Current PhD-Projects

Julia Rosa
Costs and benefits of diversified farming systems (since 2015)

Hagen Andert
Ecosystem process rates along a marine-terrestrial gradient (since 2014)

Lisa Brünjes
Ecologically sustainable increase and stabilization of the grain yield of faba bean by pollination analysis and study of pollinator insects (since 2014)

Hannah Reininghaus
Scale dependence of insect community structure, pollination and biocontrol in urban vs rural landscapes (since 2013)

Kristy Udy
Scale dependence of insect community structure, pollination and biocontrol in urban vs rural landscapes (since 2013)

Selene Escobar Ramirez
Ant communities and their functional roles in coffee agroforestry (since 2013)

Julia Tiede
Aboveground plant-insect interaction webs and associated processes along a
plant diversity gradient (since 2013)

Aliette Bosem Baillod
Landscape scale farmland heterogeneity and biological control services (since 2012)

Annika Haß
Landscape scale farmland heterogeneity and pollination services (since 2012)

Kevin Darras
Functional diversity of birds across tropical rainforest transformation, Sumatra (since 2012)

Lisa Denmead
Functional diversity of ants across tropical rainforest transformation, Sumatra (since 2012)

Fernando Augusto Schmidt
Ameisengemeinschaften in verschiendenen räumlichen Ausmaßen, Vegetationstypen und Landnutzungen (seit 2009)