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Women's Careers and Networks 2021 - Transformation: Blaze Your Own Trail

Title of the event Women's Careers and Networks 2021 - Transformation: Blaze Your Own Trail
Series 7th WoCaNet Symposium
Organizer PhD students and postdoctoral researchers of the University of Göttingen and associated centers
Speaker Various speakers of diverse professional backgrounds
Type of event Symposium
Category Karriere und Weiterbildung
Registration required Ja
Details Dear PhDs, PostDocs, students, professors and, in short, all of you who are part of the scientific community,

You are all invited to join the next Women’s Careers and Networking symposium (WoCaNet 2021) taking place from the 27th to the 28th of the coming May!

The aim of WoCaNet is to provide an interactive environment for young female scientists to find new possibilities and networking opportunities, while learning from the valuable experiences of renowned women & men of diverse professional backgrounds. Register early to secure a spot in one of our workshops to polish those skills that you want to develop further, and visit our career fair to explore various career paths.

Let's use the online format of this year's symposium and expand our contacts beyond frontiers.

To the men who made it so far in the text: WoCaNet is also for you! This symposium wants to foster the networking opportunities for women to reduce gender gaps in science, that automatically makes you a protagonist of the story, too! Give us a vote of trust and follow up on WoCaNet 2021, it could be a great opportunity for your career as well!

Curious? Check out our website ( and follow us on Twitter (@WoCaNet), Facebook (@WoCaNet21) and LinkedIn (wocanet2021)!
Don´t miss out on this great networking opportunity!

Registration fees: Attending the symposium is FREE, but registration is mandatory, 10-15 Euro for participation in a workshop.
Registration deadline: 30.04.2021.

See you all at WoCaNet 2021! -The WoCaNet 2021 Organizing Team-
Date Start: 27.05.2021, 08:00 Uhr
Ende: 28.05.2021 , 18:00 Uhr
Location Online
External link