Company Perspective

From: VDL-Professionals Association (VDL-Bundesverband (2014)). "Technical and Management Needs in the Agricultural Sector" Survey and analysis in the Agricultural Sector.

How will demand for labour in the agricultural sector develop in the future?

In the agricultural sector, particularly in state institutions, associations, and organizations including the agricultural Chamber, and public service, a high proportion of the workforce is over 50 years of age. Due to this, the demand for labour in these areas of the agricultural sector will increase in the coming years.

Development requirements

More than half of companies currently see the search for specialist and managerial roles critically and forecast no improvement of the situation. Within state institutions, associations and organizations, a lack exists in the number of skilled employees in the following areas:

  • Teaching,
  • Information Technology and
  • Research.

The risk that the lack of skilled employees is considered to be lower than that of Accountancy and Controlling.

The companies in the Agricultural Sector will, in the future, see a deficit in the following areas of work:

  • Internal & External Sales,
  • Production and
  • Research & Development.

What do companies expect from applicants?

Companies find personal, social, communicative and technical-methodological competencies along with self-organisation especially important in applicants. Practical and work experience are listed as the next most important aspects in applicants.

The expectations of companies on the practical experience are mostly filled by applicants, whereas the aforementioned soft skills and competencies tend not to be satisfactory.

What inadequacies do companies see in higher education?

Companies see potential for improvement in many areas on part of the universities and higher education institutes. An increased focus on skills such as economic thinking, personell management, practical application and teamwork should be implemented to the benefit of students.

Recommendations for Universities