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[Kurzformat] Back to the basics (A/B) I

Title of the event [Kurzformat] Back to the basics (A/B) I
Organizer Hochschuldidaktik
Speaker Lisa David
Type of event Workshop
Category Karriere und Weiterbildung
Registration required Ja
Details Most university lecturers have learned their teaching skills on the job. These valuable skills can easily be increased and expanded by embedding them into didactical theory, supplying them with established wording and enriching through exchange of know-how. This four part interactive workshop provides an opportunity for long-term teachers to evaluate their teaching designs, their learning outcomes and their methodological planning. It is highly recommended to join this workshop with a real-life example or an upcoming lesson at hand.
The online support adds additional value by exploring digital learning and teaching resources.
Date Start: 24.01.2022, 09:00 Uhr
Ende: 24.01.2022 , 12:30 Uhr
Location Waldweg 26, Altbau (Waldweg 26)
Online (Zoom)
Contact Hochschuldidaktik
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