Hauke Möller (26 years old)

Hauke was part of the first team to participate in the Willem C. Vis Moot on behalf of Göttingen in winter 2013. After his time as team member he supported the subsequent teams during their work on their pleadings. He finished his academic law studies by passing his state examination in October 2016 and subsequently applied for a job as research assistant at the chair of Professor Münch. The prospects of becoming a coach for the Moot Court team were of particular importance in leading him to this decision.

Since the beginning of this year Hauke now works at his desired position and supports the chair in research projects concerning arbitration law and insolvency law. Additionally, he participated in the preparations of the last Vis Moot Team and now coaches the new team. Besides his work at the chair he is a civil law tutor for the first semester students and is working towards a doctoral thesis. In his spare time, Hauke enjoys hiking tours and doing sports.