January 17:
Arrival of the Guests from St. Petersburg:

18-20h: Lecture in the Seminar for East European History by Prof. Dr. Alexander Semyonov: “Icarian Flights in Historical Approaches to Empire” and Andrei Golovnov “Visualizing Ethnicity: 18th-century science and museum projections” (Meeting point at 17.45 at Venue)
Venue: VG (Verfügungsgebäude) 3.103, Platz der Göttinger Sieben

January 18:

Venue: Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum 2.636, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14

Panel 1
9 – 10.30h: Possibilities of Cooperation – Founding and Opportunities

The panel is meant to deepen our cooperation especially regarding the student exchange.
Our plan is to four in-puts:
1. Exchange programs we are already part of or we would like to be part of (Anke Hilbrenner)
2. What makes student exchange possible, what are (administrative) problems, how to deal with different education systems (Maria Rhode)
3. Plans and wishes towards a Russian-German student exchange by HSE (Adrian Selin/ Dietmar Wulff)
4. Living experience (Alumni of GAU and HSE)

Panel 2
11.00-12.45h: Empire and Nationalities

The panel is meant to get HSE and GAU experts on empires and nationalities into contact, to have intense discussions on where we stand in the field and to brain-storm on how we can proceed from where we stand in bilateral projects.
In order to have the maximum of discussion we would like to organize the panel as a (slightly modified) ‘world café’.
A ‘world café’ means we will have three tables, each one will have a ‘host’ who is an expert on the topic (and, for this panel, from HSE). The ‘hosts’ will stay at their tables and invite ‘guests’ (i.e. the participants of our workshop) for three rounds of table-discussion. Among the ‘guests’ are also three ‘foreign experts’ (for this panel, from GAU) who are not allowed to sit at the same table.
At the beginning of the panel the ‘hosts’ will present themselves, their research and (maybe) their future projects for 10 minutes each to the whole audience. Then the whole group will split up and sit down at the tables. At the tables, each one with one ‘host’, one ‘foreign expert’ and some ‘ordinary guests’, the ‘foreign experts’ will introduce themselves, their research and future projects for 5 minutes, followed by 15 Minutes of table discussion. After these, in total 20 minutes, there will be a signal and the ‘guests’ and ‘foreign’ experts have to get up and find a new table with a new ‘host’, and a second round, followed by a third one, will take place.
After the third round, when everybody has talked to everybody, the ‘hosts’ have five minutes to summarize the discussions that took place at their table.

‘Hosts’ from HSE: Anton Kotenko, Tatjana Borisova, Vladimir Bobrovnikov
‘Foreign experts’ from GAU: Maria Rhode, Matthias König/ Martin Tamcke/ Anke Hilbrenner

Panel 3
14.30-16.15: Materials, Science, Transfer
The panel will also be organized as a ‘world café’ (like the panel before), this time with ‘hosts’ from GAU and ‘foreign experts’ from HSE.

‘Hosts’ from GAU: Magarete Vöhringer, Christian Vogel, Anke Hilbrenner
‘Foreign experts’ from HSE: Marina Loskutova, Anton Kotenko, Tatjana Borisova

16.45 – 18.15 Planning Session: How to proceed from here?

Based on the outcomes of the day Kerstin Bischl and Marina Loskutova will prepare 3-4 tables for working groups on practical steps and future projects.