“Mother and Child" Foundation and scholarships

“Mother and Child" Foundation

Upon application, the Foundation will pay a one-off sum for pregnancy clothes, initial equipment, etc. There is no legal claim to these funds. Any low-income pregnant woman can apply for these funds. The application must be submitted to a recognised pregnancy counselling centre (in Göttingen pro familia) before the birth.

Scholarships for Students with Child(ren)

In Germany, there is a variety of funding agencies (e.g. the foundations of the political parties, the churches, the state, the economy and the trade unions; it is not absolutely necessary to be a member of the respective institutions in order to apply for a scholarship). Foundations often provide additional allowances for child-rearing. Parenthood is not necessarily taken into account in the award criteria for scholarships, i.e. your parenthood does not give you any advantage in the application process. Scholarships that are explicitly aimed at you as a student parent are rather rare. In Göttingen, there are: