work units)
Place: Hotel Rothenberg, Volpriehausen
Participants (min-max): 6-8
Language: English