Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing
Forest Inventory · Forest Mensuration · Remote Sensing · GIS · Surveying
Informed and transparent decisions in both management and policy making require data and information. This is particularly true when the object of management and policy making are renewable natural resources and complex ecosystems (such as forests), where sustainability is among the most relevant goals.
Sustainability can not be enacted nor monitored without intelligent information procurement, information processing and information presentation.
These are exactly the field in which the Chair of Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing sees its central role in academic teaching and in research:
In academic teaching, the students learn the relevant techniques of data collection and information generation by sampling, remote sensing and modelling. And we wish to generate awareness among the students for the role scientifically sound data and information in decision processes and how to deal with the unavoidable sources of errors.
In research, further development and optimization of data and information collection is our goal, and this refers to both to production forestry (wood and non-wood forest products, biomass and carbon) and to conservation (indicators of biodiversity, monitoring of protected areas, habitat suitability analysis).
Prof. Dr. Christoph Kleinn |
Room 1.117 | +49 [0]551 39-23473
Office hours: by appointment
Administration / Secretariat:
Silvia Wagner |
Room 1.113 | +49 [0]551 39-23472
Office Hours: | Monday to Friday | 09 a.m. - 12 a.m. |
Wednesday | No office hours |